Publikationen 2012

  1. Skarke C, Kuczka K, Tausch L, Werz O, Rossmanith T, Barrett JR, Harder S, Holtmeier W, Schwarz JA. Increased bioavailability of 11keto-ß-boswellic acid following single oral dose frankincense extract administration after a standardized meal in healthy male volunteers: Modeling and simulation considerations for evaluating drug exposuresJ Clin Pharmacol 2012 (in press)
  2. Kallenborn-Gerhardt W, Lu R, Lorenz J, Gao W, Weiland J, Del Turco D, Deller T, Laube B, Betz H, Geisslinger G, Schmidtko AProlonged zymosan-induced inflammatory pain hypersensitivity in mice lacking glycine receptor alpha2Behav Brain Res 2012 Jan 1;226(1):106-11
  3. Grösch S, Schiffmann S, Geisslinger GChain length-specific properties of ceramidesProg Lipid Res 2012 Jan;51(1):50-62
  4. Wisniewska JM, Rodl CB, Kahnt AS, Buscato EL, Ulrich S, Tanrikulu Y, Achenbach J, Rörsch F, Grösch S, Schneider G, Cinatl J Jr, Proschak E, Steinhilber D and Hofmann B. Molecular characterization of EP6-A novel imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine based direct 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor. Biochem Pharmacol 2012 Jan 15;83(2):228-40
  5. Deckmann K, Rörsch F, Geisslinger G, Grösch SDimethylcelecoxib induces an inhibitory complex consisting of HDAC1/NF-kappaB(p65)RelA leading to transcriptional downregulation of mPGES-1 and EGR1Cell Signal 2012 Feb;24(2):460-7
  6. Schiffmann S, Hartmann D, Fuchs S, Birod K, Ferreiros N, Schreiber Y, Zivkovic A, Geisslinger G, Grösch S, and Stark H. Inhibitors of specific ceramide synthases. Biochimie 2012 Feb;94(2):558-65
  7. Lötsch J, Walter C, Felden L, Preibisch C, Nöth U, Martin T, Anti S, Deichmann R, and Oertel BGExtended cortical activations during evaluating successive pain stimuliSoc Cogn Affect Neurosci 2012 Aug;7(6):698-707
  8. Lötsch J, Geisslinger G and Hummel T. Sniffing out pharmacology: Interactions of drugs with human olfactionTrends Pharmacol Sci 2012 Apr;33(4):193-9
  9. Vermehren J, Lötsch J, Susser S, Wicker S, Berger A, Zeuzem S, Sarrazin C, and Doehring AA common HLA-DPA1 variant is associated with hepatitis B virus infection but fails to distinguish active from inactive Caucasian carriersPLoS One 2012;7(3):e32605
  10. Hartmann D, Lucks J, Fuchs S, Schiffmann S, Schreiber Y, Ferreiros N, Merkens J, Marschalek R, Geisslinger G and Grösch S.  Long chain ceramides and very long chain ceramides have opposite effects on human breast and colon cancer cell growth. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2012 Jan 2. [Epub ahead of print]
  11. Deckmann K, Rörsch F, Geisslinger G and Grösch SIdentification of DNA-protein complexes using an improved, combined Western Blotting- Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (WEMSA) with a fluorescence imaging systemMol BioSyst 2012 (accepted)
  12. Harder SRenal profiles of anticoagulantsJ Clin Pharmacol 2012 Jul;52(7):964-75
  13. Tappe-Theodor A, Constantin CE, Tegeder I, Lechner SG, Langeslag M, Lepcynzsky P, Wirotanseng RI, Kurejova M, Agarwal N, Nagy G, Todd A, Wettschureck N, Offermanns S, Kress M, Lewin GR, Kuner R. Gα(q/11) signaling tonically modulates nociceptor function and contributes to activity-dependent sensitizationPain 2012 Jan;153(1):184-96. Epub 2011 Nov 8.
  14. Oertel BG, Preibisch C, Martin T, Walter C, Gamer M, Deichmann R, and Lötsch JSeparating brain processing of pain from that of stimulus intensityHum Brain Mapp 2012 Apr;33(4):883-94
  15. Schlecker C, Ultsch A, Geisslinger G, and Lötsch JThe pharmacogenetic background of hepatitis C treatmentMutation Research Reviews 2012 Mar 3. [Epub ahead of print]
  16. Kanngiesser M, Häussler A, Myrczek T, Küsener N, Lim HY, Geisslinger G, Niederberger E, and Tegeder IInhibitor kappa B kinase beta dependent cytokine upregulation in nociceptive neurons contributes to nociceptive hypersensitivity after sciatic nerve injuryJ Pain 2012 May;13(5):485-97
  17. Luo C, Gangadharan V, Kumar Bali K, Agarwal N, Kurejova N, Tappe-Theodor A, Tegeder I, Feil S, Lewin G, Polgar E, Todd AJ, Schlossmann J, Hofmann F, Xie RG, Hu SJ, Feil R, Kuner T, Kuner R. Presynaptically localized cyclic GMP-dependent Protein Kinase 1 is a key determinant of spinal synaptic potentiation and pain hypersensitivityPLoS Biol 2012 Mar;10(3):e1001283
  18. Lötsch J, Walter C, Felden L, Nöth U, Deichmann R, and Oertel BGThe human operculo-insular cortex is pain-preferentially but not pain-exclusively activated by trigeminal and olfactory stimuliPLoS One 2012;7(4):e34798
  19. Müller M, Lötsch J, Giessmann T, Franke1 G, Walter R, Zschiesche M and Siegmund W. Relative bioavailability, pharmacodynamic effects in comparison with atropine and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic correlations of methantheline in healthy subjectsEur J Clin Pharmacol 2012 Apr 21
  20. Nollmann FI,  Dowling A, Kaiser M, Deckmann K, Grösch S, ffrench-Constant R and Bode HB. Synthesis of szentiamide, a depsipeptide from entomopathogenic Xenorhabdus szentirmaii with activity against Plasmodium falciparumBeilstein J Org Chem 2012, 8, 528–533
  21. Schiffmann S, Ferreiros N,  Birod K, Eberle M, Schreiber Y, Pfeilschifter W, Ziemann U, Pierre S, Scholich K, Grösch S and  Geisslinger GCeramide synthase 6 plays a critical role in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitisJournal of Immunology  2012 Jun 1;188(11):5723-33
  22. Kallenborn-Gerhardt W, Schröder K, Del Turco D, Lu R, Kynast K, Kosowski J, Niederberger E, Shah AM, Brandes  RP, Geisslinger G, Schmidtko A. NADPH oxidase-4 maintains neuropathic pain after peripheral nerve injury. J Neurosci 2012 (in press)
  23. Sisignano M, Park CK, Angioni C, Zhang DD, von Hehn C, Cobos EJ, Ghasemlou N, Xu ZZ, Kumaran V, Lu R, Grant A, Fischer MJ, Schmidtko A, Reeh P, Ji RR, Woolf CJ, Geisslinger G, Scholich K, Brenneis C5,6-EET Is Released upon Neuronal Activity and Induces Mechanical Pain Hypersensitivity via TRPA1 on Central Afferent TerminalsJ Neurosci 2012 May 2;32(18):6364-6372
  24. Oertel BGVermehren J, Zimmermann M, Huynh TTDoehring AFerreiros N, Senzel S, Schmitz-Rixen T, Erbe M, Geisslinger GHarder S, Angst MS, and Lötsch JNecessity and risks of arterial blood sampling in volunteer studiesClin Pharmacokinet 2012 Oct;51(10):629-38
  25. Pickert G, Myrczek T, Rückert S, Weigert A, Häussler A, Ferreirós N, Brüne B, Lötsch J, Tegeder IInhibition of GTP cyclohydrolase reduces cancer pain in mice and enhances analgesic effects of morphineJ Mol Med (Berl). 2012 Jun 17. [Epub ahead of print]
  26. Coste O, Möser CV, Sisignano M, Kynast KL, Minden A, Geisslinger G, Niederberger EThe p21-activated kinase PAK 5 is involved in formalin-induced nociception through regulation of MAP-Kinase signaling and formalin-specific receptorsBehav Brain Res 2012 Jun 22. [Epub ahead of print]
  27. Oertel BG, Doehring A, Roskam B, Kettner M, Hackmann N, Ferreirós N, Schmidt PH, and Lötsch JGenetic-epigenetic interaction modulates µ-opioid receptor regulationHum Mol Genet 2012 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print]
  28. Schmidt-Kassow M, Schädle S, Otterbein S, Thiel C, Doehring A, Lötsch J, and Kaiser J. Kinetics of serum BDNF following low- versus high-intensity exercise in men and women. Neuroreport 2012 Oct 24;23(15):889-93
  29. Siebenhofer A, Ulrich LR, Mergenthal K, Roehl I, Rauck S, Berghold A, Harder S, Gerlach FM, Petersen JJ. Primary care management for optimized antithrombotic treatment [PICANT]: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Implement Sci. 2012 Aug 28;7(1):79. [Epub ahead of print]
  30. Tomasch M, Schwed SJ, Kuczka K, Meyer-dos-Santos S, Harder S, Nüsing RM, Paulke A, and Stark H. Fluorescent Human EP3 Receptor Antagonists. ACS Med Chem Lett August 8, 2012. DOI: 10.1021/ml300191g
  31. Oertel BG and Lötsch JClinical pharmacology of analgesics assessed with human experimental pain models: Bridging basic and clinical researchBr J Pharmacol 2012 Oct 19. doi: 10.1111/bph.12023. [Epub ahead of print]
  32. Lötsch J, Kraetsch HG, Wendler J, and Hummel T. Self-ratings of higher olfactory acuity contrast with reduced olfactory test results of fibromyalgia patientsInt J Psychophysiol 2012 Sep 15. pii: S0167-8760(12)00588-0. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.09.003. [Epub ahead of print]
  33. Lempp T, Toennes SW, Wunder C, Russe OQ, Möser CV, Kynast KL, Freitag CM, Niederberger EAltered gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of young rats induced by the ADHD drug atomoxetineProg Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print]