Dr. Alev Coban

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Arbeitsgruppe Boeckler

Institut für Humangeographie
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften/Geographie
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6, PEG-Gebäude, Raum 2.G005
60623 Frankfurt am Main

Fon: +49 (0)69 798 35153

E-Mail: coban@geo.uni-frankfurt.de

Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail

Alev Coban is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Human Geography at Goethe University Frankfurt. In her PhD “Postcolonial Bodies, Machines, and Affects – The Promises and Performances of Technology Development in Kenya”, Alev examined the working conditions in makerspaces and other places of hardware innovation in Kenya. She highlights what affective and socio-material practices are demanded from places, bodies, and machines that are marked as technologically ‘catching-up’ and therefore as peripheral to global technology development. Alev argues that making technologies in Kenya entails collaborative and loving work between co-workers, machines, and material, but also strenuous efforts of positioning within workplace hierarchies, technocapitalism, and colonial legacies.

  • Feminist and Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies
  • Affect and Care Theories
  • Digital and Agile Work(places)
  • Industry 4.0
  • Emancipatory Technologies
  • Ethnography
 2021 Coban, Alev and Klara-Aylin Wenten (2021) Who Cares for Agile Work? In/Visibilized Work Practices and Their Emancipatory Potential. In: Nanoethics 15: 57-70. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11569-021-00385-9
 2019 Calculative making: The fear of failure in Kenya’s Makerspaces. In: Backchannels - Blog of Society for Social Studies of Science. https://www.4sonline.org/calculative-making-the-fear-of-failure-in-kenyas-makerspaces/
2018      Making Hardware in Nairobi: Between Revolutionary Practices and Restricting Imaginations. In: Journal of Peer Production 12. http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-12-makerspaces-and-institutions/peer-reviewed-papers/making-hardware-in-nairobi/
  Same, same but different: Storytelling of innovative places and practices in Nairobi. In: Engelschalt, J., Maibaum, A., Engels, F., & Odenwald, J. (eds.) Schafft Wissen: Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik: Proceedings der 2. Tagung des Nachwuchsnetzwerks „INSIST“; 07.-08. Oktober 2016, München. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-58220-7
2016 iHub Nairobi – Ort des Lernens, Experimentierens und Entwickelns. In: Mars, Elisabeth M. (ed.): African Ways of Life. Münster: Arbeitsstelle WELTBILDER e.V.


  • Emotions at Work: The Affective Drivers of Technoscientific Workplaces and Futures
    (Session-Organizer at EASST conference: Politics of technoscientific futures, Madrid)


  • Postcolonial Bodies, Machines, and Affects – The Promises and Performances of Technology Development in Kenya
    (Geographisches Kolloquium, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)


  • Willkommen in der schönen neuen Arbeitswelt: Emanzipatorische Technologien am Arbeitsplatz?
    (with Klara-Aylin Wenten at Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Bonn)
  • Who Cares for Co-Creation? On Invisibilized Work and Forms of Empowerment at Workplaces of Technology Development
    (with Klara-Aylin Wenten at 4S/EASST conference: Locating and Timing Matters, Online)
  • “Money dictates tech" – International investment in Kenyan start-ups
    (Workshop 'Organizational Forms and Landscapes of Cooperation, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung and ZNWU, Online)
  • "Made in Africa, for Africa" - How to perform poverty by innovating technology in Nairobi
    (RGS-IBG conference: Decolonising geographical knowledges, London)
  • Tech Hustle: Institutionalized hustling at working places of technological innovation
    (Workshop 'Harnessing the Hustle', British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi)
  • How to Narrate Innovations: Multiple Stories of iHub in Nairobi
    („Schafft Wissen“ - Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik (INSIST), Munich)
  • Multiple stories: Making makerspaces in Nairobi
    (4S/EASST conference: Science and Technology by other means, Barcelona)
  • (Un)Fassbar?! - Unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf Materialitäten
    (Junger Kongress für Geographie (JKG), Berlin)
Alev holds a B.A. in African Development Studies of Geography (2011, Bayreuth) and a M.A. in Geographies of Globalization: Markets and Metropolises (2014, Frankfurt am Main). Furthermore, she completed an advanced training in Design Thinking at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Potsdam. For her PhD, Alev was funded by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Since June 2018, she works as a research assistant at the Department of Human Geography in Frankfurt.</

Wintersemester 2022/23
Seminar ‚Doing Technologies. Practices, Places and Feelings of Technocapitalism' (mit Marc Boeckler, Master Humangeographie)

Sommersemester 2022
Projektseminar ‚Postkoloniale Rassismen: Theorie und eigene Verstrickungen' (mit Mirjam Tutzer, Orientierungsstudium und Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 2021
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (Bachelor Geographie)

Wintersemester 2020/21
Seminar/Vortragsreihe zur geographischen Berufspraxis

Sommersemester 2020
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 20191
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 2017
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (mit Malve Jacobsen, Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 2016
Seminar 'Geographien des Globalen Südens' (mit Malve Jacobsen, Bachelor Geographie)

  • Feminist and Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies
  • Affect and Care Theories
  • Digital and Agile Work(places)
  • Industry 4.0
  • Emancipatory Technologies
  • Ethnography
 2021 Coban, Alev and Klara-Aylin Wenten (2021) Who Cares for Agile Work? In/Visibilized Work Practices and Their Emancipatory Potential. In: Nanoethics 15: 57-70. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11569-021-00385-9
 2019 Calculative making: The fear of failure in Kenya’s Makerspaces. In: Backchannels - Blog of Society for Social Studies of Science. https://www.4sonline.org/calculative-making-the-fear-of-failure-in-kenyas-makerspaces/
2018      Making Hardware in Nairobi: Between Revolutionary Practices and Restricting Imaginations. In: Journal of Peer Production 12. http://peerproduction.net/issues/issue-12-makerspaces-and-institutions/peer-reviewed-papers/making-hardware-in-nairobi/
  Same, same but different: Storytelling of innovative places and practices in Nairobi. In: Engelschalt, J., Maibaum, A., Engels, F., & Odenwald, J. (eds.) Schafft Wissen: Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik: Proceedings der 2. Tagung des Nachwuchsnetzwerks „INSIST“; 07.-08. Oktober 2016, München. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-58220-7
2016 iHub Nairobi – Ort des Lernens, Experimentierens und Entwickelns. In: Mars, Elisabeth M. (ed.): African Ways of Life. Münster: Arbeitsstelle WELTBILDER e.V.


  • Emotions at Work: The Affective Drivers of Technoscientific Workplaces and Futures
    (Session-Organizer at EASST conference: Politics of technoscientific futures, Madrid)


  • Postcolonial Bodies, Machines, and Affects – The Promises and Performances of Technology Development in Kenya
    (Geographisches Kolloquium, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)


  • Willkommen in der schönen neuen Arbeitswelt: Emanzipatorische Technologien am Arbeitsplatz?
    (with Klara-Aylin Wenten at Tagung Neue Kulturgeographie, Bonn)
  • Who Cares for Co-Creation? On Invisibilized Work and Forms of Empowerment at Workplaces of Technology Development
    (with Klara-Aylin Wenten at 4S/EASST conference: Locating and Timing Matters, Online)
  • “Money dictates tech" – International investment in Kenyan start-ups
    (Workshop 'Organizational Forms and Landscapes of Cooperation, Hans-Böckler-Stiftung and ZNWU, Online)
  • "Made in Africa, for Africa" - How to perform poverty by innovating technology in Nairobi
    (RGS-IBG conference: Decolonising geographical knowledges, London)
  • Tech Hustle: Institutionalized hustling at working places of technological innovation
    (Workshop 'Harnessing the Hustle', British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi)
  • How to Narrate Innovations: Multiple Stories of iHub in Nairobi
    („Schafft Wissen“ - Gemeinsames und geteiltes Wissen in Wissenschaft und Technik (INSIST), Munich)
  • Multiple stories: Making makerspaces in Nairobi
    (4S/EASST conference: Science and Technology by other means, Barcelona)
  • (Un)Fassbar?! - Unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf Materialitäten
    (Junger Kongress für Geographie (JKG), Berlin)
Alev holds a B.A. in African Development Studies of Geography (2011, Bayreuth) and a M.A. in Geographies of Globalization: Markets and Metropolises (2014, Frankfurt am Main). Furthermore, she completed an advanced training in Design Thinking at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute in Potsdam. For her PhD, Alev was funded by the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Since June 2018, she works as a research assistant at the Department of Human Geography in Frankfurt.</

Wintersemester 2022/23
Seminar ‚Doing Technologies. Practices, Places and Feelings of Technocapitalism' (mit Marc Boeckler, Master Humangeographie)

Sommersemester 2022
Projektseminar ‚Postkoloniale Rassismen: Theorie und eigene Verstrickungen' (mit Mirjam Tutzer, Orientierungsstudium und Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 2021
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (Bachelor Geographie)

Wintersemester 2020/21
Seminar/Vortragsreihe zur geographischen Berufspraxis

Sommersemester 2020
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 20191
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 2017
Seminar '(Post-)Koloniale Geographien' (mit Malve Jacobsen, Bachelor Geographie)

Sommersemester 2016
Seminar 'Geographien des Globalen Südens' (mit Malve Jacobsen, Bachelor Geographie)