Passionate life science graduates wanted!

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Dive into the world of biochemistry at Goethe University Frankfurt!

Are you currently completing a bachelor's degree in biochemistry or a related science (e.g. chemistry, biophysics) and looking for an exciting master's programme with good prospects? Are you ready to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of molecules, cells, and biochemical processes? Then you have come to the right place. Unraval the secrets of life with our Master's programme in Biochemistry at the Goethe University Frankfurt!

What makes our MSc Biochemistry so unique?

Our MSc in Biochemistry is a 4-semester, research-based programme taught in English. It builds on our long tradition of teaching and research and covers a wide range of topics (including organismic, cellular and molecular biochemistry, structural biology, neurobiology, virology, tumour biology, microbiology, bioinformatics) and introduces you to the most modern methods for analysing scientific questions. We also use innovative approaches, such as the independent development of research projects, and you can acquire additional skills related to the professional field, such as project management and rhetoric in scientific presentations. Taken together, this provides a broad, interdisciplinary, high-level education.

Join a vibrant academic community where ground-breaking research is happening every day. The University Frankfurt is internationally renowned for its contributions to the field of biochemistry.
Learn from the best in the field! Our faculty members are experts in various areas of biochemistry, from cellular biochemistry, membrane proteins, structural biology, molecular biophysics over membrane proteins to optogenetics. As a student, you'll have the opportunity to work alongside top-notch researchers on projects that push the boundaries of scientific knowledge. And our faculty members are dedicated to providing you with the guidance and support you need to succeed in your academic endeavours. In addition, the MSc Biochemistry integrates the local research environment, including neighbouring faculties (biology, chemistry, pharmacology, medicine) and non-university institutions such as the Max-Planck-Institut for Biophyscis, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs) and industry.
Pursue your personal goals: Our study programme allows you to set your own defined priorities, as flexibility is a key concept: You can tailor your studies to your personal interests and career aspirations by choosing the courses that really interest you from the modules offered in the core area. Set your own priorities in Cellular & Organismic Biochemistry, Molecular Biochemistry and Biochemical Methods. For more information see Course Structure
The elective modules extend the choice from biochemistry to chemistry, biology, pharmacology, patent law, economic sciences etc or choose any module offered by Gothe-University.
Mobility windows during your studies furthermore enable you to integrate external research internships - even abroad.

The small class sizes (max. 40 students) allow for intensive support from our dedicated teaching staff and a very personal atmosphere. Students are always in close contact with their professors and are additionally supported by our very active student council.

Our aim is to provide candidates with the scientific knowledge and professional skills to become independent researchers. Graduates are qualified to continue their studies with a PhD and to begin an (academic) career at a university, in a research institution or to take up employment in diverse areas such as the chemical/pharmaceutical industry, public authorities, business management, marketing, publishing or consultancy. 

Why choose us?

  • Academic excellence & cutting-edge research: Join a prestigious German university renowned for its excellence in teaching. Become part of a vibrant academic community (including the MPI for Biophysics & the Paul Ehrlich Institute) where ground-breaking research is carried out and work alongside top-notch researchers.
  • State-of-the-art facilities & research-oriented training: Gain hands-on experience using the latest methods, technologies and equipment in our state-of-the-art laboratories during intensive practical training.
  • Diverse course content: Choose from a wide range of topics including organismal, cellular & molecular biochemistry, biochemical methods, structural biology, neurobiology, virology, tumour biology, microbiology, bioinformatics, and optogenetics.
  • Follow your individual focus: In the core and elective areas you can freely choose your modules. The elective modules extend the choice beyond biochemistry to chemistry, biology, pharmacology, patent law, economic sciences etc.
  • Innovative approaches, such as developing your own research projects
  • Mobility window for research internships – also abroad
  • Small class sizes allow for individual support & a personal atmosphere: Receive personalized guidance from our dedicated faculty and staff members who are committed to helping you succeed. Whether you need academic advice, career guidance or assistance with research projects, we're here to support you every step of the way.
  • Dynamic learning environment: Immerse yourself in a dynamic and supportive learning environment where creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration are encouraged. Whether you're conducting experiments or engaging in lively discussions with fellow students, you'll be inspired to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
  • Excellent career opportunities
  • Free "Starter Kit" - containing lab coat and saftey googles - for every student at the faculty 

Your future in biochemistry awaits - apply now!

Take the next step towards a rewarding career in biochemistry by applying to our Master's programme. 
We are looking forward to receiving your application and welcoming you at Goethe University Frankfurt!

For further details on admission and application

What previous knowledge should I have?

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The Master in Biochemistry builds consecutively on the 6-semester Bachelor's degree course in Biochemistry at Goethe University Frankfurt. In addition to solid basic knowledge in the fields of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, the Bachelor's program teaches the molecular basics of fundamental biological processes, chemical reactions and interactions in cells. The focus here is on cellular biochemistry, structural biology and biophysical chemistry. In addition to this basic scientific training, current biochemical, cell biological and biophysical methods are taught. Solid knowledge in these areas is therefore desirable.

A specific requirement for admission to the Master's degree program in Biochemistry - Molecular & Cellular is that you have acquired at least 20 CP in courses from the field of Biochemistry (1) or Biophysical Chemistry/Physical Chemistry/Biophysics (2) in your Bachelor's degree program. However, at least 5 CP must be earned in each of the areas (1) and (2). For further details see here.