Partner Organisations

The Rhine-Main-Universities - represented by Goethe-University Frankfurt

in cooperation with
  • Rhine-Main-Universities (RMU), a strategic Alliance (RMU) of Goethe-University Frankfurt, the University of Mainz and the Technical University Darmstadt
  • various science-policy dialogue initiatives and highly visible policy events in the Rhine-Main area, Berlin, and Brussels as well as virtual events on multidisciplinary issues ranging from Artificial Intelligence, data protection, and health research to biodiversity and sustainability.

  • more than 45,000 students, of which more than 6,900 are international students
  • more than 3,000 doctoral students and more than 3,600 researchers, including about 580 full professors in 16 departments covering natural and life sciences and the humanities and socio-economic sciences
  • Committed to providing excellent conditions for academic teaching and research and facilitating and supporting the continuous dialogue with society

PD Dr Simone Haasler

Deputy Head of Division, Research Support

Tome Sandevski

Head of Policy Engagement Unit, Research Support

Tome Sandevski is the head of the policy engagement unit at Goethe-University Frankfurt, which coordinates the joint policy engagement activities of the Rhine-Main-Universität Frankfurt, Technical University Darmstadt, and Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. He is developing and coordinating dialogue format, which bring together scientists from a various academic disciplines and policymakers from the regional, national, and EU level.  

Andrea Wolf-Dieckmann

Policy Officer in the Policy Engagement Unit, Research Support

Andrea Wolf-Dieckmann is policy officer in the policy engagement unit at Goethe-University Frankfurt and organises the joint policy engagement activities.


Research Support
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 1
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main

Phone: +49 69 798 12132 / 12135

Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC), Spain

  • University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic/UCC; the legal name is Fundació Universitaria Balmes)
  • over 18,000 students (10% international students)
  • over 1,800 academic and research staff 
  • 31 Research Groups and 6 Research and Knowledge Transfer Centers
  • strong commitment to Catalonia - its education system, language and culture – as well as to its regional development, by promoting technological innovation, sustainability and strong cooperation with the world of entrepreneurship
  • BETA Technological Center (BETA TC) was born in November 2014 to give a definitive boost to the R+D+I activity in environmental technologies at UVic-UCC
  • Mission: improve the competitiveness and the quality of life, with a special focus on rural regions, through the promotion and implementation of R+D+I projects in cooperation with companies, public administration and social entities. 
  • Supports the transition to circular bioeconomy of societies with a special focus on agro-food systems by being a useful actor. 
  • 5 research units: Environmental Technologies & Circular Bioeconomy; Applied Ecology & Global Change; Soil & Nutrient Management; Sustainability Accounting and Optimization; Governance for Sustainability.

Ada Domingo Ferrer

Project Manager within the Governance for Sustainability Unit

Ada Domingo Ferrer is a project manager within the Governance for Sustainability unit at the Beta Technological Center of the University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia in Vic, Spain. She completed her master's degree in Geopolitics, Territory and Security at King's College and also holds a degree in International Relations and Foreign Policy from Universitat Ramon Llull.

Victor Carbajal Perelló

Head within the Governance for Sustainability Unit

Victor Carbajal Perelló holds a PhD in Applied Sciences, specialising in Environmental Biogeochemistry. He is currently the head within the Governance for Sustainability Unit at BETA Technological Center (University of Vic/ Central University of Catalonia). He is mainly involved in initiatives that contribute to increasing the impact of research results on the RDI ecosystem.

Enol Nieto Jiménez

Project Manager at the Beta Technological Center

Enol Nieto Jiménez is a project manager at the Beta Technological Center of the University of Vic—Central University of Catalonia, where he also works on Governance for Sustainability. He is a jurist and political scientist (Universidad Autónoma of Madrid), an expert in eco-social transition, and holds an M. Sc. in Latin American Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid.


BETA Technological Center
Futurlab - Can Baumann

Ctra de Roda 70.
08500 Vic, Spain

Phone: +34 93 881 61 68

Universidad de Granada (UGR), Spain

  • founded in 1531
  • public comprehensive research university
  • approximately 56,000 students, 3,600 academics, and 1,900 administrative and support staff
  • 27 Faculties and Schools and 124 Departments offer 62 undergraduate degrees, 106 master's degrees and 28 doctoral programmes organized in three overarching doctoral schools
  • 15 research institutes and over 400 research teams working in all disciplinary fields
  • committed to quality and excellence in education, learning, and research but also to activities targeting the transfer of scientific, technical, and artistic knowledge to society for the benefit of society and a sustainable environment.

Esteban Romero Frías

Professor at the Department of Accountancy and Finance

Esteban Romero Frías is a Professor (Catedrático) at the UGR's Department of Accountancy and Finance. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Accounting. His research works are framed in the topics related to technology, including education, science evaluation, social network analysis and innovation. He has published research works in top journals in Information Science (i.e. Scientometrics, JASIST, JIS), Communication (i.e. Comunicar), Computer Science (i.e. Neurocomputing) and multidisciplinary (Plos ONE).

Since 2015 he is founder and director of Medialab UGR - Research Laboratory for Digital Culture and Society (, at the University of Granada. Currently he is Vice-Rector for Social Innovation, Employability and Entrepreneurship at the University of Granada.

Virginia Rosales

Lecturer at the Department of Applied Economics

Virginia Rosales is Lecturer affiliated to the Department of Applied Economics, University of Granada, Spain. Prof. Rosales received her Ph.D. with honors in Economics from Complutense University of Madrid. 

Her research and teaching concentrate in the areas of Applied Economics, Law and Economics, and Public Policy Analysis.  She has participated in several research projects financed, among others, by the World Bank, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECI) and the Regional Governments of Madrid and Andalucía.

Prof. Rosales has several publications either in national and international journals, where she has used the economic approach to study the effects of the legal framework on individual behavior (micro level analysis), and on the economic development (macro level analysis). 

She also is specialist on the assessment of judicial institutions, focusing in the measurement of courts performance.

Prof. Rosales has been Affiliated Associate at the Center for International Development at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. 

She also has been visiting researcher at the World Bank Institute, the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, and the Institute of Law and Economics at the University of Hamburg.


Espacio V Centenario
Universidad de Granada

Avda. Madrid, 11, 1ª Planta despacho 11
18071 Granada - Spain

+34 652 897 695

Palacký University Olomouc, Czechia

  • eight faculties of UP currently offer BA and MA study programmes
  • more than 200 PhD programmes (51 in English) with 1,407 PhD students 
  • more than 10 Centers of Excellence, libraries with strong support of Open Access policies, and modernized training facilities
  • plays a significant role in the region, being one of the largest employers in the Olomouc Region and the City of Olomouc

Jaroslav Burian

Deputy Head of the Department of Geoinformatics

Jaroslav Burian has been working at the Department of Geoinformatics at Palacký University Olomouc (since 2019 as associate professor, since 2023 also as the deputy head). He teaches geoinformatics in human geography, public administration and spatial planning. 
His scientific focus is primarily on the implementation of geospatial technologies into spatial planning; and analysis, modelling and simulation of the urban environment using quantitative methods. As part of his research and educational activities, he has participated in several research projects, and significantly participates in the cooperation of the academic sector with public administration and the commercial sector.
He is a member of the Czech Association for Geoinformation in the expert group “GIS and Spatial Planning”, and also the member of the expert committee for Smart City and Information Technology of the Statutory City of Olomouc. In the project Jaroslav Burian deals with the issue of open data, ways of publishing and using it in public administration.

Jakub Koníček

Department of Geoinformatics
Jakub Koníček is a researcher at Palacký University Olomouc, specialising in digital cartography, infographics, and graphic design. As part of the Engage Green project, Jakub emphasizes the crucial role of visual communication in conveying policy messages to both public and internal audiences. His work focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of information dissemination to ensure it reaches and resonates with a diverse audience.

Martina Miechová

Project Manager at the Grant Office of the Faculty of Arts

Martina Miechová is a project manager at the Grant Office of the Faculty of Arts, UP. She provides pre-award and post-award support to international projects, with a focus on Horizon Europe and Erasmus+ programmes. Additionally, she is a member of EARMA (European Association of Research Managers and Administrators) and its Czech counterpart CZARMA. Her primary areas of interest include science communication and cross-sectoral cooperation. Within ENGAGEgreen, Martina is responsible for event coordination, administrative support, and financial management for the Palacký University team. Moreover, she manages communication on the project’s X account.


Palacký University Olomouc
Faculty of Science
Department of Geoinformatics

17. listopadu 50
779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic

Phone: +420 585 634 516


Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy

  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice established in 1868 as a Royal Business College
  • 4 main subject areas of teaching and research activities (economics, humanities, languages, and sciences)
  • 23 laboratories and research centres with almost 600 workplaces
  • over 25,000 students, 11,000 new enrolments per year, over 4000 graduates
  • almost 1,200 professors, lecturers, native language teachers, and administrative staff
  • Institute for Global Challenges, a centre for advanced studies, including six individual interdisciplinary Research Institutes focused on societal, economic, and environmental challenges, ensures synergies, resources optimization, and increase research impact

Michele Marzulli, PhD

Associate Professor at the Department of Economics

Michele Marzulli, PhD in Sociology and Research Methodology is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Scientific director of the Social innovation Unit at the Ca’ Foscari Yunus Social Business Centre, he is currently the Department’s delegate for Accessibility, Disability, Inclusion and Gender equality & the University’s delegate for Social inclusion and Social justice in the national academic Network on Sustainability.


Ca` Foscari University
Department of Economics

Cannaregio 873
Fondamenta San Giobbe
30121 Venezia, Italy

Phone: +39 041 234 - 7446 / 6688

The University Lumière Lyon 2, France

  • 50 years old
  • disciplines of education and research in the social and human sciences: Arts, Literature, Languages / Law, Economics, Management / Humanities and Social Sciences / Sciences, Technology, Health
  • 13 faculties and institutes, 32 research laboratories, 1 centre for humanities, involvement in 8 research federations and 7 doctoral schools
  • more than 28,000 students, 600 teachers-researchers and 1,025 doctoral students
  • sensitive to the concerns and issues of society such as gender, education, work, the city, disability
  • innovative activities such as “The Science shop" (since 2013, with local civil society, associations and policy-makers to examine their needs) or “the Incubator Lumière" (developing entrepreneurship skills of students or young graduates through the provision of training and by hosting a project cluster)