Presentations & Research Activities

Yonson Ahn

'Care with emotion: Korean nurse ‘guest workers’ in Germany’, Guest lecture at Charles University, Prague, March 29, 2024

'Cared by ‘yellow angels’: Korean nurse ‘guest workers’ in Germany’, Presentation at 15th Korea-China-Japan Joint Conference on Geography, Seoul, SOuth Korea, October 20-22, 2023

'Recent Migration Research Trends in Europe’ Visiting talk at Inha University, Incheon, South Korea, Otctober 17, 2023

'Korean Migration in the Global South, focusing on South Africa’, Keynote speech at 2023 International conference on Multiculture and Education, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, July 19, 2023

'The uncomfortable memory of 'comfort women'', Visiting Talk at University of Philippines, June 16, 2023

'The 2nd Generation Korean Immigrants in Germany', Presentation at Assmiliation & Ethnicity Workshop in Osaka, Japan, May 24-26, 2023

'Digital "Contact Zones" and Cultural Congruence: Korean Webtoon Readers in Germany', Presentation at Creative Korea Conference, University of Bologna, Italy, May 4-5, 2023

'Ambivalent About the Future: South Korean Youth in South Africa', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean Diasporic Youth in the South', online, Februrary 4, 2023

'Maternal Practices of Healthcare Workers in Germany', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean and German Encounters and Interactions, online, January 21, 2023

'Caring with Emotion: Korean Nurses in Germany', online, January 16, 2023

'Landing of Korean Webtoon in Germany', Presentation at 11th World Congress of Korean Studies, South Korea, October 19-21, 2022

'Emotional labour of Korean Migrant Nurses in Germany', Visiting Talk at Inha University, South Korea, June 14, 2022

‘Migrant maternal practices of Korean healthcare workers in Germany’, Presentation at workshop ‚Korean Migration in Europe: Challenges and Interactions’, Online, January 29, 2022

‘Migration Trajectories of Korean Im/migrants in South Africa’, Presentation at workshop ‘Korean Im/migration in the South’, Online, December 4, 2021

‘’Soft and Exotic Angels’ in Contact Zones: Korean Healthcare “Guest Workers” in Germany’, Presentation at the 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Online, August 27, 2021

Nadeschda Bachem

‘Business Novels, Economic Growth and the Role of Japanese Popular Literature in 1970s South Korea’, Presentation at the 9th Conference of Korean Studies in German speaking Countries (VfK), Online, October 2, 2021

‘Japanese spectres: “business novels”, economic growth and the role of Japanese popular literature in 1970s South Korea’, Presentation at 16th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies (EAJS), Online, August, 2021

‘Koloniale Erinnerung in der Literatur japanischer Kriegsrückkehrer:innen nach 1945: Kobayashi Masarus Korea’, Presentation at Geisteswissenschaftliches Kolleg der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Online, September 27, 2021

‘Female Postcolonial Subjectivity and the Spectre of Japan: Multilingualism as a Tool of Resistance Against Homogenising National Narratives in Pak Sunnyŏ’s Ai rŏbŭ yu (I Love You, 1962)’ Presentation at University of Tübingen, Online, July 8, 2021

Tanja Eydam

'South Korean cosmopolitanism in travel variety shows: An overview of travel destinations and show concepts’', Presentation at International Postgraduate Workshop on Korean Studies, Univeristy of Malaga, Spain, February 13, 2024

'Zwischen Stereotyp und Korealiebe? - Die Darstellung Deutscher in der Fernsehsendung "Where is my friend's home?" ' Presentation at the 9th Korean Studies Conference in German-Speaking Countries, Online, October 2, 2021

Yvonne Schulz Zinda

'Kûmgangsan in DPRK film: From The Maid of Kûmgangsan (1959) to Song of Kûmgangsan (1973) and beyond’, Presentation at Korean Studies Conference, University of Vienna, Austria, December 15, 2023

'Cultural Exchange between DDR and DVRK until 1972: A first inside with focus on film’, Presentation at Internationale Konferenz ‚Deutsch-Koreanische Transnationale Beziehungen – Kalter Krieg II‘, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea, September 22-24, 2023

'Belonging to Kûmgangsan in North Korean film', Presentation at international workshop Belonging in South and North Korean popular culture: diverse perspectives, University of Hamburg, Germany, August 30-31, 2023

'Early DPRK-GDR Cultural Relationships Regarding Film Import/Export', Research Visit to Bundesarchiv Berlin Lichterfelde February 13-15, 2023

'The Past, Present and Future of Korean Studies in Germanz', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean and German Encounters and Interactions, online, January 20, 2023

'Die Kulturellen Beziehungen zwischen der DDR und der DVRK in der Frühen Phase des Sozialistischen Aufbaus bis 1959', Presentation at Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreastudien (VfK) e.V. im deutschsprachigen Raum (Conference of Korean Studies in German Speaking Countries) at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Octbober 7-8, 2022

'Korean Studies at and Early DPRK-GDR Cultural Relationships (1950-1959)', Research Visit at Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, September 12-15, 2022

‘Love is in the air. North Korean visualization of love between the sexes’, Presentation at Korean Screen Culture Conference, Online, December, 2021

‘Winning the Korean War from the Perspective of Early North Korean films’, Presentation at 30th AKSE conference, October 30, 2021

Katharina Süberkrüb

'Korean and European perspectives on 19th century Chosŏn culture: Kyŏngdo chapchi versus ethnographic collections’, Presentation at 2023 International conference on Multiculture and Education, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, July 19-20, 2023

'Ontology of Korean cultural heritage: Gisan genre paintings in Europe as a case study', Presentation at Association for Korean Studies in Europe (AKSE) Conference, Kopenhagen, Denmark, June 23, 2023

'German Trends in Collecting Korean Material Culture Towards the End of the Chosŏn Dynasty', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean and German Encounters and Interactions, online, January 20, 2023

‘Koreanische Exportmalerei aus der späten Joseon-Dynastie: Gisan Genrebilder als Kulturvermittler in europäischen Sammlungen’ (‘Korean Export Paintings from the Late Joseon Dynasty: Gisan Genre Paintings as Cultural Mediators in European Collections’), Visiting Talk at Freie University Berlin, Germany, November 22, 2022

'Diplomacy and Objects in European Collections of Korean Art(i)facts: Export Paintings', Presentation at Advanced Topics in Digital Korean Studies International Symposium & Project Incubation at University of Copenhagen, Denmark, June 26, 2022

‘Tracing Transcultural Influences on Late Joseon Collections in European Ethnographic Museums: Opportunities for Digital Humanities in Provenance Research’, Presentation at Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Online, March 25, 2022

Ruixin Wei

'Familiar Strangers: ”The Ethnic Boundary-Making/Unmaking by Korean Chinese’', Presentation at Association for Asian Studies 2024, Seattle, Washington, March 14-17, 224

‘Familiar Strangers: ”The Ethnic Boundary-Making/Unmaking by Korean Chinese’, Presentation at International Postgraduate Workshop on Korean Studies, Univeristy of Malaga, Spain, February 13, 2024

'The Ethnic Boundary-Making/Unmaking of Korean Chinese Youth in the Consumption of Korean Popular Culture’, Presentation at 6th Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, November 10-11, 2023

'Middling student mobility: the Shifting Migration Infrastructures of Chinese Students Studying in South Korea’, Presentation at Annual conference of German Association for Social Science Research on Japan, Berlin, Germany, November 3-5, 2023

'Transnational Childhoods Between Hometown and Homeland: A Case Study on Children from Korean Chinese Transnational Families’, Presentation at German Association for Asian Studies, University of Rostock, Germany, September 14-16, 2023

‘Identity grafting for inter-ethnic communication: The Managing of Ethnic Distinctions among Korean Chinese Students on a Multi-ethnic Campus’, Presentation at 2023 International conference on Multiculture and Education, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, July 19-20, 2023

'Youth and Migration', Guest Lecture at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, December 7, 2022

'Education and Migration', Guest Lecture at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, November 23, 2022

‘Capitalizing on Mobility: A Positional Competition Perspective on Chinese Students Studying in South Korea’, Presentation at 9th Conference of Korean Studies in German speaking Countries (VfK), October,1, 2021

Jihye Kim

'Korean Studies: Developments and Challenges’, Presentation at International Postgraduate Workshop on Korean Studies, Univeristy of Malaga, Spain, February 13, 2024

'Ethnic Churches and Second-Generation Korean Brazilians in São Paulo’, Presentation at 6th Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, November 10-11, 2023

'Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Rising Popularity of Korean Cuisine: Korean Restaurant Businesses in Frankfurt’, Presentation at German Association for Asian Studies, University of Rostock, Germany, September 14-16, 2023

'Ethnic Churches and Second-Generation Korean Brazilians in São Paulo', Presentation at 10th Korean Studies Workshop, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 5-7, 2023

'Korean restaurant businesses in Germany, their migration journey and Korean popular culture influences', fieldwork in Germany, ongoing

'Working for Co-Ethnic Employers: Experiences of Younger-Generation Korean Argentine Employees in the Korean Businesses in Buenos Aires', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean Diasporic Youth in the South', online, February 4, 2023

'Hallyu (Korean Wave) and Korean Restaurant Businesses in Frankfurt', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean and German Encounters and Interactions, online, January 21, 2023

'Korean Restaurant Businesses in Germany', Presentation at 11th World Congress of Korean Studies, South Korea, October 19-21, 2022

'Korean Migration in the West', Visiting Talk at Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, June 27-30, 2022

'Informality and Korean Garment Businesses in Buenos Aires', Fieldwork in Argentina, May-June 2022

Ah-Hyun Angela Lee

'A Comparative Study of the "Comfort Women" Memory in South Korea, Japan and Germany', Fieldwork in South Korea, November 2022 - January 2023

'Racism Experience and Life Satisfaction after COVID-19 among Korean Residents in Germany: The Buffering Role of a Sense of Belonging to German Society', Presentation at Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreastudien (VfK) e.V. im deutschsprachigen Raum (Conference of Korean Studies in German Speaking Countries) at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Octbober 7, 2022

Joohyun Justine Park

'Navigating a ‘Post-study Work’ Pathway: A Qualitative Case Study on Adaptation Vulnerability of Asian Skilled Migrants in Korea’, Presentation at Situations International Conference, Jeju-do, South Korea, Ocotber 20, 2023

'Social Anchoring: Socio-psychological Stability and Future Mobility Intention of Skilled Migrants in Korea’, Presentation at 2023 International conference on Multiculture and Education, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany, July 19-20, 2023

'In Between Korean and New Zealander: Success Beliefs and Well-Being of Korean New Zealand Youth', Presentation at Workshop 'Korean Diasporic Youth in the South', online, February 4, 2023

'Racism Experience and Life Satisfaction after COVID-19 among Korean Residents in Germany: The Buffering Role of a Sense of Belonging to German Society', Presentation at Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreastudien (VfK) e.V. im deutschsprachigen Raum (Conference of Korean Studies in German Speaking Countries) at University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Octbober 7, 2022