On sampling symmetric Gibbs distributions on sparse random (hyper)graphs with contiguity

Charilaos Efthymiou

In this talk, we present efficient algorithms for
approximate sampling from symmetric Gibbs distributions on the sparse
random (hyper)graph. The examples we consider include (but are not
restricted to)  some  important distributions on  spin systems and
We consider  the $q$ state antiferromagnetic  Potts model for $q\geq
2$, including the random colourings. We  also consider  the uniform
distributions over the  Not-All-Equal solutions of  random $k$-CNF
formulas.  Finally,  we present an algorithm for sampling from   the
{\em spin-glass} distribution called the $k$-spin model.  To our
knowledge this is the first, rigorously analysed, efficient algorithm
for spin-glasses which operates in   a non trivial range of the
parameters of the distribution.

We rely on the approach that was introduced in [Efthymiou: SODA 2012].
For a  symmetric Gibbs distribution $\mu$  on a random (hyper)graph
whose parameters are within an appropriate  range, our sampling
algorithm has the following  properties: with probability $1-o(1)$
over  the instances of the input  (hyper)graph,  it   generates  a
configuration which is distributed within total variation distance
$n^{-\Omega(1)}$  from $\mu$. The time complexity is $O(n^{2}\log n)$,
where   $n$ is the size of the input (hyper)graph.

It is evident  that  the algorithm requires a range of the  parameters
of the Gibbs distributions that coincides with those of  the
tree-uniqueness region,  parameterized w.r.t. the expected degree $d$.
To be more precise,   this is true for distributions such that  the
uniqueness region is well-known. For cases like e.g., the
anti-ferromagnetic  Potts   the algorithm works for the range of
parameters  which  corresponds to what is conjectured to be the  tree

For many of the distributions  we consider here, we are far from
establishing what is believed to be their tree uniqueness region.
This imposes  certain  limitations  to  our  purposes. That is, for a
given set of the parameters  of the Gibbs distribution we cannot use
that the corresponding  tree recursions converge to the desired fixed
point. To this end, we build a novel  approach which utilises   the
notion of {\em contiguity} between Gibbs distributions and the
so-called  {\em teacher-student model},    with the later distribution
also known in  various contexts as the {\em planted model}.   With
this approach we bring together  tools and  notions from sampling
algorithms and statistical inference algorithms.