Condensed Matter Theory Seminar

Programm Sommersemester 2014

Veranstaltungsort: Raum 1.114, Physikgebäude

Veranstaltungszeitpunkt: Freitags, 15:00 Uhr c.t.

VortragenderThemaEingeladen von:


Dr. Antun Balaz (Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbian)
Controlling BEC Properties via Disorder and Driving (pdf)
Prof. Hofstetter
09.05.2014 Dr. Igor Mazin (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, USA) Validation of the spin-fluctuation model for Fe-based superconductors (pdf) Prof. Valenti


Prof. Ronny Thomale (Universität Würzburg)

Designer Hamiltonians for fractional topological phases (pdf)

Prof. Valenti
23.05.2014 Dr. Indranil Paul (Université Paris Diderot-Paris VII, France)

Interplay of magnetoelastic coupling, nesting and nematicity in the iron arsenide systems (pdf)

Prof. Hirschfeld

Dr. Cedric Weber (King's College, London, United Kingdom)

Dynamical mean field theory extended to nano-scopic systems and molecules (pdf) Prof. Valenti

Dr. Boris Narozhny (KIT, Karlsruhe)

Giant Magnetodrag in Graphene at Charge Neutrality (pdf) Prof. Kopietz

Dr. Hiroshi Shinaoka (Institut für Theoretische Physik, ETH Zürich)

Spin-orbital frustration in pyrochlores A2Mo2O7 (pdf)

Prof. Valenti

Prof. Dr. Gert-Ludwig Ingold (Universität Augsburg)

Negative Casimir entropies (pdf) Prof. Kopietz
04.07.2014 Dr. Mari-Carmen Banuls (MPIQ, München)

Applying Tensor Network Techniques to Lattice Gauge Theories (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter

Dr. Marcus Kollar (Universität Augsburg)

Prethermalization and thermalization of weakly interacting quantum systems (pdf)

Prof. Kopietz


Prof. Michael Hartmann (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

Driven-Dissipative Regimes of Bosonic Hubbard Models (pdf)

Prof. Hofstetter
19.08.2014 Dr. Mirco Milletari (National University of Singapore, Singapur) Functional bosonization of interacting graphene(pdf) Prof. Kopietz