Dimitra Spanou

Doktorandin/Stipendiatin in der Arbeitsgruppe Belina

Institut für Humangeographie
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften/Geographie
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, PEG-Gebäude, Raum 2.G067
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Fon: +49 (0)69 798 35194

E-Mail: spanou@geo.uni-frankfurt.de

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Dimitra Spanou is a PhD candidate at the Department of Human Geography since July 2015. She holds a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a Diploma in Architecture, both completed at the National Technical University of Athens. Her broad research interests lie in urban politics and contestation under austerity as well as in feminist critiques of political economy. In particular, her work focuses on the repercussions of the austerity-based management of the crisis on urban realities and the articulation of collective responses from below, as processes that depend on gender, class and other categories that organize subjectivities.

She is member of the editorial committee of the Greek online feminist magazine Φύλο Συκής / fylosykis.gr and of Encounter Athens. Since October 2016 her research is supported by a scholarship from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Spanou, D. (2018). Πολιτικοποιώντας τα βιώματά μας στην εποχή της κρίσης. Η εμπειρία μέσα από το Φύλο Συκής. In: Εννοιολογήσεις και πρακτικές του φεμινισμού. Μεταπολίτευση και ‘μετά’. Ίδρυμα της Βουλής των Ελλήνων. Athens, pp 87-96 (Politicizing our experiences in times of crisis. The experience through Fylo Sykis)

Samarinis Paschalis & Spanou Dimitra (2016). ‚Städtische Krisen‘ und ‚Austerity Urbanism‘ in griechischen und deutschen Städten. Nachbetrachtungen eines gemeinsamen Projekts. In: sub\urban zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung. Band 4, Heft 2/3: 313-320

Koutrolikou Penny & Spanou Dimitra (2013). Το τοπικό ως πεδίο αναδυόμενων κινητοποιήσεων και κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης στο πλαίσιο της σημερινής κρίσης. In: Γεωγραφίες, vol.22 (The local as an arena for emerging mobilizations and solidarity in the context of the current crisis).

Balampanidis Dimitris, Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia, Kalantzopoulou Maria, Koutrolikou Penny, Patatuka Elena, Samarinis Paschalis, Siatitsa Dimitra, Spanou Dimitra, Vatavali Fereniki & Zifou Maria (2012). Οικονομική κρίση και αστικοποίηση: συνέντευξη με τον γεωγράφο Ντέιβιντ Χάρβεϊ. Γεωγραφίες, vol.19. (Economic crisis and urbanization: an interview with David Harvey)

Selected talks and workshops

05.05.2019, Athens | New Feminist Movements in Greece: understanding the crisis through a gender violence perspective. Historical Materialism Athens.(together with Ioulia Livaditi)

19.04.2019, Athens | “Taking care" of the neighborhood during the crisis: an experience from the centre of Athens. 8th ICCG

01.02.2019, Eichstätt | “Taking care" of the neighborhood during the crisis: an experience from Athens. NKG 16.

21.09.2018, Hamburg | “Taking care" of the neighborhood during the crisis. The experience of the Residents' Committee of Exarcheia. Everyday Practices of Solidarity. Relational Learning Under Conditions of Multiple Crises. HCU

20.11.2017, Athens | Πολιτικοποιώντας τα βιώματά μας στην εποχή της κρίσης. Η εμπειρία μέσα από το «Φύλο Συκής». Εννοιολογήσεις και πρακτικές του φεμινισμού. Μεταπολίτευση και «μετά». Hellenic Parliament Foundation. (Politicizing our experiences during the crisis. The experience of “Fylo Sykis").

09.05.2016, Athens | Δρώντας στη γειτονιά. Το παράδειγμα της Επιτροπής Πρωτοβουλίας Κατοίκων Εξαρχείων. “City and the crisis" seminars. School of Architecture, NTUA. (Acting in the neighborhood. The example of the Residents' Committee of Exarcheia)

22.08.2015, Volos | Έμφυλες οπτικές στον αστικό χώρο. 3rd Meeting of Young Architects. SADAS-PEA. (Gender perspectives to urban space).

24.03.2015, Frankfurt/M | From '08 to '11 to '14: Transformations of collective action in the context of the crisis. Towards new 'normalities' in urban everyday life? Talk in the workshop Austerity Urbanism in Greek and German Cities. (with Koutrolikou Penny & Samarinis Paschalis)

07.12.2013, Athens | Crisis regimes and emerging social movements in the cities of Southern Europe. The experience of an international workshop. Talk in the workshop Urban crisis or urban crises? Comparing austerity urbanism, everyday life and resistance in Greek and German cities. (with Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia, Kalantzopoulou Maria, Koutrolikou Penny & Vatavali Fereniki).

17.08.2011, Frankfurt/M | The center of Athens in crisis: in search of critical approaches and alternative practices. Talk in the 6th International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG). (with Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia & Samarinis Paschalis).

Organized workshops and panels

17.06.2019, Frankfurt a.M. | Austerität, soziale Infrastruktur und Alltag. Workshop at Forschungswerkstatt Kritische Geographie. (together with Duveneck A., Wiegand F. and Petzold T.)

02.09.2015, Athens | Challenging Austerity Urbanism. Panel in the 25th INURA Conference. (together with Mullis D. and Samarinis P.)

19.10.2014, Athens | Common action and open assembly for the European Day for Housing Rights. Organized by encounter Athens.

07-09.02.2013, Athens | Crisis regimes and emerging social movements in cities of Southern Europe, organized by encounter Athens, INURA Athens, The Institut de Govern i Polítiques Publiques and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the National Technical University of Athens and funded by a Regional Workshop Award by the Antipode Foundation. http://urbanrise.net/

16.05.2011, Athens | Ποια κρίση στο κέντρο της Αθήνας; Κριτικός λόγος και διεκδικήσεις για μια δίκαιη πόλη. Organized by encounter Athens. (What crisis in the centre of Athens? Critical discourse and claims for a just city).

Spanou, D. (2018). Πολιτικοποιώντας τα βιώματά μας στην εποχή της κρίσης. Η εμπειρία μέσα από το Φύλο Συκής. In: Εννοιολογήσεις και πρακτικές του φεμινισμού. Μεταπολίτευση και ‘μετά’. Ίδρυμα της Βουλής των Ελλήνων. Athens, pp 87-96 (Politicizing our experiences in times of crisis. The experience through Fylo Sykis)

Samarinis Paschalis & Spanou Dimitra (2016). ‚Städtische Krisen‘ und ‚Austerity Urbanism‘ in griechischen und deutschen Städten. Nachbetrachtungen eines gemeinsamen Projekts. In: sub\urban zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung. Band 4, Heft 2/3: 313-320

Koutrolikou Penny & Spanou Dimitra (2013). Το τοπικό ως πεδίο αναδυόμενων κινητοποιήσεων και κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης στο πλαίσιο της σημερινής κρίσης. In: Γεωγραφίες, vol.22 (The local as an arena for emerging mobilizations and solidarity in the context of the current crisis).

Balampanidis Dimitris, Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia, Kalantzopoulou Maria, Koutrolikou Penny, Patatuka Elena, Samarinis Paschalis, Siatitsa Dimitra, Spanou Dimitra, Vatavali Fereniki & Zifou Maria (2012). Οικονομική κρίση και αστικοποίηση: συνέντευξη με τον γεωγράφο Ντέιβιντ Χάρβεϊ. Γεωγραφίες, vol.19. (Economic crisis and urbanization: an interview with David Harvey)

Selected talks and workshops

05.05.2019, Athens | New Feminist Movements in Greece: understanding the crisis through a gender violence perspective. Historical Materialism Athens.(together with Ioulia Livaditi)

19.04.2019, Athens | “Taking care" of the neighborhood during the crisis: an experience from the centre of Athens. 8th ICCG

01.02.2019, Eichstätt | “Taking care" of the neighborhood during the crisis: an experience from Athens. NKG 16.

21.09.2018, Hamburg | “Taking care" of the neighborhood during the crisis. The experience of the Residents' Committee of Exarcheia. Everyday Practices of Solidarity. Relational Learning Under Conditions of Multiple Crises. HCU

20.11.2017, Athens | Πολιτικοποιώντας τα βιώματά μας στην εποχή της κρίσης. Η εμπειρία μέσα από το «Φύλο Συκής». Εννοιολογήσεις και πρακτικές του φεμινισμού. Μεταπολίτευση και «μετά». Hellenic Parliament Foundation. (Politicizing our experiences during the crisis. The experience of “Fylo Sykis").

09.05.2016, Athens | Δρώντας στη γειτονιά. Το παράδειγμα της Επιτροπής Πρωτοβουλίας Κατοίκων Εξαρχείων. “City and the crisis" seminars. School of Architecture, NTUA. (Acting in the neighborhood. The example of the Residents' Committee of Exarcheia)

22.08.2015, Volos | Έμφυλες οπτικές στον αστικό χώρο. 3rd Meeting of Young Architects. SADAS-PEA. (Gender perspectives to urban space).

24.03.2015, Frankfurt/M | From '08 to '11 to '14: Transformations of collective action in the context of the crisis. Towards new 'normalities' in urban everyday life? Talk in the workshop Austerity Urbanism in Greek and German Cities. (with Koutrolikou Penny & Samarinis Paschalis)

07.12.2013, Athens | Crisis regimes and emerging social movements in the cities of Southern Europe. The experience of an international workshop. Talk in the workshop Urban crisis or urban crises? Comparing austerity urbanism, everyday life and resistance in Greek and German cities. (with Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia, Kalantzopoulou Maria, Koutrolikou Penny & Vatavali Fereniki).

17.08.2011, Frankfurt/M | The center of Athens in crisis: in search of critical approaches and alternative practices. Talk in the 6th International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG). (with Chatzikonstantinou Evangelia & Samarinis Paschalis).

Organized workshops and panels

17.06.2019, Frankfurt a.M. | Austerität, soziale Infrastruktur und Alltag. Workshop at Forschungswerkstatt Kritische Geographie. (together with Duveneck A., Wiegand F. and Petzold T.)

02.09.2015, Athens | Challenging Austerity Urbanism. Panel in the 25th INURA Conference. (together with Mullis D. and Samarinis P.)

19.10.2014, Athens | Common action and open assembly for the European Day for Housing Rights. Organized by encounter Athens.

07-09.02.2013, Athens | Crisis regimes and emerging social movements in cities of Southern Europe, organized by encounter Athens, INURA Athens, The Institut de Govern i Polítiques Publiques and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of the National Technical University of Athens and funded by a Regional Workshop Award by the Antipode Foundation. http://urbanrise.net/

16.05.2011, Athens | Ποια κρίση στο κέντρο της Αθήνας; Κριτικός λόγος και διεκδικήσεις για μια δίκαιη πόλη. Organized by encounter Athens. (What crisis in the centre of Athens? Critical discourse and claims for a just city).