Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS)



About the MEAS Programme

The Faculties of Economics and Business Administration, Law, Linguistics, Cultures and Arts, and Social Sciences of Goethe University have collaboratively set up the interdisciplinary M.A. programme in Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS). The two-year M.A. programme accommodates both students with a B.A. degree in East Asia related cultural sciences and students with a B.A. degree in social sciences such as economics, law, political sciences, sociology, anthropology or history.

In the first two semesters, students attend beginners’ or advanced language courses in Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Indonesian. Moreover, students participate in a core programme and elective courses to strengthen their social-scientific profile. Finally, they learn to apply their methodological, theoretical knowledge and language skills to social, legal, and economic problems encountered in contemporary East Asia countries. In the third semester, students choose one of three distinct tracks. In the Research Track, students concentrate on empirical research in order to facilitate subsequent PhD studies. If students seize the opportunity and organize their language study abroad, they walk the Language Track: the aim is to refine one’s language skills in the respective East Asian country. Self-organized internships are an integral part of the Professional Track, in which students reflect and extend the academic know-how in an East Asia related professional environment.

During two years of intensive studies in the MEAS programme, students become experts on modern East Asia and develop methodological and theoretical and soft skills. With its structure of three tracks, its interdisciplinary focus by specialized seminars, the MEAS M.A. title qualifies for an academic career as well as a professional career in international enterprises and organizations.

The MEAS programme is fully accredited by the Accreditation Committee of Goethe University. It certifies that the degree programme’s structures and processes are in line with relevant German and European academic quality standards.