Financial Support

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Financial Support

Financial support can be provided to students and, in some cases, to other participants whose financial circumstances would otherwise make it impossible for them to attend the conference. Awards will be made on the basis of the quality of abstracts and a detailed budget of costs (travel, accommodation and registration), by a panel of members of the local organising committee. All applications should be submitted online by 15th April 2023.

Financial support for attending the conference will primarily go to early career researchers – including PhD-students.
Please provide a submission including your CV, a description of the current status of your career and a statement why it is important for you to attend the conference to the following email-address:

We will try to decide as soon as possible. Please note that decisions are dependent on the total number of applications for support and in most cases only can cover parts of your total fees. We would like to advice you to actively try to obtain financial support from other sources as well.