Dipl.-Geogr. Andreas Ginau

Dipl.-Geogr. Andreas Ginau

Research Interests

Physical Geography, Geomorphology, Geoarchaeology, Quaternary, Pedology, Geochemistry




Current Research Projects:

Geoarchaeological research at Buto, Egypt

Sustainable Partners - Partners for Sustainability:Vegetation and soil response to water diversion on the lower Tarim River, Xinjiang, China (2010-2013). Förderung: Robert Bosch Stiftung. Supervisor of the pedological project: Prof Dr Christian Opp

Geoarchaeological research at Tayma, NW Saudi Arabia (Funding: German Research Council, DFG; German Archaeological Institute, DAI) | Excavation leaders: Prof Dr Ricardo Eichmann, Dr Arnulf Hausleiter (DAI Berlin) | Supervisor of the geoarchaeological subproject: Prof Dr Helmut Brückner



Turkey, China, Arabian Peninsula


Courses Summer Term 2013

Methoden in der Physischen Geographie (GEO-B5 - 2; WP GEOW-BSc ab 3)

Geländeübung Geomorphologie (WP L2-GEO-M4b - 4; WP L3-GEO-M8b - 6; WP L5-GEO-M4b – 4)




Wunderlich, J. & Ginau, A.: Paläoumweltwandel im Raum Tell el Fara‘in/Buto. Ergebnisse und Perspektiven geoarchäologischer Forschung. MDAIK 70/71 (in print).


Opp, Ch.,  Sun, Zh., Groll, M., Ginau, A., Halik, Ü. Substantial channel flow changes of the Tarim River and responses of the lower Tarim riparian ecosystem (NW China).  DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4748.6729 .  


Ginau, A., Opp, Ch., Sun, Zh., Halik, Ü., Influence of sediment, soil, and micro-relief conditions on vitality of Populus euphratica stands in the lower Tarim Riparian Ecosystem. Quaternary International, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2013.06.025 .

Brückner, H., Engel, M., Klasen, N., Ginau, A., Pint, A., Frenzel, P., Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F., 2013. Late Quaternary environmental change and geochronology at Tayma, NW Saudi Arabia – current research. In: Al-Ansary, A.R., Al-Muaikel, K.I., Alsharekh, A.M. (eds.), Man and Environment in the Arab World in Light of Archaeological Discoveries. Adumatu, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudairy Foundation, Riyadh, pp. 53-58.


Ginau, A., Engel, M., Brückner, H., Holocene chemical precipitates in the continental sabkha of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia). Journal of Arid Environments, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2012.03.020 .

Brückner, H., Engel, M., Klasen, N., Ginau, A., Pint, A., Frenzel, P., Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A., al-Najem, M.H., al-Said, S.F., subm. Late Quaternary environmental change and geochronology at Tayma, NW Saudi Arabia – current research. Adumatu.

Engel, M., Klasen, N., Ginau, A., Patzke, M., Pint, A., Frenzel, P., Brückner, H., accepted. Palaeoenvironmental change at Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) as inferred from sabkha infill. In: Eichmann, R., Hausleiter, A. (eds.), Tayma I. Reports on Palaeoenvironment, Archaeology and History. Rahden (Orient-Archäologie).


Engel, M., Brückner, H., Pint, A., Wellbrock, K., Ginau, A., Voss, P., Grottker, M., Klasen, N., Frenzel, P., 2011. The early Holocene humid period in NW Saudi Arabia - evidence from sediments, microfossils and palaeo-hydrological modeling. Quaternary International, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.04.028 .


26-30 Aug 2012: 32nd International Geographical Congress, Cologne: Influence and causes of discharge variability of the Tarim River, Xinjiang China, and related effects on the lower Tarim-Ecosystem (A. Ginau, Ch. Opp, Ü. Hallik, Z. Sun)

04-05 Feb 2012: Annual Meeting of the Working Group "Desert Margins Research", Rauischholzhausen: Zum Einfluss von Boden -und Sedimentmerkmalen auf die Wasserversorgung und Vitalität von Populus euphratica am unteren Tarim (Xinjiang, NW-China) (Ginau, A., Opp, Chr., Halik. Ü., Sun, Zh.)

03-04 Feb 2011: Annual Meeting of the Working Group "Desert Margins Research", Rauischholzhausen:Sedimentary inventory and processes in the continental sabkha of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (A. Ginau, M. Engel, H. Brückner)

07-08 Jul 2008: New Research at Tayma, Annual Workshop 2008, DAI Berlin: Tayma aus landschaftshistorischer und geoarchäologischer Sicht - ein Zwischenbericht (M. Engel, J. Bosch, H. Brückner, M. Dinies, A. Ginau, N. Klasen).


Poster presentations

26-30 Aug 2012: 32nd International Geographical Congress, Cologne: Holocene clastic and chemical deposition in the playa of Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia) (A. Ginau, M. Engel, H. Brückner)

17-20 Mai 2012: Gemeinsame Jahrestagung des AK Geoarchäologie und der AG Paläopedologie, Leipzig: Bilanzierung von Stoffflüssen im archäologischen Kontext (C. Lubos , A. Ginau, F.-K. Moetz, N. Karul, J. Wunderlich)

25-28 Jul 2011: 7th European Ostracodologists' Meeting, Graz, Austria: Sieve-pore analyses of Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) of three archaeological sites in Saudi Arabia (A. Pint, I. Behrendt, H. Brückner, M. Engel, P. Frenzel, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, T. Rosenberg, A. Schwalb)Joannea - Geologie und Paläontologie 11: 161-162.

21-27 Jul 2011: XVIII. INQUA-Congress Bern, Switzerland: Holocene environments and climates of the NW Arabian Peninsula as recorded in the sabkha basin of Tayma (M. Engel, H. Brückner, A. Pint, N. Klasen, A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann, M.H. Al-Najem, S.F. Al-Said, P. Frenzel, A. Ginau).

19-21 Sep 2010: International Colloquium on Geoarchaeology (Landscape Archaeology - Egypt and the Mediterranean World), Cairo (Egypt): From lake to sabkha - Palaeoenvironmental studies in the Tayma oasis, NW Saudi Arabia (M. Engel, H. Brückner, P. Frenzel, A. Ginau, N. Klasen, M. Patzke,  A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).

13-16 May 2010: 5th Annual Meeting of the German Working Group on Geoarchaeology, Frankfurt: A stratigraphic transect from the old town across the sabkha - Implications for palaeoenvironmental change at the Tayma oasis (NW Saudi Arabia) (M. Engel, A. Ginau, H. Brückner, N. Klasen, M. Patzke, P. Frenzel, A. Hausleiter, R. Eichmann, M.H. al-Najem, S.F. al-Said).


Curriculum Vitae

1983:                born in Siegen, Germany

2003:                bilingual Abitur: St. Ursula Gymnasium, Attendorn

2003-2004:        Civilian service at St. Laurentius school for mentally handicapped children and young adults

2004:                study of teacher training

2005:                study of Geography

2/2011:             Graduation as Diplom-Geograph

Title of Diploma thesis:     Late Quaternary landscape evolution of the oasis of Tayma (Saudi Arabia) – study of the eastern sabkha, 186 pp.

Since 9/2011:                  Research Assistant and PhD Student with the Institute of Geography, Goethe University of Frankfurt

3/2013-2/2015:               Continuing education "Geoinformatics" at FH Mainz

Title of Master thesis:       Evaluation of vegatation dynamics and field sizes in relation to landscape and settlement historic features in the Western Nile Delta




American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Arbeitskreis Geoarchäologie

Deutsche Quartärvereinigung (DEUQUA)

Frankfurter Geographische Gesellschaft

Marburger Geographische Gesellschaft

Verband der Geographen an Deutschen Hochschulen (VGDH)