Erziehungswissenschaft (Master of Arts)
(Educational Science)

Conditions of admission


Course content and focus areas 

The master's degree program in “Educational Science” (hereinafter: Master of Educational Science) expands the bachelor's degree program, as it conveys a pluralistic and critical understanding of educational science. Educational science in Frankfurt has a long tradition and the term “Frankfurt School” is inextricably linked to names such as Martin Buber, Theodor W. Adorno and Juergen Habermas.

The Master of Educational Science creates a balance between educational tradition and innovation. The course of study aims to qualify graduates for scientific research and to further develop their professional skills. The Master of Educational Science is a thematically "broad" educational science, research-oriented master's degree program with the possibility of setting an individual focus during the course of study.

Within the master's program, the discussion of social differences is a central anchor point that occurs repeatedly across modules. The term difference is defined very broadly in the sense of the Frankfurt tradition and addresses not only forms of social inequality, but also differences that arise with respect gender, migration, age or, for example, disability.

The Master of Educational Science has a strong research orientation, which is reflected in the cross-subject methodological training and the work on projects in various modules. It qualifies students for reflective educational thinking. However, it also offers a wide range of opportunities for individual profile development in relation to pedagogical fields of activity in order to meet the requirements of educational professionalism in later professional practice. Due to the close integration of scientific and professional field orientation within the course of study, graduates have a broad thematic, professional field and research-related individual profile after completing the Master's course.

NEW! From the winter term 2024/2025 there will be the possibility of a stronger international orientation of the studies as part of the pilot phase of the International Track of the Master of Education.

Detailed information

Information from the department
Study regulations

Degree Master of Arts in Educational Science
Duration The standard length of study for the Master of Arts is 4 semesters. 
Languages of instruction German
Start of the programme The program starts at the beginning of the winter and summer semester.
Student advisory service Dr. Birte Egloff and Dr. Mandy Röder

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Conditions of admission

Admission requirements
  • Anyone who has completed the Bachelor's degree in educational science or an equivalent course of study at a university, a university of applied sciences or a foreign university with a duration of the course of study of at least six semesters and a scope of at least 180 credit points can be admitted to the Master’s course if the following conditions are met: At least 7.0 grade points as a weighted average from the grade of the first professional qualification (60 %) and the motivation letter (40 %).

    The examination committee decides on the suitability for the master's program due to the overall grade of the previous academic degree (into the weighted overall rating at 60 %). The conversion of the final grade into grade points takes place according to this key:

    1,0 to 1,5                   10 points
    1,51 to 2,0                  9 points
    2,01 to 2,3                  8 points
    2,31 to 2,5                  7 points
    2,51 to 2,6                  6 points
    2,61 to 2,7                  5 points
    2,71 to 2,8                  4 points
    2,81 to 2,9                  3 points
    2,91 to 3,0                  2 points
    over 3,0                      1 point

  • The examination committee also decides on the suitability for the master's program due to a written self-explanation (letter of motivation; into the weighted overall rating with 40 %). The written self-explanation should be addressed to the examination committee of the Department of Educational Science and provide the following information:

    a) professional suitability (priorities, qualifications)
    b) Motivation for the course (technical-scientific perspectives)
    c) Personal goals and desired professional perspectives (or professional intentions)

    The motivation letter should comprise 400 to 500 words and must be attached to the application.

    The motivation letter is evaluated as follows:

    very good           10 points
    good                   8 points
    satisfactory          6 points
    passed                4 points
    poor                    1 point
  • Please also note the FAQs for the master's degree in educational science.

  • Here you can use a flowchart to check whether an application for the Master's of educational science is promising in your individual case!

Provisional admission The Bachelor’s thesis must be either completed or about to be completed, and a letter of recommendation from the thesis advisor must be submitted. Provisional admission is valid until the end of the first semester of the master’s program. The bachelor’s degree must thus be handed in by March 31 (winter intake) or September 30 (summer intake) the latest.
Mode of admission Admission is not restricted. 
In the process of the aptitude assessment you need a weighted average of at least 7.0 from the grading of the first professional qualification based on the transcript of Records (60 %) and the letter of motivation (40 %).

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Documents to be submitted
  • if you are not already enrolled at Goethe-University Frankfurt:
    - a university entrance qualification (e.g. A-Levels)
  • Bachelor’s degree certificate
  • if the Bachelor's degree has not yet been completed:
    - a transcript of records or equivalent document listing the content of the study programme and average grade
    - proof of current enrollment in the bachelor programme
  • letter of motivation
  • Declaration of bachelor degree courses (Download)
  • if the first degree was obtained at an international higher education institution:
    certificate of German language skills. See here for more information about the required German language skills.
  • APS certificate for applicants from India, Vietnam and China (original)

You may need to submit other documents depending on your country of origin and your previous education. Please see the general information about applying for a Master’s degree.

For more information please check our FAQs.

Application period 01.06. - 31.07. for the winter semester
01.12. - 31.01. for the summer semester 
Address for applications Online application portal for the Master’s programs 

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