Zhuang Wei


01/2012-12.2012: Visiting scholar in the Institute for European History at University Mainz, Germany
Since 10/2010:Ph.D. candidate in the Institute for English and American Studies at Goethe-University Frankfurt Germany (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Astrid Erll)
09.2007-03.2010: M.A. in German Studies at Zhejiang University, China
09.2003-06.2007: B.A. in German Studies at Zhejiang University, China

Research Interests:
Transcultural and plurimedial memory studies, Exile studies, Critical discourse analysis.

Dissertation Project:
Das jüdische Exil in Shanghai (1933-1949): zu plurimedialen und transkulturellen Dynamiken seiner Erinnerungskulturen.
(The Jewish Exile in Shanghai 1933-1949: on the plurimedial and transcultural dynamics of its memory cultures).

Oral presentations / Papers at conferences:
1. Karlstad, Juni 2011: Plurimedial and Transnational Memories of the Jewish Exile in Shanghai (1933-1949), at the Summer School of the Nordic Network of Memory Transnational Cultural Memory, Karlstad University, Sweden
2. Hangzhou, Juni 2011: Zur Repräsentation, Formation und Transformation des Wissens in Erinnerungskulturen des jüdischen Exils in Shanghai (1933-1949), at the international conference Theorien zum Wissen und Forschungsmodelle der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, Zhejiang University, China
3. Frankfurt, Oktober 2011: Ghoya, eine Erinnerungsfigur des jüdischen Exils in Shanghai in plurimedialen
Repräsentationen, at the international conference Literatur und Exil. Neue Perspektiven, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany

1. „Ein Tyrann und Anarchist in ‚Professor Unrat’ von Heinrich Mann.“ In: Journal of Social Sciences of Guizhou, 2009 (6), 37-42.(《一个暴君和无政府主义者》。载于:《贵州社会科学》增刊,2009年第六期,37-42)
2. “Interpretation of Needham’s Puzzle from a Religious-cultural Perspective.” In: Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), 2009 (4), 317-318 (《<李约瑟难题>的宗教文化性视角阐释》。载于:《内蒙古农业大学学报》,2009年第四期,317-318)
3. „Kritik an der unterhaltungsorientierten Kulturindustrie – am Beispiel der Fernsehshow ‚Super Girl’“ In: Forschung der germanistischen Linguistik und Literatur. Uliyanovsk: Press of Ulyanovsk State Technical University, 2008. 11-16.
4. „Interpretation of the Poem ‘Zither’ of Li Shangyin from a Hermeneutical Perspective.” In: Journal of Anhui Literature, 2008 (9),79-82.(《阐释学视野下的<锦瑟>赏析》。载于:《安徽文学》,2008年第九期,79-82)

Review of: Irene Eber: Voices from Shanghai. Jewish Exiles in Wartime China. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2008. (H-Soz-u-Kult, 29/08/2011; http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/rezensionen/2011-3-115)

1.  Member of the Goethe Graduate School (GRADE);
2. Co-founder (with Prof. Dr.Astrid Erll and Maria Hüren) of the study group “Interdisziplinäre Gedächtnisforschung” (Interdisciplinary Memory Studies) at the Forschungszentrum für Historische Geisteswissenschaften (FZHG), Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
3. Member of the Research colloquium “Transculturality in the English-Speaking World” (chaired by Prof. Dr. Astrid Erll and Prof. Dr. Frank Schulze-Engler, NELK Frankfurt)

E-Mail: Zhuangwei2006@gmail.com