
Prof. Dr. Yonson Ahn Goethe University, Korea Studies
Prof. Dr. Iwo Amelung Goethe University, Sinology
Prof. Dr. Anja Amend-Traut University of Würzburg, Institute for Legal History
Miki Aoyama-Olschina, M.A. Goethe University, Japanology
Prof. Dr. Moritz Bälz, LL.M.(Harvard) Goethe University, Japanese Law and its Cultural Foundations
Karin Betz, M.A. formaly Goethe University, Sinology
Michael Born, B.A. Goethe University, Japanology
Andreas Braun formaly Goethe University, Sinology
Sebastian Biba Goethe University, Political Science with a Focus on Chinese and East Asian Area Studies
Clemens Büttner, M.A. Goethe University, Sinology
Jun.Prof. Elsa Clavé Goethe-Universität, South Asia Studies
Anett Dippner, M.A. formaly Goethe University, Sinology
Katsushige Doi, LL.M. Goethe University, Japanese Law and its Cultural Foundations
Dr. Georg Ebertshäuser Goethe University, Sinology
Prof. Dr. Ingwer Ebsen Goethe University, Law, State u. Administrative Law
Jun. Prof. Dr. Joanna Elfving-Hwang formaly Goethe University, Korea Studies
Kai Enzweiler, M.A. formaly Goethe University, Sinology
Prof. Dr. Marcel Erdal Goethe University, Turkologie
PD Dr. Thomas Feldhoff Goethe University, IZO-Coordination
Sina Frank, Master of Arts Goethe University, Department of Physical Geography
Josephine Friederich, M.A. Goethe University, Institute for Archaeological Sciences
Dr. Peter Ganea Goethe University, MEAS-Coordination
Prof. Dr. Lisette Gebhardt Goethe University, Japanology
Prof. em. Dr. Drs. hc. Peter Gilles Goethe University, Institute of Computational comparisons
Prof. Dr. Arndt Graf Göethe-Universität, South Asia Studies
Ramona Grieb, Dipl.-Kff Goethe University, Institutional and innovation economics, esp. Japan / East Asia
Jun.-Prof. Eike Großmann

Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institute

Laura Gruß, Dipl.-Region.-Wiss. University of Köln, International Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology
Falk Hartig, M.A. Goethe University, Sinology/ AFRASO
Markus Heckel Goethe University, Institutional and innovation economics, esp. Japan / East Asia
Prof. Dr. Heike Holbig Goethe University, Political Science with a Focus on Chinese and East Asian Area Studies
Frauke-Katrin Kandale Goethe University, South Asia Studies/ AFRASO
Hiroki Kawamura Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History
Dr. Lydia Kieven Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Prof. Dr. Michael Kinski Goethe University, Japanology
Prof. Dr. Rainer Klump Goethe University, Economics, Vice President
Prof. em. Dr. Dr. hc. Helmut Kohl Goethe University, Legal Science
Sven Kosel, M.A. ehem. Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Dr. Gabriele Koziol Goethe University, Japanese Law and its Cultural Foundations
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Krause Goethe University, Institute for Archaeological Sciences
Alexandra Landmann, M.A. Goethe University, Religious Studies
Johannes Lejeune Goethe University, Political Science with a Focus on Chinese and East Asian Area Studies
Maximilian Lentz Goethe University, Japanese Law and its Cultural Foundations
PD Dr. Boy Lüthje Institute for Social Research and East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii
Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandra Khor Manickam Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Johanna Mauermann, M.A. Goethe University, Japanology
Susan McEwen-Fial, PhD Universität Mainz, Political Science
Prof. Dr. Ulfrid Neumann Goethe University, Legal Science, Department of Criminal Justice
Joachim Nieß, M.A. Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Prof. Dr. Bernd Nothofer Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Rechtsanwalt Semin O DLA Piper UK LLP
Dr. Tomas Plänkers Sigmund Freud Institute
Elisabetta Ragagnin, M.A. Goethe University; Turkologie
Dietmar Segl, M.A. Goethe University, Institutional and innovation economics, esp. Japan / East Asia
Sebastian Schäfer, Dipl.-Volksw. Goethe University, Institutional and innovation economics, esp. Japan / East Asia
Benjamin Schalke, M.A. Celanese GmbH
Prof. Dr. Thomas Schreijäck Goethe University, Catholic Theology / Intercultural Theology
Prof. Dr. Fritz Schulze Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schumm Institute for Social Research
Dr. des. Hanna Schunka Goethe University, Korea Studies
Prof. Dr. Christian Steineck East Asian Studies at the University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Storz Goethe University, Institutional and innovation economics, esp. Japan / East Asia
Brunhilde Sude Goethe University, Sinology
Dr. Oliver Tappe Max-Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
PD Dr. Tobias ten Brink Institute for Social Research and the Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Markus Thier, M.A. Goethe University, Legal Science
Prof. Dr. Marin Trenk Goethe University, Institute of Historical Anthropology
Mirjam Tröster, M.A. Goethe University, Sinology
Dr. des. Cosima Wagner Goethe University, Japanology
Holger Warnk, M.A. Goethe University, South Asia Studies
Prof. Dr. Bernd Waas Goethe University, Legal Science
Prof. Dr. theol. Edmund Weber Goethe University; Religious Studies
Prof. Dr. Dorothea Wippermann Goethe University, Sinology
Dr. Guido Woldering Goethe University, Japanology

Die Mitgliedschaft im IZO steht interessierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern grundsätzlich offen. Näheres regelt die Ordnung.Für Anträge auf Mitgliedschaft (vgl. §3 der Ordnung) kontaktieren Sie bitte den Koordinator des Zentrums, PD Dr. Thomas Feldhoff.