
Martin Döhler (Dipl.-Geogr.)

Institut für Physische Geographie

Altenhöferallee 1

60438 Frankfurt am Main

Raum  3.219


Tel.: +49 (0) 69 798 40226

Fax: +49 (0) 69 798 40169



>> Publications

>> Courses


Research projects

Holocene Sediment budget and sediment flux in the Gersprenz catchment (Odenwald)


Research interests

  • Geomorphology and its processes

  • Soil erosion and soil science

  • Geoecology and processes in ecosystems

  • Evolution of landscapes, historical geography

  • Flux of sediments

  • Soil formation and subsurface geology in southern Poland (Małopolska - Świętokrzyskie)

  • Spreading of xerothermic vegetation in southern Poland



PhD thesis

“Holozäne Sedimentbilanz eines Einzugsgebietes im kristallinen Mittelgebirge (Odenwald)”

„ Holocene sediment budget and sediment flux in the Gersprenz catchment (Odenwald)”



Diploma thesis

“Die Bedeutung des oberflächennahen Untergrundes für die Entwicklung eines Kalkmagerrasens (Inuletum ensifoliae) in Südpolen”

The importance of soil conditions for the development of Xerothermic Grassland (Inuletum ensifoliae) on limestone in southern Poland“ (abstract)