Dr Lisa-Maria Brusius


Room: 135, SKW, Campus

Email: brusius@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Research assistant in Ethnomusicology

Bachelor administration

Profil auf Deutsch

Curriculum Vitae

Lisa-Maria Brusius currently teaches ethnomusicology at the Institute of Music. Her PhD research in Ethnomusicology/Anthropology and Music at King’s College London focused on the musical practice of Muslims in Berlin. During her MPhil in Music at the University of Oxford (The Social and Cultural Study of Music), she primarily worked on topics related to sound studies and hip hop culture. Between 2014 and 2019, she served as co-convener of the ‘Berlin Ethnomusicology and the Anthropology of Music Research Group (BEAM)’. She earned her Bachelor degree in the Sociology of Music/Historical Anthropology of Music and History at Humboldt University Berlin with a dissertation on protest songs of the German 1848 March Revolution. During that time, she also studied History and Culture of the Middle East (Islamic Studies) and Political Science at Free University Berlin. She also works for the online journal BLIQ, which offers a critical perspective on how media represent people who experience racism

Research Interests

  • Anthropology of Music
  • Voice and Sound Studies
  • Music and Islam
  • Music and Migration
  • Popular Music (Hip hop)

Current Projects


Selected Publications

forthcoming. „White Voices: Muslim Women Converts, Whiteness and the Recitation of the Quran Berlin“. In The Routledge Handbook of Islam and Race, herausgegeben von Zain Abdullah. New York: Routledge.

2021. „Review of Katherine Meizel, Multivocality: Singing on the Borders of Identity, Oxford 2020“. the world of music (new series) 10 (1): 176–80.

2020b. „Die rosa-weiße Brille in der Musikwissenschaft“. musiconn.kontrovers (blog). Juli 2020. https://kontrovers.musiconn.de/2020/07/13/die-rosa-weisse-brille/.

2020a. „Mumbling the Quran: Embodiment, Vocal Practices, and Convert Muslim Women in Berlin“. PhD thesis, London: King’s College London.

2016. „,Davon Starb der Marxismus nicht‘: Oral History und die Fachgeschichte der Musiksoziologie in Berlin“. In Wissenskulturen der Musikwissenschaft: Generationen – Netzwerke – Denkstrukturen, herausgegeben von Sebastian Bolz, Moritz Kelber, Ina Knoth, und Anna Langenbruch, 77–92. Bielefeld.