Prof. Dr. Esther Rinke

Prof. Dr. Esther Rinke


Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Romanische Sprachen und Literaturen
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
D-60629 Frankfurt am Main

Room: IG 6.215
Tel.: (0049)69/798-32033


Research topics

Grammar of Romance languages, diachronic linguistics, language contact and multilingualism, syntactic variation, language acquisition.

Positions and functions:

  • Full professor of Ibero-Romance Linguistics (Spanish and Portuguese)
  • Member of the faculty council of faculty 10
  • Deputy member of the Academic Senate of Goethe University
  • Spokesperson of the Grade Center 'Language"
  • Eligibility to examine: BA "Romanistik"
  • Eligibility to examine: MA "Linguistics"; MA Deutsch-Portugiesische Studien/Estudos Luso-Alemães (DPS/MELA)
  • Eligibility to examine: "Lehramtsstudiengang Spanisch (L3)"

Nominee in 2013 for the "1822 University prize for excellent teaching"

Multilingualism as reason and consequence of language change: the historical syntax of Romance languages, funded by      the German Science Foundation (DFG), (2009-2011)
"Synchronic and diachronic analyses of Italian and Portuguese relative clauses",  funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG), (2012-2014)
"Clitic doubling across Romance", funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG), (2014-2016)
“Português como Língua de Herança e mudança linguística"/"Portuguese as heritage language and language change", Fundação Para a Ciência e Tecnologia, coordinator Prof. Dr. Cristina Flores, Universidade do Minho, Braga)
"The relative clause cycle: towards an explanation of the variation in Italian and Portuguese relative clauses" (as part of the Research Group "Relative clauses", 2014-2017; project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG))
Research Training Group "Nominale Modifikation (funded by the German Research Foundation, DFG; 2019-)
Digitalisation of the Master 'German Portuguese Studies' (DAAD, 2021-)
"Evolve", funded by the DFG (2022-)