Welcome to the homepage of the Heilemann Group!


We develop imaging and image analysis tools for cell biology.

Our aim is to visualise the structural organisation of biomolecules in situ and in their cellular environment. For this purpose, we develop and apply super-resolution microscopy techniques, fluorescence labelling methods and image analysis tools.

Homepage 04 banner2022

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June 2024

Our manuscript on self-quenched fluorophore-DNA labels for STED and DNA-PAINT is now published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

May 2024

We are incredibly happy to announce that Dr. Christoph Spahn has started his research group at the Julius-Maximilian-University Würzburg. Whole-hearted congratulations, and all the best wishes for the start!

April 2024

Quantitative SMLM of membrane receptors: we contributed to two recent studies that are now published (EpoR and Channelrhodopsin-2)

March 2024

Laurell and Ash present our latest work at the Focus on Microscopy conference in Genoa 

February 2024

Annabelle joined the group for her Master thesis -- Welcome!!

Philipp joined the group for his Master thesis -- Welcome!!

January 2024

Catarina joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher and Alexandra started her PhD thesis – Welcome to the team!

December 2023

Ashwin and Marius contributed to Single-molecule imaging reveals nano-clustering of ER-phagy receptors, a collaboration headed by Alexandra Stolz – now published in Nature Communications

October 2023

Marko joined the group for his Master thesis -- Welcome!!

September 2023

Soo, Yunqing and Ashwin are presenting their work at the 28th Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Super-resolution Microscopy in Berlin (link)

August 2023

Combining weak-affinity fluorophore labels and a neural network for high-density SMLM prediction enables fast live-cell imaging – great collaboration with the Kai Johnsson & Yoav Shechtman groups now published in Biophysical Reports

Our work on Self-quenched Fluorophore Dimers for DNA-PAINT and STED Microscopy is now published in Angewandte Chemie

Congratulations to Tanja for winning the Poster Prize at the EBSA Meeting in Stockholm.

July 2023

Soohyen, Dongni, Tanja & Mike will present our latest work at the EBSA Meeting in Stockholm.

Great work by our colleagues in the Yoav Shechtman lab reporting fast live-cell super-resolution imaging with single-molecule data from Soohyen

June 2023

In a collaboration with Ivan Dikic (lead) and Gerhard Hummer, Marius and Ashwin quantified ER-phagy receptor nano-clustering in situ – this study is now published in Nature.

Non-covalent fluorophore labels are great tools in fluorescence microscopy. Together with our colleague Lorenzo Albertazzi, we published a Mini-Review in Angewandte Chemie that is now online.

May 2023

Our work on Biased activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase HER2 is now published in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences

Maximilian joined the group for his Master thesis -- Welcome!!

February 2023

Led by our colleague Dylan Owen and now published: A collaborative effort to evaluate cluster analysis for single-molecule super-resolution microscopy 

January 2023

We contributed to an article reporting protein labelling with exchangeable fluorophores for multi-modal super-resolution microscopy in a collaboration with the Kai Johnsson group (lead)

Combining weak-affinity fluorophore labels expands multi-color super-resolution imaging – we show 6-color STED imaging in our study that is now published in ACS Nano (link)

December 2022

Fast DNA-PAINT imaging using a neural network to predict super-resolution data from high-density single-molecule data now published in Nature Communications