Carolin Wosch

PhD student in mathematics education under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tobias Rolfes

Research Projects

Mathematical attainment in university-track upper secondary school (Gymnasiale Oberstufe) and in transition to university

The focus of my research lies on mathematical performance in the university-track upper secondary school (Gymnasiale Oberstufe) and mathematical attainment of student teachers after the transition to university. 

Educational Performance over Time: 
"Was everything better in the past?!"

Research question:
What is the trend development on mathematics performance of upper secondary school graduates?

For this purpose, the educational performance of Germany's university-track upper secondary school graduates is investigated by equating the First International Mathematics Study (FIMS) of 1964 and the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) of 1996. The approach pursued by Rolfes et al. (2023) is extended by including data of the Second International Mathematics Study (SIMS) administered in the 1980s.

Basic Algebraic Competencies

The need for attaining a basic level of mathematic competencies has been strongly articulated especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, insufficient skills and a decrease in performance of students in Germany are also reflected in educational achievement tests like PISA. Therefore, algebra, as an important subfield of secondary mathematics, and subsequent competencies are examined.

Research questions:

  • What can be defined as basic algebraic competencies and how can these competencies be operated?
  • To what extent are these basic competencies mastered by students entering upper secondary school and by pre-service teachers at the beginning of their studies?

To evaluate the students' performance, a diagnostic test is developed and validated.



Didaktik der Algebra für L2/L5

Didaktik der Stochastik L2/L5

Didaktik der Algebra für L2/L5

Didaktik der Algebra für L2/L5

Didaktik der Stochastik L2/L5

Didaktik der Algebra für L2/L5


Wosch, C., Rolfes, T. & Heinze, A. (2024). Trendentwicklung der Mathematikleistungen der Abiturient*innen von 1964 und 1996 [Trends in the mathematics performance of upper secondary school graduates from 1964 to 1996]. In Universität Duisburg-Essen (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2024. WTM.


2024-2025Participation in Program "Peers4Practice",
DIPF Frankfurt
2023-nowPhD student at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Education,
Goethe University Frankfurt
2020-2023Substitute teacher at the (upper) secondary school,
Georg-Büchner-Gymnasium Bad Vilbel
2019-2023Student assistant at the Academy for Educational Research and Teacher Training
(Akademie für Bildungsforschung und Lehrkräftebildung, ABL),
Goethe University Frankfurt
2018-2023Teacher degree for secondary education (Gymnasiallehramt L3) in Mathematics and English,
Goethe University Frankfurt
degree: First State Examination in Teaching Mathematics and English 
(Erstes Staatsexamen für das Lehramt am Gymnasium in Mathematik und Englisch)
2010-2018(Upper) secondary school Lessing Gymnasium Lampertheim,
degree: Abitur