​Molecular Metals and Magnetic Nanostructures

Molekulare Metalle und magnetische Nanostrukturen

Prof. Dr. Jens Müller

Prof. Dr. Jens Müller

Bachelor- und Master-Projekte

Was erwartet Sie als Ba-/Ma-Student/in in unserer Arbeitsgruppe? Bitte klicken Sie hier.

In unserer Arbeitsgruppe werden regelmäßig Projekte für Bachelor- und Master-Arbeiten aus der aktuellen Forschung in experimenteller Festkörperphysik angeboten. Für weitere Informationen hierzu kontaktieren Sie bitte den Arbeitsgruppenleiter, Prof. J. Müller, per Email, oder schauen Sie einfach vorbei (Erdgeschoss, Raum _ _.326, gleicher Gang wie Prüfungsamt und Dekanat).

In order to learn about the currently available Bachelor and Master projects and the investigated physical problems, please contact Prof. J. Müller by Email or stop by the office  _ _.326 (ground floor).

Unser Profil / Our Profile

Unsere Arbeitsgruppe beschäftigt sich mit den dynamischen Eigenschaften der Ladungsträger in niedrigdimensionalen molekularen Metallen und anderen korrelierten Elektronensystemen. Mittels zeitaufgelöster Transportmessungen erhalten wir spektroskopische Informationen über die elektronischen Prozesse in der Nähe von Metall-Isolator-Übergängen sowie in ungewöhnlichen elektronischen, magnetischen und supraleitenden Phasen.
Ein zweiter Schwerpunkt bildet die Untersuchung magnetischer Mikro- und Nanostrukturen. Die Verwendung von mikro- und nanostrukturierten Hall-Sensoren basierend auf Halbleiter-Heterostrukturen erlaubt die Messung des Streufeldes von einigen wenigen bzw. einzelnen magnetischen Teilchen. Wir interessieren uns z.B. für die Dynamik der Bewegung von Domänenwänden sowie für die grundlegenden Mechanismen der Magnetisierungsumkehr.

Weitere Details zu unseren Forschungsthemen finden sich in unserem Forschungsprofil.

Our research group is concerned with the dynamical properties of charge carriers in low-dimensional molecular metals and other correlated-electron systems. By means of time-resolved transport measurements we obtain spectroscopic information on the electronic processes in the vicinity of metal-insulator transitions as well as unusual electronic, magnetic and superconducting phases.
A second emphasis is on the investigation of magnetic micro- and nanostructures. Using micro- and nanofabricated Hall sensors based on semiconductor heterostructures allows for detecting the stray field of only few or even single magnetic particles. We are interested, e.g., in the dynamics of domain wall motion as well as the fundamental mechanisms of magnetization reversal.

More details about our research areas can be found in our research profile.



Professor Kenichiro Hashimoto visited the group. We had a fantastic good-bye "Bembelkegeln" together. (March 2024)

The group atteds the DPG Spring Meeting in Berlin. A picture of a tapas restaurant visit can be found here. (March 2024)

Jens Müller and Bereket Ghebretinsae attended the Lüscher-Wassermann-Seminar in Klosters, Switzerland, where Bereket gave a talk. (Feburary 2024)
Bereket Ghebretinsae finished his Masters thesis and joins our group as a new PhD student (Feburary 2024). Congratulations and welcome back!


Dr. Charu Garg is leaving the group to take up a job in the industry. We enjoyed the time with you and wish you the very best for the future! (November 2023)

Dr. Martin Lonsky is leaving the group to assume a job as a physicist. We enjoyed to work with you and wish you all the best! (October 2023)

Tristan Stadler joins our group as a new Ma student (October 2023). Welcome!

Professor Kenichiro Hashimoto was our guest for another 4 weeks. It was a pleasure to work with you and we are looking forward to see you again! (October 2023)

Demian Ranftl joins our group as a new PhD student (September 2023). Welcome!

We enjoyed a fantastic Japanese dinner with our guest, Professor Kenichiro Hashimoto from the University of Tokyo, who has visited our group for 6 weeks. Thank you for being our guest and see you soon! (July 2023)

Good-bye dinner for Tatjana who is leaving us to take on a job in physics research for a company. All the best to you, Tatjana, it was a great pleasure working with you.
We attend the DPG Spring Meeting in Dresden. Marvin Kopp and Charu Garg gave talks, Tim Thyzel and Bereket Ghebretinsae presented a poster. A picture can be found here. (March 2023)

Julian Beu joins our group as a new Ma student (March 2023). Welcome!

Jens Müller visits the Philipp-Reis-Schule in Friedrichsdorf for the second time and gives a talk about magnetism. (March 2023)

Martin Lonsky attends the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas and gives a talk about computational methods in physics education. (March 2023)

Jens Müller and Bereket Ghebretinsae visit the Grimmelshausen-Gymnasium in Gelnhausen to talk about superconductivity and show experimental demonstrations. (February 2023)

The research project Electronic Noise in Digital and Analog Transition Metal Oxide-Based Memristors funded by the DFG starts in June 2023, jointly with Prof. Lambert Alff, TU Darmstadt.

Dr. Tatjana Thomas defends her PhD thesis (January 2023), see a picture here. Congratulations!


Jens Müller and Tatjana Thomas visit the Sankt-Lioba-Schule in Bad Nauheim and give a talk about superconductivity with experimental demonstrations. The newspaper article and the report of the school website can be found here and here. (November 2022)

We attend the ISCOM in Le Pouliguen (France). Jens Müller gave an invited talk, Tim Thyzel presented a poster. (September 2022)

We attend the annual SFB Elasto-Q-Mat Retreat in Weinheim (Bergstraße). (September 2022)

We participate in the Goethe Run at Sportcampus Ginnheim as team "Random Walk". A picture can be found here. (August 2022)

We attend the "New Spin on Molecular Quantum Materials" workshop hosted by SPICE in Ingelheim.

Tatjana Thomas and Jens Müller gave invited talks and Tim Thyzel presented a poster. Many fruitful discussions ensued. (May 2022)

Marvin Kopp attended the "1/f Noise from Condensed Matter Physics to Quantum Technologies" school in Erice, Italy, where he won a price for the best poster presentation. (April 2022)

Bereket Ghebretinsae joins our group as a new Ma student (April 2022). Welcome!

Dr. Martin Lonsky (Alumni of the group) joins our group as a research scientist (April 2022). Welcome!

Sonderforschungsbereich TRR 288


Prof. Dr. Jens Müller

Physikalisches Institut
Physik, Campus Riedberg
Raum _ _.326
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
T  +49 69 798 47274
F  +49 69 798 47277
Jens Müller



Birgit Scherff

Physikalisches Institut
Physik, Campus Riedberg
Raum _ 0.321
Max-von-Laue-Straße 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
T  +49 69 798 47242
F  +49 69 798 47250
Birgit Scherff