Structure of the Level Project


In order to realize the project objectives through cooperation between all participants involved in across disciplines and across phases, and to support them structurally and technically, a specific organizational structure was created.

Disciplinary Cluster Groups

Four disciplinary cluster groups (interdisciplinary educational sciences, languages, natural sciences & mathematics, social sciences & history) are located within the Goethe University. There, lecturers and researchers of related subjects cooperate with school teachers and the instructors of the teacher training colleges to develop and implement innovations in teaching. Also, within these groups the accompanying research is realized and the cooperation in teaching and research is coordinated.

Central Concomitant Infrastructural Unit

The participants designing and implementing innovative teaching and learning formats, are supported by collegiate didactic accompaniment from theInterdisciplinary College for University Teaching & Learning(IKH), e.g. with workshops tailored to their issues as well as a central evaluation of the didactic concepts offered.

The research within the Level project, particularly in the form of dissertations, is sponsored with suitable offers from the Graduate School, the GRADE Center Education, like its series of lectures or workshops on scientific methods.

The project participants are trained in the application of the digital video platform VIGOR and advised concomitantly by the university’s eLearning institute studiumdigitale. A work group at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training (ABL), the central teacher training institution of the Goethe University, produces and edits videos of lessons and educational situations, taking into account methodological and technical aspects.Also located at the ABL are the overall project management, the central project coordination and the administration.

Theme-specific focus groups

As an additional format of interdisciplinary cooperation on issues of general relevance in the project context, topic-specific focus groups were set up. These groups pursue programs coordinated with the project community but managed in the fine-tuning itself which are implemented with various project participants. The following focus groups are currently available:

The focus group data collection survey summarizes experiences and needs on various aspects of the collection of data in the field and, together with the concomitant infrastructural unit of the project, works towards the development of tools and measures.

The focus group digital portfolio develops the foundations for a digital, interdisciplinary portfolio in teacher training and develops a concept for the integration into the study structure as well as an overlapping portfolio concept for the 1st and 2nd phase of teacher training.

The focus group evaluation and quality management cooperates with the concomitant infrastructural unit of the project to the further develop surveys of students and lecturers as part of the central project evaluation and promotes a project-wide exchange about specific evaluation plans in the subprojects.

The focus group competence assessment and diagnosis deals with the surveying of professional competence in the subprojects, provides an overview of the instruments used in the field of professional teaching perception and initiates project-internal and external co-operation. Project management and quality managementThe central project management is conducted by a coordination group composed of representatives of all project areas and the project management.An evaluation committee was set up to coordinate internal evaluation and quality management, consisting of members of the central coordination group and of evaluation experts from central institutions of the university.As an external body of quality management, a project advisory board composed of scientific experts from the German-speaking countries carries out a critically constructive observation of the implementation of the project in an advisory role.