Vorträge / Talks

(seit/since 2015)

(with Daniel Weingärtner and Cristina Flores) "Connecting heritage languages and diachronic change: null objects in different varieties of Portuguese", Variation and Language Processing 6 (VALP6), Vigo, June 2024.

(with Nelli Kerezova) "Factors conditioning anaphoric resolution of null objects in European Portuguese", APL, Covilhã, October 2023.

"Cross-linguistic influence of German V2? Investigating Brazilian Portuguese – German bilingual's acceptance of subject inversion in BP", Lisbon Festschrift for Mary Kato, Lisbon, May 2023

"Why some linguistic structures are more challenging than others for bilingual speakers. Identifying different types of linguistic complexity", International Conference on Multilingualism and Language Acquisition, University of Helsinki, March 9-10 2024.

(with Cristina Flores and Jacopo Torregrossa) “What modulates the acquisition of difficult structures in a heritage language? A study on Portuguese in contact with French, German and Italian", Heritage Language Consortium seminar series, December 2022.

 “Why some linguistic structures are more challenging than others for bilingual speakers. Identifying different types of linguistic complexity", invited talk, Heritage Language Syntax 3, University of Paris 8 and Inalco, October 20-21, 2022.

 (with Cristina Flores) “A bi-generational corpus investigation on factors constraining subject expression in European Portuguese spoken in Germany", Congreso Internacional de Corpus Diacrónicos en Lenguas Iberoromanicas, Venice, October 5-7 2022.

"Animacy effects in null object constructions in European Portuguese: experimental evidence and structural analysis", Invited keynote talk, Congresso Internacional em Sintaxe. Homenagem à Professora Doutora Ana Maria Brito, Universidade do Porto, July 15, 2022.

"The emergence of the Portuguese inflected infinitive as a complement of causative verbs:
Reconsidering the impact of the Latin AcI", Invited keynote talk, CUP (Syntactic Conferences at the University of Palermo) 2022 on 'The Syntax of Causative, Perception and Restructuring Verbs in Romance and Latin', May 27, 2022.

(with/mit Aldona Sopata and Cristina Flores), "The acquisition of direct objects by Polish heritage bilinguals in contact with German", HLAW University of Lisbon, May 19, 2022.

"Which factors determine heritage speaker's linguistic knowledge? Evidence from Portuguese heritage speakers living in Germany", Invited talk, Universität zu Köln, November 02, 2021.

(with/mit Cristina Flores, Jacopo Torregrossa and Maria de Lurdes Gonçalves), "The role of type of structure, input variables and cross-linguistic effects in the performance on a cloze-test by heritage Portuguese children in Switzerland", Third Experimental Portuguese Linguistics Workshop, University of Toronto, April 23 and 24, 2021.

„Does animacy matter for the realization of null objects in European Portuguese? Evidence from monolingual and bilingual language acquisition and use“, Invited Keynote talk, International meeting on “Null objects from a crosslinguistic and developmental perspective“, University of Minho, January 29, 2021.

"Object clitics and null objects in heritage Portuguese in Germany: evidence from experimental and corpus studies", Invited keynote talk, Vienna workshop on Portuguese Linguistics 'Emprical Research on Portuguese', December 11-12, 2020.

(mit/with Sanja Srdanović), “Possessive pronouns do not c-command out of the noun phrase in Serbian", Slavic Linguistic Society Meeting, 5th September, 2020.

(mit/with Aldona Sopata & Cristina Flores), "Expressão do objeto em Português e Polaco língua de herança em contacto com o alemão", XXXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, Braga (Portugal), 10.10. 2019.

(mit/with Cristina Flores & Valerie Horn), "Variação dialetal na perceção das vogais centrais [a] e [ɐ] do Português Europeu", XXXV Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, Braga (Portugal), 11.10. 2019.

(mit/with Aldona Sopata & Cristina Flores): "The acquisition of objects by Portuguese and Polish heritage bilinguals in contact with German", Gala 14, Milano, University Milano-Bicocca, 12.09.2019.

(mit/with Cristina Flores & Valerie Horn),"Dialectal variation in European Portuguese central vowel perception", Poster at P&P, September 2019, Uni Düsseldorf.

How to identify effects of cross-linguistic influence in heritage bilinguals?, Invited talk, University Tromsø, 20. Mai 2019.

(mit/with Sanja Srdanović), "The referential properties of Serbian possessive constructions: clitics vs. strong pronouns"; Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 28, 3rd -5th May, 2019, Stony Brook University.

"How to identify cross-linguistic influence or contact-induced language change? Some suggestions", Invited talk, Workshop of the Research Unit Emerging Grammars (RUEG), University of Mannheim, 4.4.2019.

"Object clitics in Portuguese heritage bilinguals: how research on bilingualism informs linguistic theory", XXII. Hispanistentag, FU Berlin, 29.03.2019.

(mit/with Cristina Flores & Aldona Sopata), "Heritage Portuguese and Heritage Polish in contact with German. More evidence on the production of objects", Adam-Mickiewicz-University Poznán, March, 7 2019.

"O infinitivo flexionado como complemento de verbos causativos – uma abordagem diacrônica", Jornadas interuniversitárias de jovens linguístas, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 5 e 6 de decembro de 2018.

"Cross-linguistic influence in heritage bilinguals – a critical discussion", Invited Keynote  talk, 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Linguistic Theory (CIALT-2), Humboldt Universität Berlin, 25 October 2018.

„Spracherwerbsforschung und linguistische Theoriebildung. Erkenntnisse aus dem monolingualen und bilingualen Erstspracherwerb der romanischen Sprachen.“ Invited talk, University of Vienna, 27 November 2017.

(mit/with Judith Wieprecht). “Clitic Doubling in Basque Spanish. The role of language contact in the individual speaker“, XXXV Romanistentag, Universität Zürich, Oktober 2017.

(mit/with Cristina Flores) „Pronominal resolution in Portuguese-German and Portuguese-Spanish bilingual speakers.", Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (Gala 13), University of Mallorca, 8 September 2017. 

“Clitic doubling in Basque Spanish: the role of language contact in the individual speaker", International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB 11), University of Limerick, Juni 2017.

(mit/with Cristina Flores) “Another look on pronominal resolution in bilingual speakers. Evidence from Portuguese-German and Portuguese-Spanish bilingual speakers", International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB 11), University of Limerick, Juni 2017.

(mit/with Cristina Flores,Pilar Barbosa) “Null Objects in Heritage Portuguese", GLOW Workshop on Heritage Language Knowledge and Acquisition, 14.3.2017.

(mit/with Cristina Flores, Pilar Barbosa) “Null objects in the speech of adult Portuguese-German bilinguals", Workshop for Tammer Castro's defence, 25.11.2016, Universität Tromsø.

(mit/with Martin Elsig, Judith Wieprecht, Mareike Neuhaus) "Comparing Peninsular and Argentinian Spanish: results of the corpus study", Final Workshop of the DFG-Project 'Clitic Doubling across Romance', 3.-4.11.2016, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.

(mit/with Judith Wieprecht) "Doubling in Basque Spanish", Final Workshop of the DFG-Project 'Clitic Doubling across Romance', 3.-4.11.2016, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.

(mit/with Judith Wieprecht): “Clitic doubling in Basque Spanish: the role of language contact in the individual speaker", Workshop on “Language Contact from an I-language perspective", Donostia-San Sebastián, 27.-28. Oktober 2016.

(mit/with Elisabeth Aßmann): “Relative que as a D-element in European Portuguese", Poster at Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2016, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 07.-09.10.2016.

(mit/with Cristina Flores) „The interpretation of overt and null pronominal subjects in Portuguese-German heritage bilinguals", 20.09.2016., Workshop on Heritage Language Acquisition: Breaking New Ground in Methodology and Domains of Inquiry, Tromsø, Norway.

"Deutsch-Portugiesischer Sprachkontakt: Spracheneinfluss und Sprachwandel bei Herkunftssprechern", invited talk, Universität Konstanz, 07.07.2016.

“A aquisição do português em contacto com o alemão em contexto de migração", invited talk, University of Braga, 20.05.2016.

“Synchronie und Diachronie der klitischen Dopplung im Spanischen“, invited talk, University of Vienna, 01.03.2016.

“What heritage bilinguals and adult second language learners know about variation in the pronominal system of European Portuguese", Workshop on “Syntactic and semantic complexity in acquisition", University of Frankfurt, 30.9.2016,

(mit/with Elisabeth Aßmann): “The internal and external syntax of restrictive relative clauses with que in European Portuguese", XXXI Encontro nacional da associação portuguesa de linguística, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 28.-30. Oktober 2015.

“As posiҫões do sujeito no português antigo"/"The positions of subjects in Old Portuguese", “Gallaecia III, Universität Santiago de Compostela, Simpósio sobre “Gramática, Variaҫão e Mudanҫa", 28.07. 2015.

(mit/with Cristina Flores): „Input-related factors and crosslinguistic influence: comparing heritage and L2 speakers of European Portuguese", International symposium on Bilingualism, Rutgers University New Brunswick, 23.05.2015.

(mit/with Cristina Flores, Pilar Barbosa): „Input effects across generations. The realization of objects in 1st and 2nd generation speakers of European Portuguese in Germany", Bilingualism in the Hispanic and the Lusophone World, January 15 2015, Leiden University.