

Rinke, E. (2007): Syntaktische Variation aus synchronischer und diachronischer Perspektive: Die Entwicklung der Wortstellung im Portugiesischen, Frankfurt am Main/ Madrid: Vervuert.

Meisel, J. M., Martin Elsig und Esther Rinke (2013): Language Acquisition and Change. A Morphosyntactic Perspective, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


Bernardo Kolling Limberger, Cristina Maria Moreira Flores & Esther Rinke (2023):  Bilinguismo luso-alemão, Dossiê temático Pandaemonium Germanicum.

Hamann, C., Rinke, E. & Genevska-Hanke, D. (2019): Bilingual Language Development: The Role of Dominance, Frontiers in Psychology.

Fischer, S., T. Kupisch & E. Rinke (2016): Definiteness Effects. Bilingual, Typological and Diachronic Variation. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.

Rinke, E. & T. Kupisch (2011): The development of grammar: language acquisition and diachronic change. Volume in honour of Jürgen M. Meisel, Hamburg Series on Multilingualism (HSM 11), Benjamins.

Ferraresi, G. & E. Rinke (2010): Language Contact and Diachronic Change, Sonderheft der Zeitschrift Language Typology and Universals (STUF), 63 (2010) 2, Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

Ferraresi, G. & E. Rinke (2009): Multilingualism and universal principles of linguistic change, Sonderheft der Zeitschrift Language Typology and Universals (STUF), 62 (2009) 3, Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

AUFSÄTZE / ARTICLES (*Peer-reviewed Journal Articles)

*Rinke, Esther, Flores, Cristina, Oliveira, Priscila and Correia, Liliana. "An experimental studyon the loss of VS order in monolingual and bilingual speakers of Brazilian Portuguese", Probus, vol. 36, no. 1, 2024, pp. 77-112.

*Bader, Markus, Jacopo Torregrossa & Esther Rinke (2023): "Pinning down the interaction between animacy and syntactic function in the interpretation of German and Italian personal and demonstrative pronouns", Discourse Processes, DOI: 10.1080/0163853X.2023.2252699.

*Rinke, E., S. Lago & Carolina Andrea Gattei (2023): "Diachronic change and variation in use. Judgments of clitic doubling in Peninsular vs. Riopltense Spanish", Isogloss 9 (1);

Rinke, Esther (2023): "The emergence of the Portuguese inflected infinitive as a complement of causative verbs: structural enrichment or independent development?" In N. Pomino, E.-M. Remberger & J. Zwink (Eds.): From Formal Linguistic Theory to the Art of Historical Editions. The Multifaceted Dimensions of Romance Linguistics, Wiener Arbeiten zur Linguistik  - Band 007, Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 147-166.

*Rinke, E. & C. Flores (2023): "Mehrsprachigkeit in Rio Grande do Sul: Zur Negation im Brasilianischen Hunsrückisch", Pandaemonium Germanicum 26:49, 68-84.

Maria de Lurdes Gonçalves, Cristina Flores, Esther Rinke & Jacopo Torregrossa (2023): "Zum positiven Verhältnis von Herkunftssprache und Landessprache im mehrsprachigen Erwerb: eine Studie mit portugiesischen Kindern in der Schweiz", Babylonia (1) 2023; Special issue on: "Langues et cultures d'origine/ Herkunftssprachen und -kulturen/ Lingue e culture d'origine/ Heritage Languages and Cultures/ Lungatgs e culturas d'origin", Ed. Verónica Sánchez Abchi & Amelia Lambelet;

*Sopata, A., E. Rinke & C. Flores (2023):"How unique is the linguistic situation of endangered language speakers?", Commentary,  Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. DOI:

*Sopata, A., E. Rinke & C. Flores (2022): "Null objects in Polish heritage language acquisition in contact with German", International Journal of Bilingualism (IJB),

*Flores, C., Rinke, E., Torregrossa, J., & Weingärtner, D. (2022): "Language separation and stable syntactic knowledge: Verbs and verb phrases in bilingual children's narratives", Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 5, pp. 1-30. doi:

*Torregrossa, J., C. Flores & E. Rinke (2022): "What modulates the acquisition of difficult structures in a heritage language? A study on Portuguese in contact with French, German and Italian", Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1–14. S1366728922000438.

*Flores, C., M. Lurdes Gonçalves, E. Rinke & J. Torregrossa (2022): "Perspetivas múltiplas sobre a bilingue de crianças lusodescendentes residentes na Suíça: A investigação linguística em diálogo com a didática", Revista Portuguesa de Educação, 35(1), 102-131.

*Rinke, E.  & C. Flores (2021): "Portuguese as Heritage Language in Germany—A Linguistic Perspective", Languages 6, no. 1: 10. DOI:

*Srdanovic´, S. & E. Rinke (2020): "Possessive Modifiers in Serbian: Coreference with Clitics and Strong Pronouns", Journal of Slavic Linguistics 28 (2), 163-182.

*Flores, C., E. Rinke & C. Wagner (2020): To hón ich imma insistieat. Syntactic stability in heritage Hunsrückisch German spoken in Brazil, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. DOI:

Flores, C., E. Rinke & A. L. Santos (2020): “Línguas de herança no contexto escolar. Contributos da investigação linguística.", In: Maria de Lurdes Gonçalves & Silvia Melo-Pfeifer (Eds.): Português Língua de Herança e Formação de Professores. Lisbon: Edições Lidel, 59-75.

*Flores, C. & E. Rinke (2020): "Factors Constraining Subject Expression in European Portuguese Spoken in Hamburg. A BiGenerational Corpus Investigation", Discours Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique. A journal of linguistics, psycholinguistics and computational linguistics 26, 3-31.

*Flores, C., Rinke, E., & Sopata, A (2020): "Acquiring the distribution of null and overt direct objects in European Portuguese", Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 19 (5), pp. 1–20. DOI:

*Horn, V., Rinke, E., & Flores, C. (2020). Dialectal Variation in European Portuguese Central Vowel Perception. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 19 (1), 1. DOI:

*Rinke, E., J. Wieprecht & M. Elsig (2019): "Clitic doubling in Peninsular and Rioplatense Spanish: a comparative corpus investigation", Isogloss 5, 1-43, DOI:

Flores, C. & E. Rinke (2019): "The relevance of language-internal variation in predicting Heritage Language grammars", Commentary on Polinsky & Scontras' keynote article, Bilingualism. Language and Cognition 1-2. doi:10.1017/S1366728919000464.

Hamann, C., Rinke, E. & Genevska-Hanke, D. (2019): "Editorial: Bilingual Language Development: The Role of Dominance", Front. Psychol. 10:1064. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01064.

*Rinke, E., C. Flores & A.Sopata (2019): “Heritage Portuguese and Heritage Polish in contact with German. More evidence on the production of objects", Languages 2019, 4(3), 53;

Rinke, E.; C. Flores & A. L. Santos (2019): "Heritage languages at school: Implications of linguistic research on bilingualism for heritage language teaching", In: Gabriel, Christoph;  Jonas Grünke & Sylvia Thiele (Eds.) (2019). Romanische Sprachen in ihrer Vielfalt: Brückenschläge zwischen linguistischer Theoriebildung und Fremdsprachenunterricht (Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik). Stuttgart: ibidem, S. 211-232.

*Rinke, E., Flores, C. & P. Barbosa (2018): “Null objects in the spontaneous speech of monolingual and bilingual speakers of European Portuguese", Probus, International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics 30 (1), 93-120. DOI:

*Rinke, E. & Flores, C. (2018): "Another look at the interpretation of overt and null pronominal subjects in bilingual language acquisition. Heritage Portuguese in contact with German and Spanish", Glossa 3(1), 68. DOI: 

*Flores, C., Rinke, E. & Rato, A. (2017): "Comparing the Outcomes of Early and Late Acquisition of European Portuguese: An Analysis of Morpho-syntactic and Phonetic Performance", Heritage Language Journal 14 (2), 124-149.

Aßmann, Elisabeth & Esther Rinke (2017): "Relative clauses in a spoken corpus of European Portuguese: identifying the factors determining their variation", In: Linguística. Revista de estudos linguísticos da Universidade do Porto, 12, 9-20.

*Rinke, Esther & Elisabeth Aßmann (2017): "The syntax of relative clauses in European Portuguese. Extending the Determiner Hypothesis of Relativizers to relative que", In: Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 16(1), 4. DOI:

Flores, C.; T. Kupisch & E. Rinke (2017): “Linguistic foundations of heritage language development from the perspective of Romance languages in Germany", In: P. P. Trifonas & T. Aravossitas (Hgs.): Handbook of Research and Practice in Heritage Language Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education. DOI:

Flores, C.; E. Rinke & C. Azevedo (2017): Object realization across generations. A closer look on the spontaneous speech of Portuguese first and second generation migrants, In: Elisa Di Domenico (Hg.): Syntax complexity from a language acquisition perspective, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 179-206.

Rinke, E. (2016): “The role of the interfaces in syntactic change", In: S. Fischer & C. Gabriel (Hgg.): “Manual of Grammatical Interfaces in Romance", Manuals of Romance Linguistics 10, De Gruyter Mouton, 587-606.

Flores, C. & E. Rinke (2016): "Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit in der Spracherwerbsforschung. Neuere Erkenntnisse aus dem Portugiesischen", In: Revista de Estudos Alemães (REAL) 6, 21-30.

Flores, C. & E. Rinke (2015): “Um estudo comparativo sobre o conhecimento do sistema pronominal português por parte de Falantes de Português Língua de Herança e Falantes de uma Língua Segunda“, In: M.A. Marques & X.M. Sanchez Rei (Hgg.): Novas perspetivas linguísticas no espaço galego-português, 11 - 33.

Rinke, E. & S. Petrova (2015): "The expression of thetic judgments in Older Germanic and Romance", In: Jost Gippert & Ralf Gehrke (Hgg.), Historical Corpora. Challenges and Perspectives Corpus Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Language (CLIP), vol. 5. Tübingen: Narr.

Petrova, S. & E. Rinke (2014) "Formal properties of event-reporting sentences in Old High German and Old French", In: Bech, Kristin & Kristine Eide (Hgg.): Information Structure and Syntactic Change in Germanic and Romance Languages, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 271-294.

*Rinke, E. & C. Flores (2014): "Morphosyntactic knowledge of clitics by Portuguese heritage bilinguals", In: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-19.

*Fischer, S. & E. Rinke (2013): „Explaining the variability of clitic doubling across Romance: a diachronic account", In: Linguistische Berichte 236, 255-272.

Rinke, Esther (2011): El doblado de clíticos en el español estándar y el argentino: variación lingüística y análisis sintáctico In: di Tullio, Ángela / Kailuweit, Rolf (eds.): El español rioplatense. Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert.

Kupisch, T. & E. Rinke (2011): "The diachronic development of article – possessor complementarity in the history of Italian and Portuguese", In: Siemund, Peter (ed.): Universals and Variation, Berlin: de Gruyter, 92-127.

Rinke, E. & M. Elsig (2010): "Quantitative Evidence and Diachronic Syntax", In: Schmitz, K. (ed.): Frequency and language development, Special Issue der Zeitschrift Lingua, Band 120 (11), 2557-2568.

Gabriel, C. & E. Rinke (2010): "Structure informationnelle et statut morpho-syntaxique des clitiques : la diachronie du doublement pronominal en espagnol et en français", In: Jacob, Daniel & Andreas Dufter (Hsg.): Syntaxe, structure informationnelle et organisation du discours dans les langues romanes, Frankfurt: Lang, 95-116.

*Rinke, E. (2010): "A combinação de artigo definido e pronome possessivo na história do Português", Estudos de Lingüística Galega 2, 121-139.

Gabriel, C. & E. Rinke (2010): "Information packaging and the rise of clitic doubling in the history of Spanish", In: G. Ferraresi & R. Lühr (Hsg.) Diachronic Studies on Information Structure. Language Acquisition and Change (Language, Context and Cognition 10), Berlin: de Gruyter, 63-86.

Rinke, E. (2009): "Verb-placement in Old Portuguese", In: Jacob, Daniel & Andreas Dufter (Hsg.): Focus and Background in Romance Languages (Studies in Language Companion Series (112), Amsterdam: Benjamins, 309-332.

Rinke, E. & J. M. Meisel (2009): "Subject-Inversion in Old French: Syntax and Information Structure", In: Georg A. Kaiser & Eva-Maria Remberger (eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop "Null-subjects, expletives and locatives in Romance". Konstanz: Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Konstanz (= Arbeitspapier, 123), 93-130.

Rinke, E. (2008): "OV-VO-Variation im Portugiesischen. Eine diachronische Analyse der Infinitivkomplemente kausativer Verben". In: E. M. Remberger & G. Mensching (Hsg.) Romanistische Syntax – minimalistisch. Tübingen: Narr.

Kupisch, T. & E. Rinke (2007): "A fresh look at root infinitives from a cross-linguistic perspective", Nordlyd 34:3 , Papers from the Language Acquisition Workshop, SCL 2006, Edited by Merete Anderssen and Marit R. Westergaard CASTL, Tromsø, 87-109.

Elsig, M. & E. Rinke (2007): „Les adverbes et l'inversion en ancien français. Le Nouveau Corpus d'Amsterdam soumis à l'analyse linguistique", In: Kunstmann, Pierre & Stein, Achim (ed.)(2007): Le Nouveau Corpus d'Amsterdam. Actes de l'atelier de Lauterbad, 23-26 février 2006, Stuttgart: Steiner.

Kuchenbrandt, I.; T. Kupisch & E. Rinke (2005): „Pronominal objects in Romance: Comparing French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish", Arbeiten zur Mehrsprachigkeit Nr. 67, Universität Hamburg.

Rinke, E. (2003): „On the licensing of null subjects in Old French", In: Junghanns, Uwe & Luka Szucsich (eds.): Syntactic Structures and Morphological Information, Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 217-249.