Social conflicts are unavoidable, but they do not make it impossible for human beings to live together. But how can we be certain that conflicts will not escalate, that the other parties will abide by the rules, that institutions will protect us against transgressions and that the social world as a whole is sufficiently stable so that we can orient our actions in it in meaningful ways? The answer to these questions is trust. Trust creates a form of 'insecure security' that can never be fully redeemed and yet it holds the secret of social cooperation. But how is trust being formed, what are its sources?

As a joint research initiative between Goethe University and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, ConTrust will adopt a different approach to the dominant trends in research on conflict and trust. Firstly, it is not based on the assumption that the notion of trust is opposed to that of conflict, but instead that trust only manifests itself, takes shape and demonstrates its value in conflict: trust in and through conflict. Secondly, the initiative aims to develop methodologies which transcend conventional disciplinary boundaries of research on trust and conflict, as well as the gulf separating empirical and normative analyses. Thirdly, the research of the initiative will frame the 'question of trust' as one that enquires into new qualities of uncertainty (and insecurity) which did not become apparent for the first time in the corona pandemic (but there especially). This includes reflection on the changing media in which trust and mistrust are communicated and constituted and conflicts are represented. Fourthly, in contrast to the majority of alternative approaches, its research will make it clear that the notion of trust should not be viewed in an exclusively positive light. Rather, trust can also assume authoritarian forms which are politically destructive and deny freedom. Finally, the project aims to draw practical conclusions concerning possibilities of shaping conflicts to promote productive ways of generating and stabilizing trust. Fostering dialogue with society is thus integral to our research.

These assumptions and intentions will inform our joint, interdisciplinary empirical and normative research on the dynamics of trust in central conflict situations, ranging from democratic structures to international politics, markets, discourses of knowledge and the media. Over the next four years, we plan to develop instruments for diagnosing the dynamics of trust and distrust in typical constellations of conflict and to form an international centre for research on trust and conflict. Key measures for achieving this goal will be the targeted recruitment and promotion of outstanding early and mid-career-level researchers to complement and strengthen existing expertise. In addition, the alliance plans to establish several new professorships to enhance the diversity and heighten the profile of research in Frankfurt. The directors of the program, located at the Normative Orders Research Centre of Goethe University Frankfurt, are Prof. Nicole Deitelhoff and Prof. Rainer Forst.


Field of Research: 


Website: Working Group 1


Prof. Dr. Vera King (E-Mail / Website

Spring: April/May-September (latest)
Summer: June-September (latest)
Winter: October-March (latest

Project Description

The working group focuses on how democracies manage conflict in productive ways. It investigates the question how democratic processes and structures enable a positive interplay of trust and mistrust in situations of conflict. The aim of the joint research of the group is to identify components of a specific democratic conception of trust in conflict and to distinguish negative or pathologic forms of political trust from it.


Not specified.


Field of Research: Criminal constitutional law, especially with regard to its (democratic) politicization, the internationalization and Europeanization of criminal justice, and the transformations of existing normative orders by new, especially algorithmically based, technologies

Department: Law, Criminology and Philosophy of Law

Website: Working Group 2


Prof. Dr. Christoph Burchard (E-Mail / Website)

Spring: April/May-September (latest)
Summer: June-September (latest)
Winter: October-March (latest

Project Description

In all systems of political rule, coercion is used to manage conflicts. Against this background, the working group asks how coercion contributes to the production of trust or mistrust in and through conflicts. It studies how selected forms of coercion (legal, military, etc.) stem from positive as well as negative experiences of conflict, impact the course of conflicts, and thus shape trust in and through conflicts over time.


Not specified.


Field of Research: Theory and practice of neoliberalism, conservatism, and the political center-right, as well as the political theory of the European Union.

Department: Political Science

Website: Working Group 3


Prof. Dr. Thomas Biebricher (E-Mail / Website) 

Spring: April/May-September (latest)
Summer: June-September (latest)
Winter: October-March (latest

Project Description

The working group analyzes the complex relationship between trust and economic forms of conflict. While markets are generally seen as a guarantor of economic trust, most decisions are not made in an institutional vacuum, but in the shadow of formal and informal institutions. At the core of the empirical work program of the group are two projects, one on how the COVID-19 pandemic reorders the relationship between the state and the economy and one on how crises transform the gendered division of labor in the household.


Not specified.


Principal Investigators: please refer to the working group website for informatino on PIs.

WebsiteGroup 4 Website

Coordination: Oliver Brückmann


Spring: April/May-September (latest)
Summer: June-September (latest)
Winter: October-March (latest

Project Description

The working group investigates the role of knowledge and knowledge-based institutions (epistemic authorities) in the emergence of trust and mistrust in social conflicts. Knowledge about the preferences of others, as well as about the social and natural world, is an essential resource for managing conflict productively. Where knowledge is shared, trust emerges and stability is generated. However, this stabilization itself depends on epistemic trust, the exact form and role of which remains to be determined through the research of the group.


Not specified.


Field of Research: political media aesthetics and affect.

Department: Social Sciences, Political Science

Website: Working Group 5


Prof. Dr. Vinzenz Hediger (E-Mail)

Prof. Dr. Johannes Völz (E-Mail / Website

PD Dr. Pavan Malreddy  (E-Mail / Website

Spring: April/May-September (latest)
Summer: June-September (latest)
Winter: October-March (latest

Project Description

The working group investigates how media in pluralistic societies create trust and mediate conflict and reflect these processes at the same time. Taking into account the increasing pervasiveness of digital media, the working group studies the operational and aesthetic aspects of mass media (press, TV), film and literature, telecommunications, and social media, as well as functional media in law, economics, governance and politics and their formal and informal uses. The methodological approach of the group goes beyond content-, text-, and technology-centered analyses and takes aesthetic, legal and economic factors into account.


Not specified.