Securing biodiversity, functional integrity and ecosystem services in
DRYing riVER networks (DRYvER)

Project summary

DRYvER investigates how biodiversity, ecosystem functions, ecosystem services and their values in drying river networks are directly and indirectly altered by climate change through empirical and modeling work at relevant spatial and temporal scales. Furthermore, DRYvER will provide knowledge-based strategies and tools for cost-effective adaptive management of drying river networks in the EU and worldwide.

With 25 partners located in Europe, CELAC, US and China DRYvER is an international interdisciplinary research project in the framework of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

The fragmentation of river networks by drying is analyzed spatially integrated through the coupling of global hydrology model output at very coarse resolution to local hydrology simulation results at high resolution. The outcomes of the working package “Hydrology”, namely spatio-temporal patterns of drying river networks, will be used throughout the whole project domain (see figure DRYvER adaptive management cycle).

More information on the project can be found on project website.

   Figure 1: DRYvER adaptive management cycle

Our Contributions
The working group Hydrology of Goethe University is contributing mainly to the working package 1 - Hydrology. In this working package the task 1.4 “Estimating climate change impact on flow intermittence at the continental scale (Europe and South America)” is lead by the team at Goethe University.

For this task global model simulations at a spatial resolution of 0.5° will be used to obtain information on flow intermittence at high spatial resolution in different climate change scenarios by developing a downscaling technique. As a first step 0.5° runoff computed by the global hydrology model WaterGAP will be downscaled to 15 arc-sec monthly time series of discharge in Europa and South America by using the HydroROUT toolset. This 15 arc-sec discharge time series will be used together with other predictors (e.g. 0.5° runoff from WaterGAP, 15 arc-sec slope, land cover, soil texture from HydroATLAS) to develop a statistical model of flow intermittence for Europe and South America. These developed methodologies will then be applied on a multi model ensemble (ISIMIP2b or ISIMIP3b) to investigate the impact of climate change on flow intermittence as driven by two greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.

Furthermore the team at Goethe University will support the development of an alternative downscaling approach of global scale model simulations to local scale by using classical data assimilation techniques.

Mahdi Abbasi
Dr. Hannes Müller Schmied
Prof. Dr. Petra Döll (principal investigator)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869226

October 2020 – September 2024




Further Information / social media:
Project webpage:
Twitter: @DRYvER_H2020