Dr. Hannes Müller Schmied

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /

senior researcher

auch angestellt am Senckenberg Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum (SBiK-F) / affiliated with Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F)

Sprechzeiten / office hours

nach Vereinbarung / on appointment

Kontakt / contact

Mail: hannes.mueller.schmied@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Tel: 069/798 40216

Room: Geozentrum, 3.111

NOTE: I am only part-time in the office, best contact is via email.

Arbeitsschwerpunkte / research foci

  • globale hydrologische Modellierung / global hydrology modelling (WaterGAP@Wikipedia, WaterGAP@internet)
  • Hydrologische Systemanalyse auf verschiedenen Skalen / hydrological system analysis on different scales
  • Modellentwicklung und -anwendung / model development and application
  • Validierung von Modellen mit Referenzdaten / model validation with reference data
  • Ko-koordinierung des globalen Wassersektors im Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project ISIMIP / co-coordination of global water sector within www.isimip.org

Projekte / projects

abgeschlossene Projekte / past projects

Lehre / teaching

Wintersemester / winter term
  • Übung "GIS für hydrologische Fragestellungen" (fortgeschrittener Studienabschnitt, z.B. für MSc. Physische Geographie, MSc. Umweltwissenschaften) (seit 2014) / excercise "GIS for hydrological problems" for andvanced study level (since 2014)
  • Übung "Hydrogeographie" (mittlerer Studienabschnitt, z.B. für BSc. Geographie, MSc. Umweltwissenschaften, Lehramt): Excel-Hilfe für die Lehrveranstaltung "Hydrogeographie" (2009-2020) / excercise "hydrogeography" for intermediate study level (2009-2020)
Sommersemester / summer term
  • Themenblock "Hydrogeographie" im Modul B5 (früher Studienabschnitt, z.B. für BSc. und BA. Geographie, BSc. Geowissenschaften) (seit 2009) / subject "Hydrogeography" for basic study level (since 2009)
  • (Boden)hydrologische Geländeübung (fortgeschrittener Studienabschnitt, z.B. für BSc. Geographie, MSc. Physische Geographie, MSc. Umweltwissenschaften): Presseartikel zur Lehrveranstaltung (seit 2009) / "(soil- and) hydrological field trip" for advanced study level (since 2009)
  • Übung "Statistische Verfahren in der Geographie" (1. Studienjahr, für alle Geographie-Studierende (BSc., BA., Lehramt) (2012, 2013) / excercise "statistical methods in Geography" for basic study level (2012, 2013)
Verschiedenes / Misc.

2020: Associate Editor of the section Water and Climate within the Journal Frontiers in Water

since 2017: Organisation of the session "Recent advancement in estimating global, continental and regional scale water balance components" at the yearly EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

since 2015: Affiliated also at Senckenberg Leibnitz Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt.

2014: Erstellung eines Selbstlernmoduls zum Thema "Einführung in die Gewässerstrukturgütekartierung" zur Vorbereitung auf Geländetage im Modul B5 (Vertiefung Physische Geographie). / development of an online self learning module as introduction into structural water quality

2013 - 2020: Betreuung des Twitter-Accounts @HydroFrankfurt / Feeding and managing the twitter account @HydroFrankfurt

2013: Erwerb des "Zertifikats Hochschullehre" vom Interdisziplinären Kollge Hochschuldidaktik (IKH) der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt / recieved certificate for academic teaching

2013: Erstellung eines Selbstlernmoduls zum Thema "Wasserhaushaltsbilanzierung" (Achtung: mit aktuellen Versionen von Firefox gibt es leider hin und wieder Darstellungsprobleme, empfohlen wird daher der Internet Explorer) / development of an online self learning module as introduction into water balance equation

2012: Erwerb des eLearning-Zertifikats von studiumdigitale der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt / recieved eLearning certificate

Curriculum vitae

02/2017 Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. im Fach Geowissenschaften / doctoral degree in Natural Sciences with the thesis "Evaluation, modification and application of a global hydrological model (pdf, 20 MB)".

Seit 02/2015 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Senckenberg Biodiversitäts- und Klimaforschungsinstitut (BiK-F), Frankfurt / research assistant at Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (BiK-F), Frankfurt

Seit 02/2009 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Arbeitsgruppe Hydrologie, Institut für Physische Geographie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main / research assistant at hydrology working group, Institute of Physical Geography, Goethe-University Frankfurt

10/2008 - 01/2009 Stipendiat und wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl Geoinformatik, Geohydrologie und Modellierung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena / stipend and scientific assistant at geoinformatics working group, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

10/1999 - 09/2008 Studium der Geographie (Diplom) (Hauptfächer: Physische Geographie, Geoinformatik am Institut für Geographie, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Nebenfächer: Geologie, Ökologie) / studied Geography (Diploma) with Physical Geography and Geoinformatics as major subjects, Institute of Geography, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

06/2008 Diplomarbeit (Integrative Ableitung hydrologischer Funktionen von Feuchtgebieten am Beispiel des "Wipfragrund", oberes Gera-Einzugsgebiet, Thüringen) / Diploma thesis (comp. to M.Sc. thesis) about delination of hydrological function of a wetland in central Germany

07/2007 Studienprojekt (Hydrologische Modellierung der Wipfra unter besonderer Betrachtung der Talsperre Heyda) / study project (comp. to B.Sc. thesis) about hydrological modelling of the Wipfra river (central Germany) with special focus on reservoir modelling

2006 - 2008 Stipendiat der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität / stipend of Friedrich-Schiller-University

2000 - 2006 Anstellung als Studentische Hilfskraft an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena / worked as student assistant at Friedrich-Schiller-University

Mitgliedschaften / memberships

seit 2015 Mitglied des "Arbeitskreises junger HydrologInnen" der DHG

seit 2012 Mitglied der Deutschen Hydrologischen Gesellschaft e.V. (DHG)

seit 2011 Mitglied der Goethe Graduate Academy (GRADE)

seit 2009 Mitglied der International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)

seit 2007 Mitglied der European Geosciences Union (EGU)

2006-2009 Mitglied der Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)

2002-2020 Mitglied und zeitweise Vorstandsvorsitzender der Thüringer Geographischen Gesellschaft zu Jena e.V. (TGG)

"Scientific Social Media"

ResearchGate is the "facebook" for researchers, allowing e.g. easy following of publications of the network
ORCiD is a great invention that enables the assignment of e.g. papers to one person, independently of issues with the name. For example, my name is very unlucky for publishing (often shortened as HM Schmied) and contains also an umlaut, so by using ORCiD this problems can be (partly) solved.
Google scholar is a great tool to track the citations of papers that includes WebOfScience and other (sometimes not scientifically) publications. Furthermore, it suggests other papers in the focus of interest.
Mendeley is my choice for literature management, and it has also network components (which I am not using, to be honest).
Publons is a tool that tracks the reviews done for various Journals and integrates now also webofscience.
Twitter is a nice medium to stay up-to-date with hot topics and scientific news.

Publikationen und Konferenzbeiträge / publications and conference contributions

Auf einen Blick / At a glance

I used the tool www.tagul.com to create a word cloud of the titles of papers where I was involved here at Frankfurt University. It gives a broad overview about the things I am currently working on.

Publikationen / publications


Frieler, K., Volkholz, J., Lange, S., Schewe, J., Mengel, M., Del Rocío Rivas López, M., Otto, C., Reyer, C. P. O., Karger, D. N., Malle, J. T., Treu, S., Menz, C., Blanchard, J. L., Harrison, C. S., Petrik, C. M., Eddy, T. D., Ortega-Cisneros, K., Novaglio, C., Rousseau, Y., Watson, R. A., Stock, C., Liu, X., Heneghan, R., Tittensor, D., Maury, O., Büchner, M., Vogt, T., Wang, T., Sun, F., Sauer, I. J., Koch, J., Vanderkelen, I., Jägermeyr, J., Müller, C., Rabin, S., Klar, J., Vega Del Valle, I. D., Lasslop, G., Chadburn, S., Burke, E., Gallego-Sala, A., Smith, N., Chang, J., Hantson, S., Burton, C., Gädeke, A., Li, F., Gosling, S. N., Müller Schmied, H., Hattermann, F., Wang, J., Yao, F., Hickler, T., Marcé, R., Pierson, D., Thiery, W., Mercado-Bettín, D., Ladwig, R., Ayala-Zamora, A. I., Forrest, M., and Bechtold, M. (2024): Scenario setup and forcing data for impact model evaluation and impact attribution within the third round of the Inter-Sectoral Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP3a), Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 1–51, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-1-2024.


Gnann, S., Reinecke, R., Stein, L., Wada, Y., Thiery, W., Müller Schmied, H., Satoh, Y., Pokhrel, Y., Ostberg, S., Koutroulis, A., Hanasaki, N., Grillakis, M., Gosling, S. N., Burek, P., Bierkens, M. F. P., & Wagener, T. (2023): Functional relationships reveal differences in the water cycle representation of global water models. Nature Water. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-023-00160-y.

Scanlon, B., Fakhreddine, S., Rateb, A., de Graaf, I, Famiglietti, J., Gleeson, T., Grafton, R. Q., Jobbagy, E., Kebede, S., Kolusu, S. R., Konikow, L. F., Long, D., Mekonnen, M., Müller Schmied, H., Mukherjee, A., MacDonald, A., Reedy, R. C., Shamsudduha, M., Simmons, C. T., Sun, Al, Taylor, R. G., Villholth, K. G., Vörösmarty, C. J., Zheng, C. (2023): Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4, 87-101. doi: 10.1038/s43017-022-00378-6.


Müller Schmied, H., Flörke, M., Döll, P. (2022): Global Water Use. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-38948-2_29-1.

Virkki, V., Alanärä, E., Porkka, M., Ahopelto, L., Gleeson, T., Mohan, C., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Flörke, M., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Hanasaki, N., Müller Schmied, H., Wanders, N., and Kummu, M. (2022): Globally widespread and increasing violations of environmental flow envelopes, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 3315–3336, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-26-3315-2022.

Satoh, Y., Yoshimura, K., Pokhrel, Y., Kim, H., Shiogama, H., Yokohata, T., Hanasaki, N., Wada, Y., Burek, P., Byers, E., Müller Schmied, H., Gerten, D., Ostberg, S., Gosling, S. N., Boulange, J. E. S. and Oki, T. (2022): The timing of unprecedented hydrological drought under climate change, Nat. Commun., 13(1), 3287, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30729-2.

Kumar, A., Gosling, S. N., Johnson, M. F., Jones, M. D., Zaherpour, J., Kumar, R., Leng, G., Müller Schmied, H., Kupzig, J., Breuer, L., Hanasaki, N., Tang, Q., Ostberg, S., Stacke, T., Pokhrel, Y., Wada, Y. and Masaki, Y. (2022): Multi-model evaluation of catchment- and global-scale hydrological model simulations of drought characteristics across eight large river catchments, Adv. Water Resour., 165(April), 104212, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2022.104212.

Horwath, M., Gutknecht, B. D., Cazenave, A., Palanisamy, H. K., Marti, F., Marzeion​​​​​​​, B., Paul, F., Le Bris, R., Hogg, A. E., Otosaka, I., Shepherd, A., Döll, P., Cáceres, D., Müller Schmied, H., Johannessen, J. A., Nilsen, J. E. Ø., Raj, R. P., Forsberg, R., Sandberg Sørensen, L., Barletta, V. R., Simonsen, S. B., Knudsen, P., Andersen, O. B., Ranndal, H., Rose, S. K., Merchant, C. J., Macintosh, C. R., von Schuckmann, K., Novotny​​​​​​​, K., Groh, A., Restano, M., and Benveniste, J. (2022): Global sea-level budget and ocean-mass budget, with a focus on advanced data products and uncertainty characterisation, Earth System Science Data 14 (2), 411-447, doi: 10.5194/essd-14-411-2022.

DATA Publications

Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C.,Niemann, C., Peiris, T.A., Popat, E., Portmann, F.T., Reinecke, R., Shadkam, S., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2022): WaterGAP v2.2d, Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6902111.

Müller Schmied, H. (2022): DDM30 stream polyline with upstream area (1.0), Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7256788.

Müller Schmied, H. (2022): ISIMIP2b global water model streamflow example data (1.0), Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7256381.

Müller Schmied, H., Schiebener, L. (2022): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2e: streamflow calibration and evaluation data basis (1.1), Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7255968.

Wada, Y., Flörke, M., Hanasaki, N., Müller Schmied, H., Gosling, S.N., Schewe J. (2022): ISIMIP2b water abstraction input data (v1.0). ISIMIP Repository. https://doi.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.863821

Wada, Y., Flörke, M., Hanasaki, N., Müller Schmied, H., Gosling, S.N., Schewe J. (2022): ISIMIP3a water abstraction input data (v1.0). ISIMIP Repository. https://doi.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.228996

Wada, Y., Flörke, M., Hanasaki, N., Müller Schmied, H., Gosling, S.N., Schewe J. (2022): ISIMIP3b water abstraction input data (v1.0). ISIMIP Repository. https://doi.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.478291


Datry, T., Allen, D., Argelich, R., Barquin, J., Bonada, N., Boulton, A., Branger, F., Cai, Y., Canedo-Argüelles, M., Cid, N., Csabai, Z., Dallimer, M., de Araujo, J.C., Declerck, S., Dekker, T., Döll, P., Encalada, A., Forcellini, M., Foulquier, A., Heino, J., Jabot, F., Keszler, P., Kopperoinen, L., Kralisch, S., Künne, A., Lamouroux, N., Lauvernet, C., Lehtoranta, V., Loskotová, B., Marcé, R., Ortega, J. M., Matauschek, C., Milisa, M., Mogyorosi, S., Moya, N., Müller Schmied, H., Munné, A., Munoz, F., Mykrä, H., Pal, I., Paloniemi, R., Paril, P., Pengal, P., Pernecker, B., Polasek, M., Rezende, C., Sabater, S., Sarremejane, R., Schmidt, G., Domis L. S., Singer, G., Suarez, E., Talluto, M., Teurlincx, S., Trautmann, T., Truchy, A., Tyllianakis, E., Väisänen, S., Varumo, L., Vidal, J.-P., Vilmi, A., Vinyoles, D. (2021): Securing Biodiversity, Functional Integrity, and Ecosystem Services in Drying River Networks (DRYvER). Research Ideas and Outcomes 7, e77750, doi: 10.3897/rio.7.e77750.

An, L., Wang, J., Huang, J., Pokhrel, Y., Hugonnet, R., Wada, Y., Cáceres, D., Müller Schmied, H., Song, C., Berthier, E., Yu, H., Zhang, G. (2021): Divergent causes of terrestrial water storage decline between drylands and humid regions globally. Geophysical Research Letters 48 (23), e2021GL095035, doi: 10.1029/2021GL095035.

Boulange, J., Hanasaki, N., Satoh, Y., Yokohata, T., Shiogama, H., Burek, P., Thiery, W., Gerten, D., Müller Schmied, H., Wada, Y., Gosling, S.N., Pokhrel, Y., Wanders, N. (2021): Validity of estimating flood and drought characteristics under equilibrium climates from transient simulations. Environmental Research Letters 16 (10), 104028, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac27cc.

Satoh, Y., Shiogama, H., Hanasaki, N., Pokhrel, Y., Boulange, J.E.S., Burek, P., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Koutroulis, A., Müller Schmied, H., Thiery, W., Yokohata, T. (2021): A quantitative evaluation of the issue of drought definition: a source of disagreement in future drought assessments. Environmental Research Letters 16 (10), 104001, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac2348.

Telteu, C.-E.,Müller Schmied, H., Thiery, W., Leng, G., Burek, P., Liu, X., Boulange, J.E.S., Andersen, L.S., Grillakis, M., Gosling, S.N., Satoh, Y., Rakovec, O., Stacke, T., Chang, J., Wanders, N., Shah, H.L., Trautmann, T., Mao, G., Hanasaki, N., Koutroulis, A., Pokhrel, Y., Samaniego, L., Wada, Y., Mishra, V., Liu, J., Döll, P., Zhao, F., Gädeke, A., Rabin, S.S., Herz, F. (2021): Understanding each other's models: an introduction and a standard representation of 16 global water models to support intercomparison, improvement, and communication. Geoscientific Model Development 14, 3843-3878, doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-3843-2021.

Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J., Do, H.X., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M.G., Koutroulis, A.G., Leonard, M., Liu, J., Müller Schmied, H., Papadimitriou, L., Pokhrel, Y., Seneviratne, S.I., Satoh, Y., Thiery, W., Westra, S., Zhang, X., Zhao, F. (2021): Globally observed trends in mean and extreme river flow attributed to climate change. Science 371 (6534), 1159-1162 doi: 10.1126/science.aba3996.

Müller Schmied, H., Cáceres, D., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Herbert, C., Niemann, C., Peiris, T.A., Popat, E., Portmann, F.T., Reinecke, R., Schumacher, M., Shadkam, S., Telteu, C.-E., Trautmann, T., Döll, P. (2021): The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: model description and evaluation. Geoscientific Model Development 14, 1037-1079, doi: 10.5194/gmd-14-1037-2021.

Reinecke, R., Müller Schmied, H., Trautmann, T., Andersen, L.S., Burek, P., Flörke, M., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Koutroulis, A., Pokhrel, Y., Thiery, W., Wada, Y., Satoh, Y., Döll, P. (2021): Uncertainty of simulated groundwater recharge at different global warming levels: a global-scale multi-model ensemble study. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25, 787-810, doi: 10.5194/hess-25-787-2021.

Pokhrel, Y., Felfelani, F., Satoh, Y., Boulange, J., Burek, P., Gädeke, A., Gerten, D., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Gudmundsson, L., Hanasaki, N., Kim, H., Koutroulis, A., Liu, J., Papadimitriou, L., Schewe, J., Müller Schmied, H., Stacke, T., Telteu, C.-E., Thiery, W., Veldkamp, T., Zhao, F., Wada, Y. (2021): Global terrestrial water storage and drought severity under climate change. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-00972-w.

DATA Publications

Horwath, M., Gutknecht, B.D., Cazenave, A., Palanisamy, H.K., Marti, F., Marzeion, B., Paul, F., Le Bris, R., Hogg, A.E., Otosaka, I., Shepherd, A., Döll, P., Cáceres, D., Müller Schmied, H., Johannessen, J.A., Nilsen, J.E.Ø., Raj, R.P., Forsberg, R., Sandberg Sørensen, L., Barletta, V.R., Simonsen, S., Knudsen, P., Andersen, O.B., Ranndal, H., Rose, S.K., Merchant, C.J., Macintosh, C.R., von Schuckmann, K., Novotny, K., Groh, A., Restano, M., Benveniste, J. (2021): ESA Sea Level Budget Closure Climate Change Initiative (SLBC_cci): Time series of global mean sea level budget and ocean mass budget elements (1993-2016, at monthly resolution), version 2.2. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, doi:10.5285/17c2ce31784048de93996275ee976fff.

Lange, S., Menz, C., Gleixner, S., Cucchi, M., Weedon, G.P., Amici, A., Bellouin, N., Müller Schmied, H., Hersbach, H., Bountempo, C., Cagnazzo, C. (2021): WFDE5 over land merged with ERA5 over the ocean (W5E5 v2.0). ISIMIP repository, doi: 10.48364/ISIMIP.342217


Didovets, I., Krysanova, V., Hattermann, F.F., Rivas López, M.d.R., Snizhko, S., Müller Schmied, H. (2020): Climate change impact on water availability of main river basins in Ukraine. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 23 (12), 100761, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2020-100761.

Gädeke, A., Krysanova, V., Aryal, A., Chang, J., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Koutroulis, A., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Schaphoff, S., Müller Schmied, H., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., Wada, Y., Thonicke, K. (2020): Performance evaluation of global hydrological models in six large Pan-Arctic watersheds. Climatic Change 163, 1329-1351, doi: 10.1007/s10584-020-02892-2.

Krysanova, V., Zaherpour, J., Didovets, I., Gosling, S.N., Gerten, D., Hanasaki, N., Müller Schmied, H., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Tang, Q., Wada, Y. (2020): How evaluation of global hydrological models can help to improve credibility of river discharge projections under climate change. Climatic Change 163, 1353-1377, doi: 10.1077/s10584-020-02840-0.

Lange, S., Volkholz, J., Geiger, T., Zhao, F., Vega, I., Veldkamp, T., Reyer, C.P.O., Warszawski, L., Huber, V., Jägermeyr, J., Schewe, J., Bresch, D.N., Büchner, M., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dury, M., Emanuel, K., Folberth, C., Gerten, D., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Henrot, A.-J., Hickler, T., Honda, Y., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Koutroulis, A., Liu, W., Müller, C., Nishina, K., Ostberg, S., Müller Schmied, H., Seneviratne, S.I., Stacke, T., Steinkamp, J., Thiery, W., Wada, Y., Willner, S., Yang, H., Yoshikawa, M., Yue, C., Frieler, K. (2020): Projecting exposure to extreme climate impact events across six event categories and three spatial scales. Earth's Future 8 (12), e2020EF001616, doi: 10.1029/2020EF001616.

Rateb, A., Scanlon, B.R., Pool, D.R., Sun, A., Zhang, Z., Chen, J., Clark, B., Faunt, C.C., Haugh, C.J., Hill, M., Hobza, C., McGuire, V.L., Reitz, M., Müller Schmied, H., Sutanudjaja, E.H., Swenson, S., Wiese, D., Xia, Y., Zell W. (2020): Comparison of groundwater storage changes from GRACE satellites with monitoring and modeling of major U.S. aquifers. Water Resources Research 56 (12), e2020WR027556, doi: 10.1029/2020WR027559.

Caceres, D., Marzeion, B., Malles, J.H., Gutknecht, B., Müller Schmied, H., Döll, P. (2020): Assessing global water mass transfers from continents to oceans over the period 1948-2016. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, 4831-4851, doi: 10.5194/hess-24-4831-2020

Cucchi, M., Weedon, G.P., Amici, A., Bellouin, N., Lange, S., Müller Schmied, H., Hersbach, H., Buontempo, C., (2020): WFDE5: bias-adjusted ERA5 reanalysis data for impact studies. Earth System Science Data 12 (3), 2097-2120, doi: 10.5194/essd-12-2097-2020.

Vanderkelen, I., van Lipzig, N.P.M., Lawrence, D.M., Droppers, B., Golub, M., Gosling, S.N., Janssen, A.B.G., Marcé, R., Müller Schmied, H., Perroud, M., Pierson, D., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Schewe, J., Seneviratne, S.I., Stepanenko, V.M., Tan, Z., Woolway, R.I., Thiery, W. (2020): Global heat uptake by inland waters. Geophysical Research Letters 47 (12), e2020GL087869, doi: 10.1029/2020GL087867.

Do, H.X., Zhao, F., Westra, S., Leonard, M., Gudmundsson, L., Boulange, J.E.S., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Gerten, D., Gosling, S.N., Müller Schmied, H., Stacke, T., Telteu, C.-E., Wada, Y. (2020): Historical and future changes in global flood-magnitude - evidence from a model-observation investigation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, 1543-1565, doi: 10.5194/hess-24-1543-2020.

Döll, P., Trautmann, T., Göllner, M., Müller Schmied, H. (2020): A global-scale analysis of water storage dynamics of inland wetlands: Quantifying the impacts of human water use and man-made reservoirs as well as the unavoidable and avoidable impacts of climate change. Ecohydrology 13 (1), e2175, doi: 10.1002/eco.2175.

DATA Publications

Lange, S., Volkholz, J., Geiger, T., Zhao, F, Vega del Valle, I., Veldkamp, T., Reyer, C., Warszawski, L., Huber, V., Jägermeyr, J., Schewe, J., Bresch, D.N., Büchner, M., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dury, M., Emanuel, K., Folberth, C., Gerten, D., Gosling, S.N., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Henrot, A.-J., Hickler, T., Honda, Y., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Koutroulis, A., Liu, W., Müller, C., Nishina, K., Ostberg, S., Müller Schmied, H., Seneviratne, S.I., Stacke, T., Steinkamp, J., Thiery, W., Wada, Y., Willner, S., Yang, H., Yoshikawa, M., Yue, C., Frieler, F. (2020): Land area fractions and population fractions exposed to extreme climate impact events derived from ISIMIP2b output data (v1.0). ISIMIP Repository. https://doi.org/10.48364/ISIMIP.924045


Shiogama, H., Hasegawa, T., Fujimoi, S., Murakami, D., Takahashi, K., Tanaka, K., Emori, S., Kubota, I., Abe, M., Imada, Y., Watanabe, M., Mitchell, D., Schaller, N., Sillmann, J., Fischer, E.M., Scinocca, j.F., Bethke, I., Lierhammer, L., Takakura, J., Trautmann, T., Döll, P., Ostberg, S., Müller Schmied, H., Saeed, F., Schleussner, C.-F. (2019): Limiting global warming to 1.5 °C will lower increases in inequalities of four hazard indicators of climate change. Environmental Research Letters 14 (12), 124022, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab5256.

Scanlon, B. R., Zhang, Z., Rateb, A., Sun, A., Wiese, D., Save, H., Beaudoing, H., Lo, M. H., Müller Schmied, H., Döll, P., van Beek, R. Swenson, S., Lawrence, D., Croteau, M., Reedy, R. C. (2019): Tracking seasonal fluctuations in land water storage using global models and GRACE satellites. Geophysical Research Letters 46 (10), 5254-5264, doi: 10.1029/2018GL081836

Liu, X., Liu, W., Yang, H., Tang, Q., Flörke, M., Masaki, Y., Müller Schmied, H., Ostberg, S., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Wada, Y. (2019): Multimodel assessments of human and climate impacts on mean annual streamflow in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23, 1245-1261, doi: 10.5194/hess-23-1245-2019.

Schewe, J., Gosling, S. N., Reyer, C., Zhao, F., Ciais, P., Elliott, J., Francois, L., Huber, V., Lotze, H. K., Seneviratne, S. I., van Vliet, M. T. H., Vautard, R., Wada, Y., Breuer, L., Büchner, M., Carozza, D. A., Chang, J., Coll, M., Deryng, D., de Wit, A., Eddy, T. D., Folberth, C., Frieler, K., Friend, A. D., Gerten, D., Gudmundsson, L., Hanasaki, N., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Kim, H., Lawrence, P., Morfopoulos, C., Müller, C., Müller Schmied, H., Orth, R., Ostberg, S., Pokhrel, Y., Pugh, T. A. M., Sakurai, G., Satoh, Y., Schmid, E., Stacke, T., Steenbeek, J., Steinkamp, J., Tang, Q., Tian, H., Tittensor, D. P., Volkholz, J., Wang, X., Warszawski, L. (2019): State-of-the-art global models underestimate impacts from climate extremes. Nature Communications 1005, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08745-6.

Zaherpour, J., Mount, N., Gosling, S.N., Dankers, R. Eisner, S., Gerten, D., Liu, X., Masaki, Y., Müller Schmied, H., Tang, Q., Wada, Y. (2019): Exploring the value of machine learning for weighted multi-model combination of an ensemble of global hydrological models. Environmental Modelling & Software 114, 112-128, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.01.003.

DATA Publications

Gosling, S., Müller Schmied, H., Betts, R., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dankers, R., Döll, P., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Gerten, D., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Hagemann, S., Huang, M., Huang, Z., Jerez, S., Kim, H., Koutroulis, A., Leng, G., Liu, X., Masaki, Y., Montavez, P., Morfopoulos, C., Oki, T., Papadimitriou, L, Pokhrel, Y., Portmann, F. T., Orth, R., Ostberg, S., Satoh, Y., Seneviratne, S., Sommer, P., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., Tsanis, I., Wada, Y., Zhou, T., Büchner, M., Schewe, J., Zhao, F. (2019): ISIMIP2a Simulation Data from Water (global) Sector (V. 1.1). GFZ Data Services. http://doi.org/10.5880/PIK.2019.003


Wang, J., Song, C., Reager, J.T., Yao, F., Famiglietti, J.S., Sheng, Y., MacDonald, G.M., Brun, F., Müller Schmied, H., Marston, R.A., Wada, Y. (2018): Recent global decline in endorheic basin water storages. Nature Geoscience 11, 926-932, doi: 10.1038/s41561-018-0265-7.

Döll, P., Müller Schmied, H. (2018): Modelling freshwater resources and their use at the global scale: motivation, challenges and prospects. In Sychev, V.G., Müller, L (eds).: Novel Methods and Results of Landscape Research in Europe, Central Asia and Siberia (in five volumes). Vol. 3. Landscape Monitoring and Modelling, Publishing House FSBSI Pryanishnikov Institute of Agrochemistry, 283-287. doi: 10.25680/1490.2018.71.71.003

Zaherpour, J., Gosling, S. N., Mount, N., Müller Schmied, H., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Dankers, R., Eisner, S., Gerten, D., Gudmundsson, L., Haddeland, I., Hanasaki, N., Kim, H., Leng, G., Liu, J., Masaki, Y., Oki, T., Pokhrel, Y., Satoh, Y., Schewe, J., Wada, Y. (2018): Worldwide evaluation of mean and extreme runoff from six global-scale hydrological models that account for human impacts. Environmental Research Letters 13, 065015, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aac547.

Wartenburger, R., Seneviratne, S. I., Hirschi, M., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Deryng, D., Elliott, J., Folberth, C., Gosling, S. N., Gudmundsson, L., Henrot, A.-J., Hickler, T., Ito, A., Khabarov, N., Kim, H., Leng, G., Liu, J, Liu, X., Masaki, Y., Morfopoulus, C., Müller, C., Müller Schmied, H., Nishina, K., Orth, R., Pokhrel, Y., Pugh, T. A. M., Satoh, Y., Schaphoff, S., Schmid, E., Sheffield, J., Stacke, T., Steinkamp, J., Tang, Q., Thiery, W., Wada, Y., Wang, X., Weedon, G. P., Yang, H., Zhou, T. (2018): Evapotranspiration simulations in ISIMIP2a - Evaluation of spatio-temporal characteristics with a comprehensive ensemble of independent datasets. Environmental Research Letters 13, 075001, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aac4bb.

Veldkamp, T. I. E., Zhao, F., Ward, P. J., de Moel, H., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Müller Schmied, H., Portmann, F. T., Masaki, Y., Pokhrel, Y., Liu, X., Satoh, Y., Gerten, D., Gosling, S. N., Zaherpour, J., Wada, Y. (2018): Human impact parameterizations in global hydrological models improve estimates of monthly discharges and hydrological extremes: a multi-model validation study. Environmental Research Letters 13, 055008, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aab96f.

Döll, P., Trautmann, T., Gerten, D., Müller Schmied, H., Ostberg, S., Saaed, F., Schleussner, C.-F. (2018): Risks for the global freshwater system at 1.5 °C and 2 °C global warming. Environmental Research Letters 13, 4, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aab792.

Tangdamrongsub, N., Han, S.-C., Tian, S., Müller Schmied, H., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Ran, J., Feng, W. (2018): Evaluation of groundwater storage variations estimated from GRACE data assimilation and state-of-the-art land surface models in Australia and the North China Plain. Remote Sensing 10, 483, doi: 10.3390/rs10030483.

Scanlon, B. R., Zhang, Z., Save, H., Sun, A. Y., Müller Schmied, H., van Beek, L. P. H., Wiese, D. N., Wada, Y., Long, D., Reedy, R. C., Longuevergne, L., Döll, P., Bierkens, M. F. P. (2018): Global models underestimate large decadal declining and rising water storage trends relative to GRACE satellite data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, 6, E1080-E1089, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1704665115.

Schumacher, M., Forootan, E., van Dijk, A. I. J. M., Müller Schmied, H., Crosbie, R. S., Kusche, J., Döll, P. (2018): Improving drought simulations within the Murray-Darling Basin by combined calibration/assimilation of GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model. Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 212-228, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2017.10.029.


Gosling, S., Müller Schmied, H., Betts, R., Chang, J., Ciais, P., Dankers, R., Döll, P., Eisner, S., Flörke, M., Gerten, D., Grillakis, M., Hanasaki, N., Hagemann, S., Huang, M., Huang, Z., Jerez, S., Kim, H., Koutroulis, A., Leng, G., Liu, X., Masaki, Y., Montavez, P., Morfopoulos, C., Oki, T., Papadimitriou, L, Pokhrel, Y., Portmann, F. T., Orth, R., Ostberg, S., Satoh, Y., Seneviratne, S., Sommer, P., Stacke, T., Tang, Q., Tsanis, I., Wada, Y., Zhou, T., Büchner, M., Schewe, J., Zhao, F. (2017): ISIMIP2a Simulation Data from Water (global) Sector. GFZ Data Services. http://doi.org/10.5880/PIK.2017.010

Frieler, K., Lange, S., Piontek, F., Reyer, C. P. O., Schewe, J., Warszawski, L., Zhao, F., Chini, L., Denvil, S., Emanuel, k., Geiger, T., Halladay, K., Hurtt, G., Mengel, M., Murakami, D., Ostberg, S., Popp, A., Riva, R., Stevanovic, M., Suzuki, T., Volkholz, J.,Burke, E., Ciais, P., Ebi, K., Eddy, T. D., Elliott, J., Galbraith, E., Gosling, S. N., Hattermann, F., Hickler, T., Hinkel, J., Hof, C. Huber, V., Jägermeyr, J., Krysanova, V., Marcé, R., Müller Schmied, H., Mouratiadou, I., Pierson, D., Tittensor, D. P., Vautard, R., van Vliet, M., Biber, M. F., Betts, R. A., Bodirsky, B. L., Deryng, D., Frolking, S., Jones, C. D., Lotze, H. K., Lotze-Kampen, Hl, Sahajpal, R., Thonicke, K., Tian, H., Ymagata, Y. (2017): Assessing the impacts of 1.5 °C global warming - simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b). Geoscientific Model Development 10, 4321-4345, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-4321-2017.

Samaniego, L., Kumar, R., Thober, S., Rakovec, O., Zink, M., Wanders, N., Eisner, S. Müller Schmied, H., Sutanudjaja, E. H., Warrach-Sagi, K., Attinger, S. (2017): Toward seamless hydrologic predictions across scales. Hydrololgy and Earth System Sciences 21, 4323-4346, doi: 10.5194/hess-21-4323-2017.

Wada, Y., Bierkens, M. F. P., de Roo, A., Dirmeyer, P. A., Famiglietti, J. S., Hanasaki, N., Konar, M., Liu, J., Müller Schmied, H., Oki, T., Pokhrel, Y., Sivapalan, M., Troy, T. J., van Dijk, A. I. J. M., van Emmerik, T., van Huijgenvoort, M. H. J., van Lanen, H. A. J., Vörösmarty, C. J., Wanders, N. Wheater, H. (2017): Human-water interface in hydrological modeling: Current status and future directions. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21, 4169-4193, doi: 10.5194/hess-21-4169-2017.

Zhao, F., Veldkamp, T. I. E., Frieler, K., Schewe, J., Ostberg, S., Willner, S., Schauberger, B., Gosling, S. N., Müller Schmied, H., Portmann, F. T., Leng, G., Huang, M., Liu, X., Tang, Q., Hanasaki, N., Biemans, H., Gerten, D., Satoh, Y., Pokhrel, Y., Stacke, T., Ciais, P., Chang, J., Ducharne, A., Guimberteau, M., Wada, Y., Kim, H., Yamazaki, D. (2017): The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models. Environmental Research Letters 12 (7), 075003. doi: 101088/1748-9326/aa7250.

Müller Schmied, H. (2017): Evaluation, modification and application of a global hydrological model. Frankfurt Hydrology Paper 16, Institute of Physical Geography, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Masaki, Y., N. Hanasaki, H. Biemans, H. Müller Schmied, Q. Tang, Y. Wada, S. Gosling, K. Takahashi, Y. Hijioka (2017): Intercomparison of global river discharge simulations focusing on dam operation - multiple models analysis in two case-study river basins, Missouri-Mississippi and Green-Colorado. Environmental Research Letters 12(5), 055002. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa57a8


Müller Schmied, H., R. Müller, A. Sanchez-Lorenzo, B. Ahrens & M. Wild (2016): Evaluation of radiation components in a global freshwater model with station-based observations. Water 8(10), 450. doi: 10.3390/w8100450.

Müller Schmied, H., L. Adam, S. Eisner, G. Fink, M. Flörke, H. Kim, T. Oki, F. T. Portmann, R. Reinecke, C. Riedel, Q. Song, J. Zhang & P. Döll (2016): Variations of global and continental water balance components as impacted by climate forcing uncertainty and human water use. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2877-2898. doi: 10.5194/hess-20-2877-2016.

Döll, P., H. Douville, A. Güntner, H. Müller Schmied & Y. Wada (2016): Modelling Freshwater Resources at the Global Scale: Challenges and Prospects. In: A. Cazenave, N. Champollion, J. Benveniste & J. Chen (eds): Remote Sensing and Water Resources. Space Sciences Series of ISSI 55, pp 5–31, Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-32449-4_2, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-32448-7, Online ISBN: 978-3-319-32449-4.

Khandu, E. Forootan, M. Schumacher, J. L. Awange & H. Müller Schmied (2016): Exploring the influence of precipitation extremes and human water use on total water storage (TWS) changes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin. Water Resources Research 52, 2240-2258. doi: 10.1002/2015WR018113

Döll, P., H. Douville, A. Güntner, H. Müller Schmied & Y. Wada (2016): Modelling freshwater resources at the global scale: Challenges and prospects. Surveys in Geophysics 37 (2), 195-221. doi: 10.1007/s10712-015-9343-1


Schumacher, M., A. Eicker, J. Kusche, H. Müller Schmied & P. Döll (2015): Covariance analysis and sensitivity studies for GRACE assimilation into WGHM. International Association of Geodesy Symposia. doi: 10.1007/1345_2015_119


Eicker, A., M. Schumacher, J. Kusche, P. Döll & H. Müller Schmied (2014): Calibration/data assimilation approach for integrating GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) using an Ensemble Kalman Filter: First results. Surveys in Geophysics 35 (6), 1285-1309, doi: 10.1007/s10712-014-9309-8

Müller Schmied, H., S. Eisner, D. Franz, M. Wattenbach, F. T. Portmann, M. Flörke, & P. Döll (2014): Sensitivity of simulated global-scale freshwater fluxes and storages to input data, hydrological model structure, human water use and calibration. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 18, 3511-3538, doi:10.5194/hess-18-3511-2014

Download the poster (shown at EGU 2014) as pdf (4 MB) and watch some WaterGAP examples.

Döll, P., H. Müller Schmied, C. Schuh, F. T. Portmann & A. Eicker (2014): Global-scale assessment of groundwater depletion and related groundwater abstractions: Combining hydrological modeling with information from well observations and GRACE satellites. Water Resources Research 50 (7), 5698-5720, doi:10.1002/2014WR015595.

Döll, P., M. Fritsche, A. Eicker & H. Müller Schmied (2014): Seasonal water storage variations as impacted by water abstractions: Comparing the output of a global hydrological model with GRACE and GPS observations. Surveys in Geophysics 35 (6), 1311-1331, doi: 10.1007/s10712-014-9282-2

< 2014

Döll, P. & H. Müller Schmied (2012): How is the impact of climate change on river flow regimes related to the impact on mean annual runoff? A global-scale analysis. Environmental Research Letters 7 (1): 14037. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014037

Bäse, F., J. Helmschrot, H. Müller Schmied & P. Krause (2007): Die Auswirkungen von Landnutzungsänderungen auf die hydrologische Dynamik im semiariden Einzugsgebiet des Tsitsa, Südafrika. Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie; Teil I, 2006, 1-4: 251-267.

Tagungsbände & Verschiedenes / conference proceedings and misc.

Müller Schmied, H., L. Adam, S. Eisner, G. Fink, M. Flörke, H. Kim, T. Oki, F. T. Portmann, R. Reinecke, C. Riedel, Q. Song, J. Zhang & P. Döll (2016): Impact of climate forcing uncertainty and human water use on global and continental water balance components. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences PIAHS 374, 53-62. doi: 10.5194/piahs-93-1-2016.

Pechstädt, J., F. Zander, A. Bartosch, H. Müller Schmied & W.-A. Flügel (2009): Development of a River Basin Information System for a sustainable development in the Upper Brahmaputra River Basin. Sustainable development – a challenge for European research, 26 – 28 May, Brussels, Belgium.

Müller Schmied, H., J. Helmschrot & W.-A. Flügel (2008): Hydrological functioning of a small wetland patch within a headwater environment in Thuringia. In: Mander, Ü. [ed.]: Wetlands and Climate Change: New Challenges for Wetland research, 3rd Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scienitsts (SWS), Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 106, 70-72, Tartu, Estonia.

Bäse, F., J. Helmschrot, H. Müller Schmied & P. Krause (2007): The impact of land use change on the hydrological dynamic of the semiarid Tsitsa catchment in South Africa. In: Kappas, M., C. Kleinn & B. Sloboda (Hrsg.): Global Change Issues in Developing and Emerging Countries. Proceedings of the 2nd Göttinger GIS and Remote Sensing Days 2006. 4.‐6. Oktober, S. 257‐268.

Pfennig, B., M. Fink, P. Krause, M. Fink & H. Müller Schmied (2005): Leitfaden für die Ableitung prozessorientierter Modelleinheiten (HRUs) für die hydrologische Modellierung. 78 pp.

Konferenzbeiträge / confernce contributions (selection)

Müller Schmied, H., J. Chang, P. Ciais, T. Datry, P. Döll, S. Eisner, M. Flörke, S. N. Gosling, N. Hanasaki, A. Niamir, S. Ostberg, S. I. Seneviratne, J. Schewe, T. Stacke, W. Thiery, T. Veldkamp, Y. Wada & F. Zhao (2018): Global-scale multi-model assessment of river flow regimes indicates an acclerating shift towards intermittent rivers with increasing global warming levels. EGU General Assembly, 8.-13. April 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Müller Schmied, H., T. Veldkamp, A. Niamir, S. N. Gosling, P. Döll & ISIMIP2b global water sector modelling teams (2017): Global-scale multi-model assessment of streamflow regime shifts at different global warming levels. Geobiodiversity - An Integrative Approach Expanding Humboldt's Vision. 1.-3. October 2017, Frankfurt, Germany.

Müller Schmied, H. & P. Döll (2017): Assessment of the terrestrial water balance using the global water availability and use model WaterGAP - status and challenges. EGU General Assembly, 23.-28. April 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Veldkamp, T., P. Ward, H. de Moel, J. Aerts, H. Müller Schmied, F. Portmann, F. Zhao, D. Gerten, Y. Masaki, Y. Pokhrel, Y. Satoh, S. Gosling, J. Zaherpour & Y. Wada (2017): Human impact parameterization in a global hydrological model improves estimates of monthly discharges and hydrological extremes: a multi-model validation study. EGU General Assembly, 23.-28. April 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Frieler, K., L. Warszawski, F. Zhao & the ISIMIP2b Cross-Sectoral Science Team and Sector Coordinators* (2017): Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach. EGU General Assembly, 23.-28. April 2017, Vienna, Austria. *including Müller Schmied, H.

Zhao, F., T. Veldkamp, B. Schauberger, S. Willner, D. Yamazaki & the ISIMIP2a Global Water Modeling and Coordination* (2017): Choice of routing scheme considerably influences peak river discharge simulation in global hydrological models. EGU General Assembly, 23.-28. April 2017, Vienna, Austria. *including Müller Schmied, H.

Scanlon, B., Z. Zhang, A. Sun, H. Save, H. Müller Schmied, Y. Wada, P. Döll & S. Eisner (2016): Comparison of total water storage anomalies from global hydrologic and land surface models and new GRACE satellite solutions. AGU fall meeting, 12.-16. December 2016, San Francisco, USA.

Zhao, F., K. Frieler, L. Warszawski, S. Lange, J. Schewe, C. Reyer, S. Ostberg, F. Piontek, R. A. Betts, E. Burke, P. Ciais, D. Deryng, K. L. Ebi, K. Emanuel, J. W. Elliott, E. D. Galbraith, S. Gosling, T. Hickler, J. Hinkel, C. Jones, V. Krysanova, H. Lotze-Campen, I. Mouratiadou, A. Popp, H. Tian, D. Tittensor, R. Vautard, M. T. H. van Vliet, T. Eddy, F. Hattermann, V. Huber, M. Mengel, M. Stevanovic, T. Kirsten & H. Müller Schmied (2016): Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach. AGU fall meeting, 12.-16. December 2016, San Francisco, USA.

Shamsudduha, M., R. Taylor, M. Owor, M. Todd, Y. Wada, M.-H. Lo, H. Müller Schmied, P. Döll, M. Rodell, S. Jasechko, G. Favreau, A. MacDonald & B. Scanlon (2016): A pan-African inter-comparison of the relationship between precipitation and groundwater recharge from in-situ observations and large-scale models. 43rd IAH Congress, 25.-29. September 2016, Montpellier, France.

Schumacher, M., E. Forootan, A. I. J. M. van Dijk, H. Müller Schmied, R. S. Crosbie, J. Kusche & P. Döll (2016): GRACE assimilation into hydrological model improves representation of drought-induced groundwater trend over Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. EGU General Assembly, 18.-22. April 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Sutanudjaja, E. and the HyperHydro Team (2016): The HyperHydro (H²) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolution. EGU General Assembly, 18.-22. April 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Sutanudjaja, E., J. Bosmans, N. Chaney, M. Clark, L. Condon, C. David, A. P. J. De Roo, P. Döll, N. Drost, S. Eisner, J. Famiglietti, M. Flörke, J. Gilbert, D. Gochis, R. Hut, J. Keune, S. Kollet, R. Maxwell, M. Pan, O. Rakovec, J. Reager, L. Samaniego, H. Müller Schmied, T. Trautmann, L. van Beek, N. van de Giesen, R. Wood & M. Bierkens (2015): The HyperHydro (H²) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions. AGU fall meeting, 14.-18. December 2015, San Francisco, USA.

Müller Schmied, H., L. Adam, S. Eisner, G. Fink, M. Flörke, H. Kim, T. Oki, F. T. Portmann, R. Reinecke, C. Riedel, Q. Song, J. Zhang & P. Döll (2015): Variations of global and continental water balance components as impacted by climate forcing uncertainty and human water use. International conference on "Water Resources Assessment and Seasonal Predictions", 13.-16. October, Koblenz, Germany.

Müller Schmied, H., S. Eisner, F. T. Portmann, G. Fink, M. Flörke & P. Döll (2015): Response of the global water availability and use model WaterGAP to different climatic forcings and human impacts within the late 20th century. EGU general assembly, 12.-17. April 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Müller Schmied, H., M. Möller & P. Döll (2015): Evaluating the importance of climate input and calculation approach for estimating global scale potential evaporation. EGU general assembly, 12.-17. April 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Schumacher, M., H. Müller Schmied, J. Kusche, P. Döll, M. Rodell & A. van Dijk (2015): GRACE data assimilation into WGHM: Validation of updated water states and fluxes in the Mississippi Basin. EGU general assembly, 12.-17. April 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Müller Schmied, H. (2014): Erfahrungen mit eLearning-Elementen im frühen Geographiestudium. 9. eLearning-Netzwerktag am 18.12.2014 an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.

Müller Schmied, H., M. Möller (2014): Die Bedeutung von Strahlungsinformationien für das globale hydrologische Modell WaterGAP. 11. Doktorandenworkshop zur hydrologischen Modellierung (AG HYDMOD), 15.-17.5.2014, Kassel.

Müller Schmied, H., L. Adam, P. Döll, S. Eisner, M. Flörke, A. Güntner, E. Kynast, F. T. Portmann, C. Riedel, C. Schneider, Q. Song, M. Wattenbach & J. Zhang (2014): Modelling global freshwater resources using WaterGAP 2.2 - model overview, selected results and applications. EGU general assembly, 27. April - 2. May 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Schumacher, M., J. Kusche, H. Müller Schmied, K. Franz, A. Eicker & P. Döll (2014): Considering model and forcing uncertainties in EnKF calibration and assimilation of WGHM using gridded GRACE data. EGU general assembly, 27. April - 2. May 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Schumacher, M., J. Kusche, A. Eicker, H. Müller Schmied & P. Döll (2014): Assimilation and calibration approach for WGHM using gridded GRACE observations: Validation for the Mississippi, Amazon and Danube Basin. EGU general assembly, 27. April - 2. May 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Müller Schmied, H. (2013): Mehr Arbeit oder Mehrwert? Über Entwicklung und Einsatz von eLearning im frühen Geographiestudium. eLearning-Netzwerktag am 9.12.2013 an der Goethe-Universtität Franfurt am Main.

Eicker, A., M. Schumacher, J. Kusche, H. Müller Schmied & P. Döll (2013): Calibration/data assimilation approach for integrating GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) using an ensemble Kalman filter. AGU Fall Meeting, 9.-30. December 2013, San Francisco

Schumacher, M., J. Kusche, A. Eicker, L. Longuevergne, K. Franz, P. Döll & H. Müller Schmied (2013): The influence of climate input uncertainties on the assimilation of GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model. AGU Fall Meeting, 9.-30. December 2013, San Francisco

Schumacher, M., A. Eicker, J. Kusche, H. Müller Schmied & P. Döll (2013): Calibration/data assimilation approach for integrating GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) using an ensemble Kalman filter. International Association of Geodesy Scientific Assembly, 1.-6. September 2013, Potsdam.

Müller Schmied, H., S. Eisner, D., Franz & M. Wattenbach (2013): How sensitive is the estimation of renewable water resources on a global scale to input data and model structure? EGU general assembly, 8. - 12. April 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Schuh, C., P. Döll,, H. Müller Schmied & F. Portmann (2013): Evaluating groundwater depletion as computed by a global water model. EGU general assembly, 8. - 12. April 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Eicker, A., M. Schumacher, H. Müller Schmied, P. Döll & J. Kusche (2013): Calibration/data assimilation approach for integrating GRACE data into the WaterGAP Global Hydrology Model (WGHM) using an ensamble Kalman filter. EGU general assembly, 8. - 12. April 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Schumacher, M., A. Eicker, H. .Müller Schmied, P. Döll & J. Kusche (2013): The influence of error correlation on the assimilation of GRACE data into global hydrological models.EGU general assembly, 8. - 12. April 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Döll, P., H. Hoffmann-Dobrev, L. Adam, A. Eicker, C. Schuh, H. Müller Schmied & F. Portmann (2012): Global scale assessment of groundwater depletion due to human groundwater abstractions. Joint GRACE Science Team Meeting and DFG SPP1257 Final Colloquium, 17.-19.September 2012, GFZ Potsdam.

Wattenbach, M., A. Güntner, W. Liang, M. Schmidt, F. Seitz, H. Müller Schmied, S. Eisner (2012): Integration of MODIS LAI products into the hydrological model WGHM indicate the sensitivity of total water storage simulation to vegetation cover dynamics. Joint GRACE Science Team Meeting and DFG SPP1257 Final Colloquium, 17.-19.September 2012, GFZ Potsdam.

Müller Schmied, H., M. Dopychai & P. Döll (2011): Auswirkung von Klimadaten auf die berechnete Nettostrahlung im globalen hydrologischen Modell WaterGAP: Unsicherheiten und Konsequenzen für die Modellierung der PET und der erneuerbaren Wasserressourcen. 15. Workshop Großskalige Hydrologische Modellierung, 2.-4. November 2011, Innsbruck, Austria

Müller Schmied, H., H. Hoffmann-Dobrev & P. Döll (2011): Effect of precipiation downscaling for modeled discharge using a global hydrological model.  EGU general assembly, 4 – 8. April 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Müller Schmied, H. & P. Döll (2009): Einfluss von Feuchtgebieten auf modellierte Durchflüsse im globalen hydrologischen Modell WaterGAP. 13. Workshop zur Großskaligen Hydrologischen Modellierung, 25.-27. November 2009, Dresden, Germany.

Müller Schmied, H., J. Helmschrot & W.-A. Flügel (2009): Analysis of flow duration curves and hydrochemistry for the assessment of wetland dynamics in Thuringian headwaters, Germany. 30th SWS-Conference, June 2008, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Müller Schmied, H. & J. Helmschrot (2009): A comparison of different methods to characterize water sources and flow patterns in wetland systems. SWS European Chapter Meeting 20-24 May 2009, Erkner (Berlin), Germany.

Müller Schmied, H., J. Helmschrot & W.‐A. Flügel (2009): Study on hydrological processes controlling the functioning of riparian wetland patches in central Germany. EGU general assembly, 19 – 24. April, Vienna, Austria.

Bartosch, A., J. Pechstädt, H. Müller Schmied & W.-A. Flügel (2009): "Climate change impact on water resources - a challenge for IWRM". BRAHMATWINN - Twinning European and South Asian River Basins to enhance capacity and implement adaptive management approaches. EGU general assembly, 19 – 24. April, Vienna, Austria.

Helmschrot, J. & H. Müller Schmied (2008): Assessment of climate change impacts on the hydrological functioning of wetlands and its implication for a sustainable water resources management in Thuringian catchments, Germany. 8th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, 20 - 25 July 2008, Cuiabá, Brazil.

Müller Schmied, H., J. Helmschrot, M. Vogt & W.-A. Flügel (2007): Hydro-ecological characteristics and dynamics of a cascading wetland system in central Germany. 28th Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Sacramento, USA.

Müller Schmied, H., J. Helmschrot, M. Vogt & W.-A. Flügel (2007): Hydro-ecological studies in cascading, riparian wetland systems in the Thuringian Forest, Germany. EGU general assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Helmschrot, J. & H. Müller Schmied (2006): Characterization and hydrological functioning of man‐made wetland patches and shallow ponds in the Thuringian Forest, Germany. 27 th annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Cairns, Australia (ausgezeichnet mit dem „Honourable Mention Award” für die beste Poster-Präsentation).

Helmschrot, J., H. Müller Schmied, S. Lorentz & W.-A. Flügel (2004): The hydrological modelling of wetland dynamics in a changing environment. A case study from South Africa. 25th anniversary meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, USA.

Gutachtertätigkeiten für Zeitschriften / reviews for journals

  • Biodiversity and Ecology
  • Earth System Science Data
  • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
  • Hydrological Science Journal
  • Hydrology
  • Remote Sensing
  • Surveys in Geophysics
  • The Open Atmospheric Science Journal
  • Water
  • Water Resources Research
  • Zentralblatt Paläontologie und Geologie II

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