Prof. Dr. Simon Wendt

Prof. Dr. Simon Wendt

Prof. Dr. Simon Wendt

Simon Wendt

Professor of American Studies

Research and Teaching Interests
Modern U.S.History
African American History
Gender History
Memory and History

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

office: IG 4.217
office hours: see here
Please schedule an appointment via email



The Black Power Movement and the Contested Nature of American Democracy
Funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation (2022-2025)

Current Conferences:

The last two decades have seen a plethora of new studies on the history of the Black Power
movement. Taken together, these studies have revised one-dimensional interpretations of the
movement, exploring its roots, the significance of local organizing, African American women’s
contributions, the movement’s political impact, and its radical internationalism. Building on this
foundation, this conference brings together a new generation of American, British, and German
historians who shed fresh light on the Black Power movement’s complex history. While some
of their contributions revisit topics that have long been of interest to historians of the era—
African American women, education, and the movement’s global impact—others open up new
historiographical trajectories, including the role of religion and collaborations between Black
Power organizations and LGBTQ activists. Ultimately, this conference will help us better
understand both the Black Power movement’s history and its legacy.

Conference Program



Current Research Projects:

The Black Power Movement and the Contested Nature of American Democracy
Funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation (2022-2025)

Current Conferences:

The last two decades have seen a plethora of new studies on the history of the Black Power
movement. Taken together, these studies have revised one-dimensional interpretations of the
movement, exploring its roots, the significance of local organizing, African American women’s
contributions, the movement’s political impact, and its radical internationalism. Building on this
foundation, this conference brings together a new generation of American, British, and German
historians who shed fresh light on the Black Power movement’s complex history. While some
of their contributions revisit topics that have long been of interest to historians of the era—
African American women, education, and the movement’s global impact—others open up new
historiographical trajectories, including the role of religion and collaborations between Black
Power organizations and LGBTQ activists. Ultimately, this conference will help us better
understand both the Black Power movement’s history and its legacy.

Conference Program

Past Research Projects:

Marginalized Masculinities and
the American Nation:

African American and Native American Military Heroism,
1941-1978 (funded by the German Research Foundation, 2013-2016)


Past Conferences:

Violence, Race and Self-Defense in Urban America

Friday, 12.11.2021, 15:00 (s.t.) -19:00, online via zoom
You can access  the workshop programm here!
Zoom-Link here!


    International Conference
    "Race, Gender, and Military Heroism in U.S.
    History: From World War I to
    9/11," March 20-21, 2015
    Conference Program


  International Conference
  "Everyday Heroism in the United States,
  Germany, and Britain from the 19th
  to the 21st Century," March 6-7, 2015
  Conference Program 






In this comprehensive history of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), one of the oldest and most important women's organizations in United States history, Simon Wendt shows how the DAR's efforts to keep alive the memory of the nation's past were entangled with and strengthened the nation's racial and gender boundaries.Taking a close look at the DAR's mission of bolstering national loyalty, Wendt reveals paradoxes and ambiguities in its activism. While the Daughters engaged in patriotic actions long believed to be the domain of men and challenged male-centered accounts of US nation-building, their tales about the past reinforced traditional notions of femininity and masculinity, reflecting a belief that any challenge to these conventions would jeopardize the country's stability. Similarly, they frequently voiced support for inclusive civic nationalism but deliberately shaped historical memory to consolidate white supremacy.Using archival sources from across the country, Wendt focuses on the DAR's most visible work after its founding in 1890 - its commemorations of the American Revolution, western expansion, and Native Americans. He also explores the organization's post-World War II history, a time that saw major challenges to its conservative vision of America's  imagined community. This book sheds new light on the remarkable agency and cultural authority of conservative white women in the twentieth century.

The Daughters of the American Revolution and Patriotic Memory in the Twentieth Century. University Press of Florida, September 2020.    

   Heroes and heroic discourse have gained new visibility in the twenty-first century. This is noted in recent research on the heroic, but it has been largely ignored that heroism is increasingly a global phenomenon both in terms of production and consumption. This edited collection aims to bridge this research void and brings together case studies by scholars from different parts of the world and diverse fields. They explore how transnational and transcultural processes of translation and adaptation shape notions of the heroic in non-Western and Western cultures alike. The book provides fresh perspectives on heroism studies and offers a new angle for global and postcolonial studies.
Ed. with Barbara Korte and Nicole Falkenhayner. Heroism as a Global Phenomenon in Contemporary Culture. Routledge, 2019    

        By focusing on how the idea of heroism on the battlefield helped construct, perpetuate, and challenge racial and gender hierarchies in the United States between World War I and the present, Warring over Valor provides fresh perspectives on the history of American military heroism. The book offers two major insights into the history of military heroism. First, it reveals a precarious ambiguity in the efforts of minorities such as African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, women, and gay men to be recognized as heroic soldiers. Paradoxically, America’s heroism discourse allowed them to press their case for full membership in the nation, but doing so simultaneously validated the dichotomous interpretations of race and gender they repudiated. The ambiguous role of marginalized groups in war-related hero-making processes also testifies to this volume’s second general insight: the durability and tenacity of the masculine warrior hero in U.S. society and culture. Warring over Valor bridges a gap in the historiography of heroism and military affairs. 
Ed. Warring over Valor: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2019.    


Contributions by Tunde Adeleke, Brian D. Behnken, Minkah Makalani, Benita Roth, Gregory D. Smithers, Simon Wendt, and Danielle L. Wiggins

Black intellectualism has been misunderstood by the American public and by scholars for generations. Historically maligned by their peers and by the lay public as inauthentic or illegitimate, black intellectuals have found their work misused, ignored, or discarded. Black intellectuals have also been reductively placed into one or two main categories: they are usually deemed liberal or, less frequently, as conservative. The contributors to this volume explore several prominent intellectuals, from such left-leaning leaders as W. E. B. Du Bois to conservative intellectuals like Thomas Sowell and from such well-known black feminists as Patricia Hill Collins to Marxists like Claudia Jones, to underscore the variety of black intellectual thought in the United States. Contributors also situate the development of the lines of black intellectual thought within the broader history from which these trends emerged. The result gathers essays that offer entry into a host of rich intellectual traditions.

 Ed. with Brian D. Behnken and Gregory D. Smithers. Black Intellectual Thought in Modern America: A Historical Perspective. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2017.    

   Als Tag der Terroranschläge auf New York und Washington ist der 11. September 2001 unvergessen. Aber war 9/11 ein Tag, der die Welt veränderte? Die AutorInnen hinterfragen bisherige historische und politologische Einordnungsversuche und zeichnen die Entwicklungen bis zum Sommer 2015 nach, um neue Forschungsdiskussionen anzustoßen und die transatlantischen Dimensionen des 11. September aufzuzeigen. Zeitenwende 9/11? strebt eine transatlantische Bilanz knapp anderthalb Dekaden nach den Ereignissen an. Es wird untersucht, welche historische Bedeutung das Datum 11. September in vergleichender transnationaler und multidisziplinärer Perspektive hat. Die Autoren bieten Antworten an auf die Frage, ob die Geschehnisse dieses Tages in der Innen- und Außenpolitik, aber auch der Medienlandschaft Europas und der USA so tiefgreifende Wandlungsprozesse angestoßen haben, dass man von einer Zeitenwende sprechen kann.
Ed. with Tobias Endler, Till Karmann, and Martin Thunert. Zeitenwende 9/11? Eine transatlantische Bilanz. Opladen: Budrich, 2016.    

   Wurden Kriegshelden, politische Führerhelden und Superhelden zum Thema unzähliger Studien, hat sich die Forschung bisher kaum mit der Heroisierung gewöhnlicher Menschen auseinandergesetzt. Das Buch schließt diese Forschungslücke am Beispiel der USA, Deutschlands und Großbritanniens - es ist die erste systematische wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Alltagshelden, die aufgrund tatsächlicher oder ihnen zugeschriebener außergewöhnlicher Taten heroisiert werden.
Ed. Extraordinary Ordinariness: Everyday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain, 1800 - 2015. Frankfurt: Campus, 2016.    

   Masculinities and the Nation in the Modern World sheds new light on the interrelationship between gender and the nation, focusing on the role of masculinities in various processes of nation-building in the modern world between 1800 and the 1960s.
Ed. with Pablo Dominguez. Masculinities and the Nation in the Modern World: Between Hegemony and Marginalization. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.    

    Crossing Boundaries: Ethnicity, Race, and National Belonging in a Transnational World explores ethnic and racial nationalism within a transnational and transcultural framework in the long twentieth century (late nineteenth to early twenty-first century). The contributors to this volume examine how national solidarity and identity—with their vast array of ideological, political, intellectual, social, and ethno-racial qualities—crossed juridical, territorial, and cultural boundaries to become transnational; how they altered the ethnic and racial visions of nation-states throughout the twentieth century; and how they ultimately influenced conceptions of national belonging across the globe.

Human beings live in an increasingly interconnected, transnational, global world. National economies are linked worldwide, information can be transmitted around the world in seconds, and borders are more transparent and fluid. In this process of transnational expansion, the very definition of what constitutes a nation and nationalism in many parts of the world has been expanded to include individuals from different countries, and, more importantly, members of ethno-racial communities. But crossing boundaries is not a new phenomenon. In fact, transnationalism has a long and sordid history that has not been fully appreciated. Scholars and laypeople interested in national development, ethnic nationalism, as well as world history will findCrossing Boundaries indispensable. 
Ed. with Brian D. Behnken. Crossing Boundaries: Ethnicity, Race, and National Belonging in aTransnational World. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2013.    

  The study of lynching in US history has become a well-developed area of scholarship. However, scholars have rarely included comparative or transnational perspectives when studying the American case, although lynching and communal punishment have occurred in most societies throughout history.
Ed. with Manfred Berg. Globalizing Lynching History: Vigilantism and Extralegal Punishment from an International Perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.    

   Emphasizing the global nature of racism, this volume brings together historians from various regional specializations to explore this phenomenon from comparative and transnational perspectives. The essays shed light on how racial ideologies and practices developed, changed, and spread in Europe, Asia, the Near East, Australia, and Africa, focusing on processes of transfer, exchange, appropriation, and adaptation. To what extent, for example, were racial beliefs of Western origin? Did similar belief systems emerge in non-Western societies independently of Western influence? And how did these societies adopt and adapt Western racial beliefs once they were exposed to them? Up to this point, the few monographs or edited collections that exist only provide students of the history of racism with tentative answers to these questions. More importantly, the authors of these studies tend to ignore transnational processes of exchange and transfer. Yet, as this volume shows, these are crucial to an understanding of the diffusion of racial belief systems around the globe.
Ed. with Manfred Berg. Racism in the Modern World: Historical Perspectives on Cultural Transfer and Adaptation. New York: Berghahn, 2011.    

   Arnold Schwarzenegger is at the center of multiple overlapping themes that have defined the United States over the past fifty years: immigration and the American Dream, body and gender, Hollywood and the star system, public images and political campaigns, and California conservatism and the challenge of green politics. In his careers as a bodybuilder, film star, and politician, Schwarzenegger both shaped and was shaped by the discourses that define how we think about American history, culture, and politics. Consequently, studying Arnold Schwarzenegger means much more than studying a famous bodybuilder, actor, or politician: it means studying America.
The contributors to this volume are scholars from the fields of history, political science, art history, media studies, film studies, cultural studies, and American studies. As they bring the concepts of "body" and "image" to bear on Schwarzenegger, they provide a unique perspective on both this cultural icon and on contemporary America.
Ed. with Michael Butter and Patrick Keller. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Body and Image. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011.    


The Spirit and the Shotgun explores the role of armed self-defense in tandem with nonviolent protests in the African American freedom struggle of the 1950s and 1960s. Confronted with violent attacks by the Ku Klux Klan and other racist terrorists, southern blacks adopted Martin Luther King's philosophy of nonviolent resistance as a tactic, Wendt argues, but at the same time armed themselves out of necessity and pride. Sophisticated self-defense units patrolled black neighborhoods, guarded the homes of movement leaders, rescued activists from harm, and occasionally traded shots with their white attackers. These patrols enhanced and sustained local movements in the face of white aggression. They also provoked vigorous debate within traditionally nonviolent civil rights organizations such as SNCC, CORE, and the NAACP.

This study reevaluates black militants such as Malcolm X and the Black Panther Party and also appraises largely unknown protective agencies in Tuscaloosa, Cleveland, and other locales. 

The Spirit and the Shotgun: Armed Resistance and the Struggle for Civil Rights. Gainesville:
University Press of Florida, 2007.

Journal Articles

“Defenders of Patriotism or Mothers of Fascism? The Daughters of the American Revolution, Antiradicalism, and Un-Americanism in the Interwar Period.” Journal of American Studies 47, no. 4 (November 2013): 943-969.

“Transnational Perspectives on the History of Race and Racism in North America.” Amerikastudien 54, no. 3 (2009): 473-498.

“Protection or Path toward Revolution? Black Power and Self-Defense.” Souls 9, no. 4 (October December 2007): 320-332.

“‘They Finally Found Out that We Really Are Men’: Violence, Non-Violence and Black Manhood in the Civil Rights Era.” Gender & History 19, no. 3 (November 2007): 543-564.

“God, Gandhi, and Guns: The African American Freedom Struggle in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1964 - 1965.” Journal of African American History 89, no. 1 (Winter 2004): 36-56.

“‘Urge People Not to Carry Guns’: Armed Self - Defense in the Louisiana Civil Rights Movement and the Radicalization of the Congress of Racial Equality.” Louisiana History 45, no. 3 (Summer 2004): 261-286.

“Southern Intellectuals and the Defense of Slavery: The Proslavery Thought of George Fitzhugh and Henry Hughes.” Southern Historian
23 (Spring 2002): 56-70

Book Chapters

“Instrument of Subjugation or Avenue for Liberation? African American Military Heroism in World War II and the Vietnam War.” In Warring over Valor: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, ed. Simon Wendt, 57-78. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2018.

“American Studies as a Multi/Inter/Transdisciplinary Endeavor? Problems, Challenges, and the Potential of Heroism for Collaborative Research.” In Projecting American Studies: Essays on Theory, Method, and Practice, ed. Frank Kelleter und Alexander Starre, 197-205. Heidelberg: Winter, 2018.

“‘The Thought of a Black Male with a Weapon Scares America’: African Americans, the Second Amendment, and the Racial Politics of Armed Self-Defense in the Civil Rights Era and Beyond” (with Rebecca Rössling). In The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear, and the American Constitution, ed. Kevin Yuill and Joe Street, 65-82. New York: Routledge, 2018.

“Intellectual Predicaments: Black Nationalism in the Civil Rights and Post - Civil Rights Eras.” In Black Intellectual Thought in Modern America: A Historical Perspective , ed. Brian D. Behnken, Gregory D. Smithers, and Simon Wendt, 170-205. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2017.

“Heldentum und Autorität in der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft um 1900.” In Autorität: Krise, Konstruktion und Konjunktur , ed. Oliver Kohns, Till van Rahden, and Marc Roussel, 75-107. Paderborn: Fink, 2016.

“Eldridge Cleaver: Soul on Ice (1967) Oder: ‘I will not be free until the day I can have a white woman in my bed and a white man minds his own business.’” In Race & Sex: Eine Geschichte der Neuzeit, ed. Jürgen Martschukat and Olaf Stieglitz, 152-159. Berlin: Neofaris, 2016.

“White Elite Women, the Gendered Memory of Heroism, and American Nationalism, 1890-1939.” In Bewunderer, Verehrer, Zuschauer: Die Helden und ihr Publikum, ed. Ronald G. Asch and Michael Butter, 161-178. Würzburg: Ergon, 2016.

“Transnationalizing American and Transatlantic History: Chances and Challenges.” In American Studies Today: New Research Agendas, ed. Winfried Fluck, Erik Redling, Sabine Sielke, and Hubert Zapf, 3-24. Heidelberg: Winter, 2014.

“Nationalist Middle-Class Women, Memory, and Conservative Family Values, 1890-1945.” In Gender Roles and the Family: Changing Values and Norms in 20th-Century United States, ed. Isabel Heinemann, 31-58. Frankfurt: Campus, 2012.

“Bodybuilding, Male Bodies, and Masculinity in 19th and 20th Century America: Eugen Sandow and Arnold Schwarzenegger.” In Arnold Schwarzenegger: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Body and Image, ed. Michael Butter, Patrick Keller, and Simon Wendt, 25-48. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011.

“Transnationalizing American Studies: Historians’ Perspectives,” (with Heike Bungert). In American Studies/Shifting Gears, ed. Birte Christ, Christian Kloeckner, Elisabeth Schäfer-Wünsche, and Michael Butter, 89-116. Heidelberg: Winter, 2010.

““We Were Going to Fight Fire with Fire”: Black Power in the South.” In Neighborhood Rebels: Black Power at the Local Level, ed. Peniel Joseph, 131-147. New York: Palgrave, 2010.

“Massenmedien und die Bedeutung von Helden und Stars in den USA (1890-1929).” In Medien und Imagepolitik im 20. Jahrhundert: Deutschland, Europa, USA, ed. Daniela Münkel and Lu Seegers, 187-205. Frankfurt: Campus, 2008.

“Martin Luther Kings Philosophie der Gewaltfreiheit–Prinzip oder Methode? Pazifismus, gewaltloser Protest und bewaffneter Widerstand in der afroamerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung.” In Martin Luther King, Jr.: Leben, Werk und Vermächtnis, ed. Michael Haspel and Britta Waldschmidt-Nelson, 35-54. Weimar: Wartburg Verlag, 2008.

“Krieg und Heldentum in den USA: Die Heroisierung amerikanischer Soldaten vom Ende des Bürgerkriegs bis zum spanisch-amerikanischen Krieg.” In Krieg: Vergleichende Perspektiven aus Kunst, Musik und Geschichte, ed. Cord Arendes and Jörg Peltzer, 115-132. Heidelberg: Winter, 2007.

“Gewalt und Männlichkeit in der Black Power Bewegung.” In Väter, Soldaten, Liebhaber: Männer und Männlichkeiten in der Geschichte Nordamerikas, ed. Jürgen Martschukat and Olaf Stieglitz, 355-369. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2007.

“African Americans and Criminal Justice in the American South: The Convict Lease System, 1868-1928.” In Criminal Justice in Germany and the United States, ed. Manfred Berg, Stefan Kapsch, and Franz Streng, 19-28. Heidelberg: Winter, 2006.

“The Roots of Black Power? Armed Resistance and the Radicalization of the Civil Rights Movement.” In The Black Power Movement: Rethinking the Civil Rights - Black Power Era, ed. Peniel E. Joseph, 145-165. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Encyclopedia Articles

“Daughters of the American Revolution.” In Encyclopedia of American Social History, ed. Lynn Dumenil, 246-248. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.

“Black Self-Defense;” “Deacons for Defense and Justice;” “Williams, Robert F.” In Encyclopedia of African American History, ed. Leslie Alexander and Walter Rucker, 665-667, 732-733, 1104-1105. Santa Barbara: ABL-CLIO, 2010.

“African American Resistance, Jim Crow Era;” “African American Resistance, Reconstruction
Era;” “American Slave Rebellions.” In International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present, ed. Immanuel Ness, 16-19, 19-21, 88-90. New York: Blackwell, 2009.

“Civil Rights Movement.” In Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896-Present, ed. Paul Finkelman, 411-419. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

“Du Bois, W.E.B” and “Garvey, Marcus.” In Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age: From the End of World War I to the Great Crash, ed. James Ciment, 183-184, 256-257. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2008.

“Bunche, Ralph (1904-1971);” “Gandhi, Mohandas (1869-1948);” “Kenyatta, Jomo (1897/1898?-1978);” “King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968);” “Mau Mau;” “Weathermen.” In Encyclopedia of the Cold War: A Political, Social, and Military History, ed. Spencer C. Tucker and Andrew McCormick, 214-215, 486-487, 711-712, 720-722, 832-383, 1417-1418. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2007.

“Southern Christian Leadership Conference;” “Poor People’s Campaign;” “Selma March.” In Postwar America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History, ed. James Ciment, 987-989, 1103-1105, 1153-1155. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2006.

“Parks, Rosa Louise.” In Encyclopedia of American Lives, ed. Arnold Markoe, Karen Markoe, and Kenneth T. Jackson. Vol. 7, 413-415. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2006.

“Nonviolent Direct Action and the Civil Rights Movement”; “Congress of Racial Equality”; “Racial Violence and the Civil Rights Movement.” In Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, ed. Immanuel Ness. Vol. 1, 202-207; 208-211; 222-226. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2004.

“Sullivan, Leon Howard;” “Williams, Hosea Lorenzo.” In The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, ed. Kenneth T. Jackson. Vol. 6, 500-502, 569-571. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2004.

“Cold War (1945-1950), The Start of the Atomic Age.” In Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security, ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. Vol. 1, 230-233. New York: Gale, 2004.

“Malcolm X (Malik El-Shabazz).” In The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives: The 1960s, ed. William L. O’Neill. Vol. 2, 37-40. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003.

Book Reviews

Charles E. Cobb Jr., This Nonviolent Stuff'll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible. New York: Basic Books, 2014. American Historical Review 120, no. 2(April 2015): 672-673.

The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975. Dir. by Göran Hugo Olsson. Prod. by Annika Rogell, Joslyn Barnes, and Danny Glover. Louverture Films, 2011. Journal of American History 99, no. 1 (June 2012): 380-382.

Paul Alkebulan, Survival Pending Revolution: The History of the Black Panther Party. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2007. Journal of African American History 94, no. 1 (2009): 125-127.

Mark Newman, The Civil Rights Movement. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004. Journal of Southern History 74, no. 1 (2008): 229.

in the News

in the News



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„Wie verändern neue Forschungsergebnisse den Blick auf die Black-Power-Bewegung?“ im Deutschlandfunk (06.07.2023)


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Interview zum Thema “Mug shot von Donald Trump – Warum das Foto ikonographisch werden könnte”
im Deutschlandfunk (25.08.2023)


„George Floyd: Warum Rassismus kein Randphänomen Bleibt“ Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (25.05.2021).,-george-floyd-warum-rassismus-kein-randphaenomen-bleibt-_arid,677815.html

„Was Joe Biden in drei Monaten erreicht hat“
F.A.Z. „Podcast für Deutschland“ (21.04.2021). 

„Der Fall George Floyd“ hr2  „der Tag“(31.03.2021). (mp3),podcast-episode-84626.html 

„Viele Rechte in USA erwarten Bürgerkrieg“ (10.01.2021).

„Sturm auf das US-Kapitol“ Goethe-Uni Online (08.01.2021).

„Die Beschmutzung republikanischer Ideale“
Deutschlandfunk „Kultur Heute“ (7.1.2021).



"Die Rolle der Medien in der Präsidentschaftswahl 2020"
  SWR2 "Aktuelle Kultur" (6.11.2020). Nicht mehr verfügbar

"Die Rolle von Afroamerikanern bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 2020" SWR2 (4.11.2020). Nicht mehr verfügbar

„Die dunkle Seite der amerikanischen Geschichte: US-Präsidenten und Rassismus“ Deutschlandfunk (29.10.2020).

„Meet ‚The Deacons‘: Armed Black Christians Who Protected MLK During the Civil Rights Era“, Zenger News (27.10. 2020).

„Es sieht nicht gut aus für Trump“ (07.10.2020).

"Die deutsch-amerikanischen Beziehungen" Deutschlandfunk „Kultur heute“(12.08.2020).

„Kamala Harris wird Vize-Kandidatin“ Bayern2 "radioWelt"(12.08.2020). Nicht mehr verfügbar

"Rassismus und Protestbewegung in den USA" UniReport, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (16.07.2020).

„Black Lives Matter“ für den Blog der Nemetschek Stiftung (25.06.2020).

„Rassismus und Protestbewegung in den USA“ Goethe-Uni Online (18.06.2020).

„Was wäre, wenn Martin Luther King mehr Zeit gehabt hätte?“ Salzburger Nachrichten (13.06.2020).

"Rassismus tief verankert in Gesellschaft" (03.06.2020).

„Land der Freiheit und der Träume: Was ist aus den USA geworden?“ Bayern2  „Tagesgespräche“ (03.06.2020).

„USA-Experte über Trumps Rolle bei den Protesten“ (03.06.2020).

„Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt – Eskaliert die Situation in den USA?“ NDR2 (02.06.2020).,sendung1052858.html 
Nur noch Programmhinweis, kein Audio mehr verfügbar

„Proteste gegen Polizeigewalt: Droht den USA ein Bürgerkrieg?“ (02.06.2020).

"Trumps Antifa-Vorstoß "lächerlich" (02.06.2020)

„Unruhen in Minneapolis“ 
Radio Bayern2 (29.05.2020). Nicht mehr verfügbar

„Alles Anders? Was wir aus der Corona-Krise lernen können“ hr-Info Podcast (20.05.2020). Nicht mehr verfügbar

„Warum Trump keine Maske tragen kann“ (08.05.2020).

21.08.2017: Simon Wendt im Kulturzeit-Gespräch: Der Kampf um die Erinnerung - inwiefern spaltet dieser heute Amerika? (Verfügbar bis 03.04.2024)

18.08.2017: Simon Wendt zum Thema "Gewalt in Charlottesville Warum Südstaatengeneral Robert E. Lee die USA bis heute spaltet"